Stewarts of the South – Section III: Gartnafuaran
Including the Stewarts of: Blairgarry and Coilantogle, Wester Ardchullarie, Duart and Grodich, Glen Ogle, Coille Mhor, Portnellan, and Torrie and Brackland.
Attention Reader
This web page is a continuation of the documentary analysis of letters from the Garth Collection ca. 1815-1820, giving a thorough accounting of many of the Stewart families from southern Perthshire of that era.
If you have come here from outside this website then we recommend that you begin with The Stewarts of the South: INTRODUCTION, which includes an explanation of the document and this analysis project.
I Branch – The Stewarts of Gartnafuaran
Known as Clan Sliochd nan Tigh Mhoil
The Stewarts of Gartnafuaran were known as Clan Sliochd nan Tigh Mhoil which means “Children of Voil House”. The meaning of Voil is uncertain, but is believed to mean “pebbly beach”, thus “Children of the house of the pebbly beach”.
I am now about to proceed to the family of Gartnafuara, the third family of the Stewarts of the South who claim being descended of the oldest of the three sons.
- The “three sons” refers to Duncan Stewart’s 1739 century genealogy of the Stewarts in which he mistakenly claimed that Andrew Stewart, 1st of Gartnafuaran, was a son of William Stewart, 2nd of Baldorran, which would have made him a brother to Walter Stewart, 3rd of Baldorran (ancestor to the Stewarts of Ardvorlich), and John Stewart, 1st of Glenbuckie, which would have meant that the three branches of this document descend from three brothers. Whereas contemporary research now shows that Andrew Stewart, 1st of Gartnfuaran, was actually a younger brother of William Stewart, 2nd of Baldorran, not his son. It would seem from both Duncan’s genealogy and the above reference that the Gartnafuaran Stewarts themselves mistakenly believed they were descended from three brothers. This descrepency is explained in full on our Stewarts of Gartnafuaran page.
Although they are the last, I think they ought to be the second, at least. In general, they are something like to the family of Ardvorlich, not altogether valiant as the Glenbuckie family, but more of a Low country nature. The only distinguished character known to me of this family was one “Walter-du-mor” (“Big Black Walter”) who [along] with his two sons was killed at the battle of Kilsyth, [although] some say, however, that they were killed at the battle of “Bodle brig”, which was certainly not the case.
The real representative of that family at present is a young man (Walter) a clerk in London, grandson to the late Walter Stewart who disposed of the lands of Gartnafuara. The present representative’s father was Alexander, who lived in a decent respectable manner from a fortune, or small income, which he had by his wife. He resided at a place called Torrie, near Callendar.
Walter has also another brother in [the] West Indies, named Alexander, who is said to be doing well.
There is also another brother of the real family and is nearest to the above mentioned; [he is] Walter, a tenant in Glenfinglas — one of the eight tenants of the name of Stewart — and pays a rent of one hundred guineas. This person is rather a silly indolent man, and, however, has some abilities, but cannot make any use of them, either for himself or family. [He] is married to a very genteel woman from Aberdeenshire. [He] has three sons [who are] under age.
II Branch – The Stewarts in Blairgarry
Known as Stuiartich a’ Bhaid
Commonly called “Stuiartich a’ Bhaid” (which probably means “Stewarts of the clump/tuft/thicket”) in ancient times. The oldest branch of the family of Gartnafuara was Ground Officer to the Earl of Moray in the district of Doune.
There was one Andrew Stewart, [a] tenant in Cuil-n-togle who left two sons: William and John.
- William is ground officer to the Earl of Moray in the town of Doune. [He] has
- one son in a very respectable, affluent way in the West Indies.
