Callander Kirk Session Records

All Mentions of Persons Surnamed Stewart in the Kirk Session Minutes, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
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Kirk (Church) Session Records

Kirk sessions are local church courts, held by the Church of Scotland since 1560. Their records comprise one of the most important sources for Scottish history from the sixteenth century until the late nineteenth century.

A kirk session is the lowest court in the Church of Scotland, comprising the minister and elders of an individual parish or congregation. In the course of kirk session business, these courts produced records documenting their meetings, decisions and transactions.

As well as acting as a church court, kirk sessions had important responsibilities for poor relief and education in Scotland from the late sixteenth century until the late nineteenth century. — ScotlandsPeople

Callander Parish Kirk (Church)

Callander is a village and a parish in southwestern Perthshire, Scotland, located on the banks of the River Teith. It is bounded to the north by Balquhidder parish, to the northeast by Comrie parish, to the southeast by Kilmadock parish, to the south by Port of Monteith and Aberfoyle parishes, and to the west by Buchanan parish in Stirlingshire. The original parish church was named after St. Kessog. It’s founding predates written records which commence in 1700. Baptism and marriage records commenced in 1710 and the Session minutes (below) begin in 1810.

All Persons Named Stewart in the Callander Kirk Session Minutes 1820-1821

The following records were transcribed and generously contributed by volunteer Ann Windsor from Victoria, Australia.


All monetary amounts are shown in Pounds-Shillings-Pence, all single number entries are in shillings unless otherwise noted.  

All spellings are as found in the session minutes and may differ from spellings found elsewhere.

Image 00001       page 1                                                                  


April       2                              To Colvin Stewart and Janet Sinclair’s fine for  )

                                                Antenuptial fornication                                           )   – 12” –

May       14                           To do [the Mortcloth] for Alex Stewart                   – “ 3 “ –                                                 

                24                           To James Stewart and Isabella Purvis dues            –  6   6                                                   

                28                           To Ewen McKinlay ~ Margt Stewart do                    — 6  6                                                                                    

[July]     “ [30]                     To James Stewart and Mary Stewarts dues           “ 6 “ 6    Laggan written above entry in different hand, possibly James Stewart lived in Laggan                                   

Image 3 page 2-3

[Augt]   [13]                        To the Mortcloth for Walter Stewart                       – “ 7 “ 6                                                

Image 5 page 4-5


[Mar]    [25]                        To James Stewart & Annie M~Laren’s dues               4


[May]    “ [13]                     To the Mortcloth for Mrs Stewart Mains                “ 8 ~ “                                                   

182~ [1820]        Date has jumped back to 1820                                   

[Mar 26]                               Janet Stewart                                                                    1   shillings

                                                Widow Stewart                                                                 2                                                                            

[Apr 2]                                  Widow Stewart                                                                 2                                                             

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   2                                                             

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1                                                             

Image 7 page 6-7


Apr 16                                   By Widow Stewart                                                           2                                                             

                                                “ Margt Stewart                                                                1                                                             

                                                “ Janet Stewart                                                                 1                                                             

[Apr 23]                                “ Margt Stewart                                                                1                                                             

Apr 23                                   “ Widow Stewart                                                              “ 2                                                          

                                                “ Janet Stewart                                                                 1             


1820 Image 7 page 6-7 continued                                            

[May 7]                 [by]        “ Janet Stewart                                                                 “ 1                                                          

                                                “ Margt Stewart                                                                “ 1                                                          

Image 9 page 8-9

[May 14]

“                                              “ Margt Stewart                                                                1                                                             

[1820 May]

                21                           Margt Stewart                                                                   1                                                             

                                                Widow Stewart                                                                 1                                                             

[June 4]

                “                              Widow Stewart                                                                 – “ 2 “ –                                

                “                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1                                                             

[June 11]

                11                           Widow Stewart                                                                 2                                                             

Image 11 page 10-11

[June 18]                              Margt Stewart                                                                  – 1 –

