A refutation of the claims made by J. Montgomery Seaver in Stewart Family Records, 1929.

Posts relating to resources to assist you with researching your Stewart ancestors in the Balquhidder area.
A refutation of the claims made by J. Montgomery Seaver in Stewart Family Records, 1929.
The story of the Kintyre (and Balquhidder) colonists who settled in Cape Fear, North Carolina, USA, in 1739.
A history of the Scottish Highlanders in colonial North Carolina, USA.
All Mentions of Persons Surnamed Stewart in the Kirk Session Minutes, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
All Mentions of Persons Surnamed Stewart in the Kirk Session Minutes, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
Index of Records (Parish, Civil, Other) for Stewarts Residing In or Near Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
An accounting of all known Jacobites among the Stewarts of Balquhidder in 1715 and 1749.
1817 Census of the Stewarts of Atholl conducted by Major David Stewart of Garth
The Stewarts of Annat, Ballachallan and Craigtoun, By John Stewart of Ardvorlich (1904-1965), from Stewart Society Magazine, Vol. XI
Research Source List for the Stewarts of Balquhidder Research Group
The Bond of Keltney Burn (1654) was a treasonous document signed by the heads of all three Highland Stewart clans in support of the exiled King Charles II
An Annotated Genealogical Analysis of Letters from the Garth Collection, ca. 1815-1820 Referencing the Stewart Families of Southern Perthshire, Scotland
An Annotated Genealogical Analysis of Letters from the Garth Collection, ca. 1815-1820 Referencing the Stewart Families of Southern Perthshire, Scotland
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