- John is a tenant in ?Enapach near Callander [which is] part of Burrel Drummond’s estate. [He] had four sons; only two are alive:
- one, Robert, the oldest, [is] in good circumstances [and] is a spirit dealer in Glasgow. (The following entry appears later in the original text but has been moved earlier to this place here to improve readability.) This spirit dealing business is a mystical one to me. I much doubt that they are a good deal indebted to Arnswell in Glasgw with vitrol and other combustibles, which are unknown to me. This Rob would, at one time, have been glad of a kilt full of potatoes or porridge, although he now affects all the splendour at his table that would serve a Lord’s son. He is a man of some abilities, if he were moderate in his manner. [He] was sometime a traveller to a house in Glasgow and had all the assurance of a highwayman’s horse, and might pass for Capt Plume or Sergt Kitt in the “Recruiting Officer”. Though I have marked him out, there is many of his sort in Glasgow in that line (of spirit dealers?). He is said to be worth £9,000 or £10,000, and has
- three sons [who are] under age.
- Alexander, who went to the East Indies some years ago and is in a prosperous way there.
- one, Robert, the oldest, [is] in good circumstances [and] is a spirit dealer in Glasgow. (The following entry appears later in the original text but has been moved earlier to this place here to improve readability.) This spirit dealing business is a mystical one to me. I much doubt that they are a good deal indebted to Arnswell in Glasgw with vitrol and other combustibles, which are unknown to me. This Rob would, at one time, have been glad of a kilt full of potatoes or porridge, although he now affects all the splendour at his table that would serve a Lord’s son. He is a man of some abilities, if he were moderate in his manner. [He] was sometime a traveller to a house in Glasgow and had all the assurance of a highwayman’s horse, and might pass for Capt Plume or Sergt Kitt in the “Recruiting Officer”. Though I have marked him out, there is many of his sort in Glasgow in that line (of spirit dealers?). He is said to be worth £9,000 or £10,000, and has
- William is ground officer to the Earl of Moray in the town of Doune. [He] has
James mor Stewart, formerly [a] tenant [in] Grodich [in] Glenfinglas, [who] moved [from there] to Monavrechie [in] Port [of Menteith] parish. [He was] a famous hardy soldier, who left three sons [namely]
- Alexander, [a] cottar to the present Alex Stewart, tacksman of Leanchoille [in] Port [of Menteith] Parish, who has no family
- James, his brother, [is] a founder in Glasgow [and] has
- three sons
- Walter, [who is] a tailor in Glasgow, [and] who has
- two sons under age.
This finishes the account of “Stuartich a’Bhaid”, as they are called.
III Branch – The Stewarts in Wester Ardchullarie
Known as Sliochd Rob Dhuibh Mhoir
Or what is called “Sliochd Rob Dhuibh mhoir” (“Children of Big Black Rob”), who was a son of Gartnafuara, [and a] tenant of Wester Ardchubry [in] Balquhidder parish in [the] Strathyre district of Auchlessy.
- It is suggested that Rob Dubh Mor, patriarch of this branch is most likely Robert, son of Alexander, 5th of Gartnafuaran.
- Robert Dubh Mor STEWART b: ABT 1605 in Gartnafueran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland. In which case we would have a line as follows:
- Missing Generation (probably an Alexander, Duncan or Robert), b. ABT 1640
- Duncan STEWART, b. ABT 1680
- Rob McDonachie STEWART in Ardcheancnocan, b. ABT 1720
- Duncan STEWART of Letter and Brainchoill, b. ABT 1755
- Robert STEWART in London, b. ABT 1790
- Duncan STEWART of Letter and Brainchoill, b. ABT 1755
- Rob McDonachie STEWART in Ardcheancnocan, b. ABT 1720
- Duncan STEWART, b. ABT 1680
- Missing Generation (probably an Alexander, Duncan or Robert), b. ABT 1640
[Big Black Rob’s] descendant was Rob McDonachie (“Robert, son of Duncan”), lately one of the four tenants of Ardcheanacnocan who left four sons, [namely]
1. Duncan, [a] tacksman of Letter & Brainchoill [on] Loch Catherineside [in] Callendar parish who has three sons:
- Robert, a clerk in London
- James, a student of Divinity and
- a young boy [who is] under age
This Duncan Stewart is possessed of some unprincipled abilities; he is tacksman of Brainchoill where there was once a hospitable reception for persons of every description with every mark of kindly hospitality by the late worthy family of Glenbuckie and where there is now neither house nor hall.