[June 25]                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                                Margt Stewart Soldiers Setts                                       1

[June 25] “                           Coffin for Widow Stewart                                             – 8

[July 2]                                  Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 13 page 12-13

July 10                                   This being the Sacramental Monday the Session distributed

                                                L 9 ” 9. To 63 poor giving each 3/

                                                Lots district No Stewarts

                                                                Kilmahog District

                                                Janet Stewart

                                                                Brackland District

                                                Margt Stewart

                                                                Trean District                                                                                                                                    

[July 10]                                Margt Stewart

                                                Margory Stewart

                                                                Lendrick District No Stewarts

1820 Image 13 page 12-13 continued

                                                                Callander District

                                                Henny Stewart

Image 15 page 14-15

[July 30]                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1  shillings

[Augt 13]                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1



Image 17 page 16-17

[Augt 20]                              Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[Sept 3]                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[Sept 10]                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

Image 19 page 18-19

[Sept 17]                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Sept 24]                              Margaret Stewart                                                            1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Octr 1]                                 Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 21 page 20-21

[Octr 15]                              [By] “ Margt Stewart                                                       1

                                                “ Janet Stewart                                                                 1

[Octr 22]                              “ Janet Stewart                                                                 1

                                                “ Margt Stewart                                                                1

[Octr 29]                              Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 23 page 22-23

[Nov 5] “                              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[Nov 12]                               Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Nov 19]                               Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

1820 Image 25 page 24-25

[Nov 26]                               Janet Stewart                                                                    1 shillings

                                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[Dec] 13                this day being appointed for the general

                                Annual distribution of the Poors money the

                                Session met & gave the 66 following

                                Poor 6 / each ~irg in

                                                Callander District

                                Henny Stewart

                                                Trean District

                                Marjory Stewart

                                Margt Stewart

                                                Kilmahog District

                                Janet Stewart                                    11 /

Image 27 page 26-27     

Lots District No Stewarts

                                                Brackland District

                                Margt Stewart

                                                Lendrict District

                                Janet Stewart                                    4 /                          12 –

[Decr 31]              Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 29 page 28-29


[Jan 7]                   Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[14]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[21]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[2~]                        Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 31 page 30-31     

[Feb 4]                  Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[18]                        Janet Stewart                                                                    1

1821 Image 31 page 30-31 continued

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[25]                        Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 33 page 32-33     

[Mar 4]                 Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Mar] 6                 This day the session met by appointment to

                                Distribute Lady Perths’ donation of L 5 with

                                what gave the following Poor 2 / each

                                                Callander District

                                Henny Stewart

                                                Trean District

                                Marjory Stewart

                                Margt Stewart

                                Lots District No Stewarts

                                                Brackland District

                                Margt Stewart                   Total 5 in Brackland District

Image 35 page 34-35

[March 11]          Janet Stewart                                                                    1 shillings

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[18]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[25]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[April 1]                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

Image 37 page 36-37

[April 22]              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[29]                        Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[May 13]              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 39 page 38-39

[April 1]                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                 Margt Stewart                                                                  1

[May 20]              Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[June 3]                Janet Stewart                                                                    1


Image 41 page 40-41

[June 3]                Janet Stewart                                                                    1 shillings

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[10]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[17]                        Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

Image 43 page 42-43

[June 24]              Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[July 1]                  Janet Stewart                                                                    1

                                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

July 9                     Being the Sacramental Monday the Session        

                                Distributed among the following poor what gave

                                3 / to each No of Poor

                                                Kilmahog District

                                Janet Stewart her name crossed out

                                                Trean District

                                Marjory Stewart

                                Margt Stewart

Image 45 page 44-45      Lots District No Stewarts


                                Henny Stewart

                                Janet Stewart

                                                Lendrick District

                                Janet Stewart   

                                                Brackland District

                                Margt Stewart

Image 47 page 46-47

[July 15]                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

[29]                        Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Augt 12]              Margt Stewart                                                                   1

