Drumlich, Braes of Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Today is about Drumlich. Drumlich is in the upper reaches of the Braes of Balquhidder. It’s an entirely ruined township of a handful of dwellings that were certainly there in the late 17th century and perhaps remained occupied throughout the 19th century. I saw five obvious dwellings today – look for what appear like piles of stones in the photos but outlines of dwellings are still distinct. Drumlich has a history. It is apparently where a MacLaren was murdered by the sons of Rob Roy Macgregor in 1736. However it was also a place where Stewarts lived. It is a place often mentioned in the same breath as Blaircrioch/Blaircreich and Invernenty. Have taken screenshots of some of the relevant Drumlich births from the old website. https://sites.rootsweb.com/~rykbrown/balq_births.htm