(The Stewarsts of the South Appendix has the following reference, brought forward here for reference.)
I mentioned in one of the preceding pages, concerning one Duncan Stewart, [a] tacksman of Brainchoil & Letter of the family of Gartnafuaran, which you will notice in the proper place, that he was a dangerous character which truly happened shortly after. I mentioned likewise in its proper place that Glenfinglas was 800 guineas – 100 guineas to each of the eight tenants there. This low fellow that raised himself from the dung hill by forwardness and villainy, offered 1200 Guineas for the Glen altogether with 100 guineas in the Earl of Moray’s will. Now bad as he is, the coiff, the Earl would not accept of this, and only advanced the rent of £60. By this [the Earl] refused fully 400 guineas. But this present Earl, is acting by the injunctions of his father who directed him not to harass these tenants. For he is not in himself really bad, if Lady Moray and other bad councillors would not influence him. This Duncan Stewart, it cannot be denied, is a clever fellow, were he to make good use of his abilities. It was not out of mere spite and malice [that] he did this to his neighbours, who were tenants [at] the time [that] he was a cottar. His offers, however, rejected here with disdain and so might every one of his kind.
2. David Stewart, his brother [is] a land-surveyor and factor in England. [He] has one son, a character, who is proof against all disappointments and adversities.
3. Robert, his brother, is a steady [and] respectable man and a clerk in the bank of England and has no family
4. James, his brother, [a] tacksman of Ard-chean-cnocan, has one son. This man has an opportunity to gain friends and money, but I am afraid he is too much addicted to his cups.
- (one son)
This finishes the account of “Sliochd Rob Dhuibh-mhoir”. Ard-chean-cnocan, belongs to Burrel Drummond and pay of rent 100 guineas. Brainchoill and Letter pay 200 guineas. Duncan Stewart has also another farm in Glen-elg which pays £500.
IV Branch – Stewarts in Lower Duart and Grodich
Known as Sliochd Sheun Rob is Alastair Oig
- The name of this clan presents a challenge when trying to reconcile it with the narrative that follows. “Sliochd sheun Rob is Alastair oig” as written means “Children of Old Rob and Young Alexander”. The Gaelic word “is” is usually a form of the verb “to be”, but is also used as a short form for “agus”, which means “and”, which would imply that the clan was named after Old Rob and Young Alexander, presumably brothers. And the opening notes below do affirm that this branch descends from two brothers, one of which is Old Rob, but the other is recorded as James, not Alexander. This is hard to reconcile. Furthermore it would represent the only example we can find where a clan was named after two brothers. The absence of “Young Alexander” and the presence of brother James in the narrative below are hard to explain if “is” is understood as “agus” or “and”.
- Another explanation is that “is” may be a transcription error for ” ‘ic”, which is a common abbreviation of “mhic”, which means “son or grandson of” or more generically “descendant of”. Furthermore “Alastair Oig” can be understood two ways: as “Young Alexander”, usually used to differentiate him from another Alexander who was older, usually the father, but perhaps a close uncle. However the other common understanding is as “Alexander The Younger”, which is the customary way of referring to the younger sons of the principal land-holding family, those who are next in succession to inherit the estate should the eldest male fail. Thus it could be that the name of this branch is actually “Children of Old Rob, descendant of Alexander, the Younger”, which would imply that “Alexander. The Younger” would have to be the younger brother of one of the lairds of Gartnafuaran.
- Another possibility, although less convincing, is that “is” is intended to be its more common usage as a form of the verb “to be”, in which case the clan name could be understood to be “Children of Old Rob who is Young Alexander”, that is, “Rob-alias-Alexander”, but the uses of the nicknames “sean” and “oig” (old and young) makes this suggestion unlikely.