1821 Image 49 page 48-49

[Augt 19]              Margt Stewart                                                                   1 shillings

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

[Sept 2]                Margt Stewart                                                                   1

                                Janet Stewart                                                                    1

Image 50 page 49A-50

[Augt 12]              To Duncan McGregor and Helen Stew=                  )

                                art’s proclamation dues                                                ) – “ 6 “ 6

Image 52 page 51-52 – 1820

Call 2d April 1820              The Session being met and duly constd

                                                Compeared Colvin Stewart & Janet Sinclair in Callander who

                                                were rebuked for the sin of Antenuptial fornication and having

                                                paid their fine were absolved from the scandal

Image 54 page 53-54

Callander 26th Nov 1820  Sedt Sederunt Minr & Elders the

                                                Session being met after divine Service & duly constd

                                                Compeared before them John Stewart in Easter Bracklan~

                                                soliciting permission to go the Parish of Kilmadock to be

                                                purged from the scandal of fornication with Mary Graham

                                                in Nethertown of Argatie.  The session comply with his

                                                request on consideration that he is an occasional resi-

                                                denter in [illegible] Parish of Kilmadock provided                                                              

                                                the Kirk Session of said Parish agree to admit him for

                                                discipline.  Session closed with prayers

Image 55 page 55

4th March 1821                  This day Janet Buchanan in

                                                Kilmahog was publicly rebuked for the first time

                                                for the sin of fornication committed several years                            

                                                ago with Archd McLean also

                                                Robt McLachlan in Callander for antenuptial for

                                                nication with Margt Cameron his wife & for

                                                fornication with Margt Stewart & others – Both

                                                the above persons were in~er~ed to continue their


                                End of Callander kirk session, Minutes and account (1820-1821) CH2/1245/12

Index to Kirk Session Minutes 1841-1877



Note: Moderator & Elders not noted in index, unless named Stewart

Note: w- represents ‘with’

Note: otp represents ‘of this parish’



BROWN                Janet, Blairgarie, w-William Hogg                                                                              25 Aug 1844

BUCHANAN        Hugh, see Christian Stewart                                                                                         18 Jul 1841, 8 Aug 1841

BUCHANAN        Mr., Trean                                                                                                                           28 Jan 1862

BUCHANAN        Walter, Merchant, see Robert McLaren                                                                  18 Oct 1841

BUCHANAN        Mr. W.                                                                                                                                  28 Jan 1862

CAMPBELL          Charles William, w- Christina Stewart                                                                      5 Feb 1860

CORBETT              John, w- Christian McMillan                                                                                         6 Oct 1844

FERGUSON         Alexander, a married man, w- Ellen McGregor                                                    28 Oct 1849

FERGUSON         Ann, w- John McLuchlan                                                                                                29 Mar 1874

FERGUSON         Mary, w- Peter Stewart                                                                                                 16 Jun 1844

GRAY                     James, husband/w- of Janet stewart                                                                       11 Oct 1857

GREY                     Sir George, Bart                                                                                                                27 Jan 1851

HAMILTON         John Buchanan, Esqr of Leny                                                                                       28 Jan 1862

HOGG                   William, carter, residing in St.John’s Parish, Glasgow                                        25 Aug 1844

LAIDLAW             Elisabeth in Callander; w- John Stewart, Flesher, Callander                            26 Nov 1843, 30 Mar 1844,

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      7 Apr 1844, 16 Mar 1845                ditto                     

LAIDLAW             Elisabeth, w- Robert McLaren                                                                                     17 Oct 1841, 18 Oct 1841

                Ditto                                                                                                                                                      14 Apr 1844

LAIDLAW             John, father of Elisabeth Laidlaw, see Elisabeth Laidlaw                                   18 Oct 1841

LAING                   Thomas, gamekeeper of Milton, w- Margaret Stewart                                     18 Jul 1855

MAHOM/MAHIM Elisabeth, see Robert McLaren                                                                               18 Oct 1841

