Ardcheanochdan, Loch Achray, Trossachs, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
The former settlement of Ardcheanochdan was torn down to build the 19th century hotel, Tigh Mor, otherwise known as the Trossachs Hotel.
Ryk Brown
Today’s trip – very last minute – was to lay claim to Ardcheanochdan (Ardcheanacrochan, or several other spellings). The photo of the fence line points directly at the site now inconveniently housing a 19th century hotel that is protected for being an example of Victorian architecture. So my plan to knock it down will have to wait until nightfall.
I also took the opportunity to walk up Ben A’an.

Not for those with knee, mobility or heart issues as it is steep. However it is short and I would recommend it 100 percent for the outstanding views at the top. You will see I watched the steamer Walter Scott on Loch Katrine as well as having a view to Loch Achray. The weather was pretty poor today but as I reached the top of Ben A’an the clouds broke.