- If this branch is descended from Old Rob, descendant of Alexander, the Younger, then the most likely candidate for said Alexander would be the son of Alexander, 5th of Gartnafuaran. This makes even more sense when it appears that the preceding III Branch is probably descended from Alexander’s brother Robert. However our Fellow Researchers remain undecided on a preferred interpretation at this point.
- The line delineations in this branch are not found in the original document but have been added for easier readability.
“Sliochd sheun Rob is Alastair oig”, two brothers. About three generations ago they came from Wester Invernenty in Balquhidder, (or this may also be rendered as “Sliochd sheun Rob ‘ic Alastair oig”. Two brothers — about three generations ago they came from Wester Invernenty…) formerly the property of the family of Gartnafuare, afterwards that of Glenbuckie & Brainchoil, and now the property of the heirs of the late Red Duncan Stewart, Minister of Balquhidder.
1 Line
The descendants of Sean Rob [are]:
- (judging by the chronology of 2 Line, it is suggested that the following are the great-grandchildren of Sean Rob.)
Robert, [a] tenant in Duart [in] Glenfinglas, [who is] one of the eight tenants of the name of Stewart in that place, and [who] pays rent of one hundred guineas. [He] left four sons:
- Thomas emigrated some time ago to North America and had a large family
- Alan in the West Indies [who is] doing well
- John, [who] possesses the farm which his father had. [He is an] active [and] well-doing young man. Unmarried.
- Robert, a cattle-dealer in Glenfinglas. Unmarried
Robert Stewart, formerly [a] tenant of Auchinaird (Auchnahard) [in] Glenfinglas [and] again of Coillechat near Doune, [which is] Auchessy’s property, and formerly belonged to the ancient family of Musket (Muschet). [This Robert is a] cousin to the former Robert. [He] left three sons:
- two in the West Indies
- “
- and the third [is a] schoolmaster at Bannockburn near Stirling
There was another cousin of his, a Duncan Stewart, who resided at Balfron, Stirlingshire as a cotton spinner, and who formerly lived at Baile-choalish [in] Appin [in] Argyleshire. [He] left two sons:
- the one a shoemaker,
- (two sons who now live in Balfron)
- the other a tailor, who have both families –
- two sons each under age who now live in Balfron.
John Stewart, late innkeeper [at] Easter Bridge of Turk [on the] Earl of Moray’s property, [in] Callander parish [at the] foot of Glenfinglas. [He was] formerly a soldier and pensioner, [and] left two sons, [namely]
- James, [an] innkeeper [in] Callendar who has one son
- Alexander, [a] crofter, under McFarlane of Coillechra [in] Callendar parish and on Loch Catherineside who has also
- one son.
- Alexander, [a] crofter, under McFarlane of Coillechra [in] Callendar parish and on Loch Catherineside who has also
- James, [an] innkeeper [in] Callendar who has one son
2 Line
James, [a] brother to “Sean Rob” came to Glenfinglas about three generations back (ca. 1720) and became tacksman of Grodich at Glenfinglas.
- His grandson, Alexander Stewart, [a] tenant in Grodich, left three sons
- Charles, [a] tenant of Garkechnie [on] Erskine of Cardross’s estate [in] Port [of Menteith] Parish, Perth county, pay £40 of rent, who has four sons,
- two grown up to men, the one with himself and
- the other in the way of service
- two remaining under age
- “
- James, [the] second son of Alexander, and brother to Charles. [James was a] tacksman of Crochavie [in] Aberfoil parish [in the] Lordship of Mentieth! Duke of Montrose’s property! pays £130 of rent!!! (the exclamation marks are preserved from the original. It would appear the author felt £130 was exorbinant) who left five sons, [namely]
- Alexander, who died last year, one of my most familiar acquaintances on earth, and a very great favourite, a clever [and] active man and a good scholar
- Charles, the present tacksman of Crochavie, a person who might well pass in the Golden Age! (reference uncertain) If all men were of his disposition there would be no occasion for many of abilities either in the cabinet or in the field – the lamb might eat with the wolf [and so on]. I intend to spend the remainder of my life with him so being that he marries a woman of a similar disposition to himself.