MONDAY             Hansel or Handsel, see Robert McLaren                                                                 17 Oct 1841, 18 Oct 1841

MACBETH            Walter, w- Marjory Stewart                                                                                         22 Jun 1851

MALCOLM          Margaret, from Kilmahog, w- Peter Macintosh                                                    26 Jun 1853

MCCAUL              James, w- Catherine Stewart                                                                                       6 Jul 1845

MCDIARMID      Archibald, disorderly conduct                                                                                     30 Jan 1847

MCDIARMID      Mrs, wife of Revd. Dr. McDiarmid, deceased                                                        17 May 1877

MACDONALD    Ann, w- James Stewart                                                                                                  19 May 1872

MACDONALD    unk female, w- John Stewart                                                                                       27 Jul 1862         

MCDONALD       Henny, mother of Elisabeth Laidlaw; wife of John Laidlaw                               18 Oct 1841

MACFARLAN      Margaret, w- Francis Stuart                                                                                         5 Jun 1842

MCFARLANE      George, Portnellan w- Agnes Stewart                                                                      13 Apr 1862

MCFARLANE      Walter, Glasgow carrier, see Robert McLaren                                                      18 Oct 1841

MCGREGOR       Donald, Officer of Church, Callander                                                                        17 Dec 1843, 30 Mar 1844,

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      7 Apr 1844

MCGREGOR       Ellen w- Alexander Ferguson                                                                                       28 Oct 1849, 25 Nov 1849

MCGREGOR       James, w- Christian McNab                                                                                          26 Oct 1845

MACINTOSH      Peter, w- Margaret Malcolm                                                                                        26 Jun 1853

MCINTYRE           Ann, wife/w- Alexander McLaren                                                                              5 Feb 1860

MCINTYRE           John Peter, M.D., husband/w- Ann Stewart or McIntyre                                 29 Mar 1874, 13 Mar 1875

MCINTYRE           Margaret, otp,w- John Stewart                                                                                  25 Aug 1844

MCINTYRE           Mr.                                                                                                                                         28 Jan 1862

MACKERRACHER              Catherine, w- George Stewart                                                                    17 May 1857

MCLAREN            Alexander, husband/w- Ann McIntyre                                                                    5 Feb 1860

MCLAREN            Donald, master of Robert McLaren                                                                           17 Oct 1841

MCLAREN            Duncan, Greenock, see Elisabeth McLaren                                                            6 Feb 1842

MCLAREN            Elisabeth, dau. of Duncan McLaren; w- John McNab, w- Neil Stewart        6 Feb 1842

MCLAREN            Elizabeth, Robertson or McLaren, w- John Stewart, mason, Callander       22 Feb 1863

MCLAREN            Janet, wife/w- Arthur Stewart                                                                                    26 Oct 1862

MCLAREN            Mr., Ardchullary                                                                                                                28 Jan 1862

MCLAREN            P., widow, mother of Christina Stewart                                                                  May 1877

MCLAREN            Robert, shepherd, Thomas Green w- Elisabeth Laidlaw                                    17 Oct 1841, 18 Oct 1841

MCLUCHLAN      John, now abroad, w- Ann Ferguson                                                                        29 Mar 1874

MCMILLAN         Christian, w- John Corbett                                                                                            6 Oct 1844

MACNAB             Christian, native of Glenorchay, 1844 a servant of Letter, Loch Katrine,    26 Oct 1845

w- James McGregor, servant at Glengyle

MCNAB                Christina, deceased, w- James Stewart                                                                   20 Apr 1862

MCNAB                John, Garchonzie; w- Elisabeth McLaren                                                                 6 Feb 1842

MCNAB                Mary, dau.of James McNab, mason, w- Alexander Stewart, baker              24 Dec 1854

MCNAB                Dr. Peter, see Robert McLaren                                                                                   18 Oct 1841

MCNAUGHTON Elisabeth, McNaughton or Stewart, wife/w- John Stewart                              14 Jun 1874

MACPHAIL          Catherine, w- George Stewart                                                                                    10 Aug 1851

MACPHERSON  John, husband of/w- Janet Stewart                                                                          21 Oct 1860

MCVEAN             Sarah, in Kilmahog; w- David Stewart, Stank                                                         17 Jul 1842

MENZIES              John w- Janet Stewart                                                                                                    5 Sep 1847

ROBERTSON       Elizabeth, Robertson or McLaren, w- John Stewart, mason, Callander       22 Feb 1863

ROBERTSON       Margaret, wife/w- James Stewart                                                                             28 Nov 1869

RUSSELL               Margaret, wife/w- John Stewart                                                                                30 Mar 1862

STEWART             Agnes, residing in Callander; w- George Mcfarlane                                            13 Apr 1862

STEWART             Alexander, Teacher/Schoolmaster, Bridge of Turk, Elder                                  2 Jun 1844, 16 Jun 1844,                 ditto                                                                                                                                                      6 Oct 1844, 3 Nov 1844

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      15 Jun 1845, 6 Jul 1845

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      26 Oct 1845, 30 Jan 1847

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      14 Feb 1847, 20 Jun 1847

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      15 Nov 1847, 4 Jun 1848

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      24 Nov 1850, 28 Jan 1862

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      26 Apr 1867

STEWART             Alexander, baker, of Callander, now Alloa, w- Mary McNab                           24 Dec 1854

STEWART             Alexander, Cambusbeg                                                                                                 May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of Alexander, Cambusbeg                                                                       May 1877

STEWART             Ann Stewart or McIntyre, wife/w- John Peter McIntyre M.D.                        29 Mar 1874

STEWART             Ann, senior, Bridge End, Callander                                                                            May 1877

STEWART             Arthur, husband/w- Janet McLaren                                                                          26 Oct 1862

STEWART             Mrs. Arthur, widow, Callander                                                                                    May 1877

STEWART             Catherine, Glenfinlas, w- James McCaul                                                                 6 Jul 1845

STEWART             Catherine, The Square, Callander                                                                              May 1877

STEWART             Christian, of Callander w- Hugh Buchanan, Woodend, Kilmahog                  18 Jul 1841, 8 Aug 1841

STEWART             Christina, w- Charles William Campbell                                                                   5 Feb 1860

STEWART             Christina, dau.of widow P. Maclaren                                                                        May 1877

STEWART             David, at Stank; w- Sarah McVean                                                                            17 Jul 1842

STEWART             Duncan, shoemaker                                                                                                        28 Jan 1862

STEWART             Duncan, banker, Callander                                                                                           May 1877

STEWART             Mrs., wife of Duncan, banker, Callander  (Mrs. Of Mollan)                              May 1877

STEWART             Elisabeth, McNaughton or Stewart, wife/w- John Stewart                              14 Jun 1874

STEWART             Elizabeth, w- William Wilson                                                                                        28 Oct 1849, 25 Nov 1849

STEWART             Elizabeth, The Square, Callander                                                                                                May 1877

STEWART             Elizabeth, dau.of Robert, Murdoston House (1881census age 42)                                May 1877

STEWART             George, w- Catherine Macphail                                                                                  10 Aug 1851

STEWART             George, w- Catherine MacKerracher                                                                       17 May 1857

STEWART             James, see Jean Stewart                                                                                                8 Aug 1841

STEWART             James, w- Christina McNab, deceased                                                                    20 Apr 1862

STEWART             James, husband/w- Margaret Robertson                                                                               28 Nov 1869

STEWART             James, residing in parish of Killin; w- Ann MacDonald                                       19 May 1872

STEWART             James, Ploughman, Bridge End                                                                                   May 1877

STEWART             Mrs., wife of James, ploughman, Bridge End                                                         May 1877

STEWART             Janet, w- John Menzies                                                                                                 5 Sep 1847

STEWART             Janet, wife/w- of James Gray                                                                                      11 Oct 1857