- Duncan, master gardener with Mr Peel Member of Parlaiment [for] South Wales. He also superintends the farming and is a very clever active man. Few may be said to excel him. He is unmarried.
- Robert (the subsequent reference indicates that he lives with his brother Charles)
- John, [who is] of a second marriage. [He and his brother Robert] live with their brother Charles.
I have been acquainted with their father and grandfather for the period of thirty five years.
- Charles, [a] tenant of Garkechnie [on] Erskine of Cardross’s estate [in] Port [of Menteith] Parish, Perth county, pay £40 of rent, who has four sons,
- Duncan, [a] brother to James Stewart, [is a] tenant of Crochavie was tacksman of Lochend [in] Perth County, [in] Port [of Menteith] Parish, [on] Erskine of Cardross’ [estate]. [Duncan is] a respectable farmer [and has]
- three sons [who are] under age. [He pays] £120 rent.
- His grandson, Alexander Stewart, [a] tenant in Grodich, left three sons
- Alexander Stewart that was in Grodich, had a brother who was [a] tenant in Auchinaird [in] Glenfinglas, who left a son called
- Robert, late resident in Gartmore. This Robert left four sons, [namely]
- one a printer in Campsie who has a family of
- three sons under age
- another a printer at Bonhill [in] Dunbartonshire who has a family of
- two sons
- another at the Shaws near Glasgow
- and another who is a soldier serving in Ireland and has
- a large family
- one a printer in Campsie who has a family of
- Robert, late resident in Gartmore. This Robert left four sons, [namely]
This finishes the genealogy of this branch.
V Branch – Stewarts of Glenogle, Cloich-Glas & Hyndfield
Commonly called the Stewarts of Glenogle or Cloich-glas, near Lochearnhead or Hyndfield, all in [the] parish of Balquhidder. Glenogle belongs to Lord Breadalbane, and Cloich-glas also; Hyndfield is the property of Capt Stewart [of] Glenbuckie.
- The Line numberings for the following branches do not appear in the original text but have been added for clarity.
1 Line
- The following David Stewart of Craig Ruidh was the senior male descendant of the Stewarts of Glenogle, Cloich-Glas and Hyndfield. He married Elizabeth Stewart of Benmore, whose brother purchased Glenbuckie from Alexander Stewart, 12th of Glenbuckie. Thus, the following descendants were paternally descended from the Stewarts of Glenogle, although they briefly became lairds of Glenbuckie. The entire matter is very confusing and is laid out in fuller detail on the Glenbuckie page.
(John Stewart of Craig-grui and Easter Monachail in the Parish of Balquhidder)
- David Stewart, late of Glenbuckie, was son of John Stewart of Craig-grui and Easter Monachail in the Parish of Balquhidder. Craig-grui underwent several changes and belongs at present to a Mr Don McDonald, a great tacksman from Glenlyon. And Monachail belongs to the heiress of the late Barron McNab. This David of Craig-grui married the heiress of Glenbuckie, Capt Stewart’s sister, by whom he had two sons:
- John, the late laird of Glenbuckie. John was cruelly dispossessed by his uncle and left two sons:
- John and
- Alexander
[Both] young men [are] presently at Callander. The youngest [of which] I was recommending to yourself [as] they are both talking of going to the W Indies
- Alexander, a spirit dealer in Edinburgh, has
- two sons under age
- John, the late laird of Glenbuckie. John was cruelly dispossessed by his uncle and left two sons:
- David Stewart, late of Glenbuckie, was son of John Stewart of Craig-grui and Easter Monachail in the Parish of Balquhidder. Craig-grui underwent several changes and belongs at present to a Mr Don McDonald, a great tacksman from Glenlyon. And Monachail belongs to the heiress of the late Barron McNab. This David of Craig-grui married the heiress of Glenbuckie, Capt Stewart’s sister, by whom he had two sons:
2 Line
- The following entry indicates that the following James Stewart of Stank was the cousin of John Stewart of Criag Ruidh of 1 Line above. Thus James of Stank and John of Craig Ruidh would have shared a common paternal grandfather, whose name is presently unknown.