STEWART             Janet, wife/w- John Macpherson                                                                              21 Oct 1860

STEWART             Jean, dau. of James Stewart, wright, see Robert McLaren                               8 Aug 1841, 18 Oct 1841

STEWART             John, flesher in Callander, w- Elisabeth Laidlaw                                                   26 Nov 1843, 17 Dec 1843,

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      30 Mar 1844, 7 Apr 1844

                ditto                                                                                                                                                      16 Mar 1845

STEWART             John, flesher, Callander, w- unk female MacDonald                                           27 Jul 1862, 7 Sep 1862

STEWART             John F., grocer, Callander                                                                                              May 1877

STEWART             Mrs., wife of John, grocer, Callander                                                                        May 1877

STEWART             John, currently residing at Crieff                                                                                25 Aug 1844

STEWART             John, Glastrie parish Dunblane,                                                                                  26 Jun 1853

STEWART             John, husband/w- Margaret Russell                                                                         30 Mar 1862

STEWART             John, mason, Callander, w- Elizabeth Robertson or McLaren                         22 Feb 1863

STEWART             John, husband/w- Elisabeth MacNaughton or Stewart                                     14 Jun 1874

STEWART             John, farmer, Milton                                                                                                       May 1877

STEWART             John, farmer, The Lots                                                                                                    May 1877

STEWART             John, ploughman, Culintogle                                                                                       May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of John, ploughman, Culintogle                                                             May 1877

STEWART             John, wirefencer, Callander, Back Row                                                                    May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of John, wirefencer, Back row                                                                May 1877

STEWART             John,(brother of Robert, cornmerchant); ploughman, Drumloist                 May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of John, ploughman, Drumloist                                                              May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of John, farmer, Milton                                                                             May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. John, widow, Pollockro house, Callander                                                     May 1877

STEWART             Margaret, Milton, w- Thomas Laing, gamekeeper of Milton                           18 Jul 1855

STEWART             Margaret D., Mrs., widow, Brackland Cottage                                                      May 1877

STEWART             Margaret, The Square, Callander                                                                               May 1877

STEWART             Marjory, w- Walter Macbeth                                                                                       22 Jun 1851

STEWART             Mary, unmarried woman, w- Robert Stewart, married man                           28 Oct 1849, 25 Nov 1849

STEWART             Mrs, Inn in Callander, see James McGregor                                                          26 Oct 1845

STEWART             Mrs., Culintogle                                                                                                                May 1877

STEWART             Mary, Mrs., Corachan Villa                                                                                            May 1877

STEWART             Mary, sister of Robert, cornmerchant (Mary Cameron on 1881 census)    May 1877

STEWART             Neil; w- Elisabeth McLaren                                                                                           6 Feb 1842

STEWART             Peter, w- Mary Ferguson                                                                                              16 Jun 1844

STEWART             Peter, labourer, Backrow, Callander                                                                         May 1877

STEWART             Mrs. Wife of Peter, Backrow, Callander                                                                  May 1877

STEWART             Robert                                                                                                                                  12 Jun 1849

STEWART             Robert, w- Mary Stewart                                                                                              28 Oct 1849

STEWART             Robert, Cornmerchant, Callander                                                                              May 1877

STEWART             Robert, Murdoston House, Callander                                                                       May 1877

STEWART             Robina, Stewart or Corson                                                                                           May 1877

STEWART             William, Brackland                                                                                                           May 1877

STUART                Francis, in Easter Brackland w- Margaret McFarlan                                            5 Jun 1842

STUART                Thomas C., Leighton Place, Callander                                                                       May 1877

STUART                Mrs., wife of Thomas C Stuart, Leighton Place, Callander                                May 1877

STUART                Matilda C., Leighton Place, Callander                                                                       May 1877

STUART                Sophia Duff, Callander                                                                                                   May 1877

WILSON               William, w- Elizabeth Stewart                                                                                     28 Oct 1849