James Stewart, [who was a] tacksman of Stank and Leaniuch in Glenbuckie, and [also had] a fourth part of Glenfinglas, was a cousin of the above David’s father (John Stewart of Craig Ruidh). [James] left one son:
- James, (the) Younger of Stank, which place formerly belonged to Buchanan of Auchlessy, afterwards to the late laird of McNab, and since sold to a gentleman in Glasgow. [Stank] is in the Parish of Callendar.
- James [the] younger of Stank had five sons, [namely]
- James, who died in the West Indies
- Bryce, who died in the East Indies
- Walter, a surgeon, a decent clever man died there also
- John, Minister of Blair in Athol
- Robert, in the West Indies in the way of making a fortune
- Alexander, who died at home.
- James [the] younger of Stank had five sons, [namely]
- James, (the) Younger of Stank, which place formerly belonged to Buchanan of Auchlessy, afterwards to the late laird of McNab, and since sold to a gentleman in Glasgow. [Stank] is in the Parish of Callendar.
This old James of Stank was once a traveling merchant, and was the cleverest and most active of his own name or any other in that country and left many good leases with a good deal of money which were very ill managed by Ardvorlich and some other tutors. Mr Stewart of Blair had his part of Glenfinglas since his settlement in Athol.
3 Line
James Stewart, [a] tacksman of Auchnandave in Strathyre [in] Balquhidder Parish, [on] Buchanan of Auchlessy’s property, formerly that of Arnprior. [He] left three sons, [namely]
- Dugal, a labouring man in Stirling
- Walter, [a] schoolmaster; Temple S from Edinburgh
- Caleb, [a] tenant of Inver-a-riach, [in] Strathyre, [on] Buchanan of Auchlessy’s property. [He] has two sons with himself, [namely]
- James
- John
[Caleb] pays £75 of rent.
4 Line
James Stewart, late tenant of Inverlochlarig-mor in Balquhidder, formerly [the] property of McGregor of Glencarnaig, now that of the Earl of Moray, left two sons, [namely]
- Alexander, [a] surgeon at Bo-ness in a respectable way, and who has a large family
- David, a respectable dancing-master in Stirling, who has one son
5 Line
- (The next two entries are not shown as brothers, but onomastics and geography would favour that Duncan and Robert were brothers and both sons of a father named James. It may be speculated that their father James was the son of a Duncan, but this would be less certain.)
- Duncan Stewart late tenant of Auchatoo, [in] Balquidder parish, [on] Sir John McGregor-Murray’s property, left three sons, [namely]
- James, a stocking manufacturer in Glasgow who has
- three sons [under age], a good character
- Patrick, a writer in Glasgow, a middling character
- Duncan, a clark to the Iron Company at Muirkirk,
- all their children under age.
- James, a stocking manufacturer in Glasgow who has
- Robert Stewart, late tenant of Auchatoo, left a son
- James, [a] farmer, [in] Gartfarran, [in] Drymen Parish [in] Stirling county, who has four sons. Thrifty with himself and work as undertaker of roads.
- (four sons)
- James, [a] farmer, [in] Gartfarran, [in] Drymen Parish [in] Stirling county, who has four sons. Thrifty with himself and work as undertaker of roads.
- Duncan Stewart late tenant of Auchatoo, [in] Balquidder parish, [on] Sir John McGregor-Murray’s property, left three sons, [namely]
6 Line
John Stewart, [a] crofter [in] soldiers’ land (presently part of the village of Callendar) near Callendar, [on] Burrel Drummond’s [estate]. [He] has two sons:
- one of them a wright near Callendar
- another [who is] a waiter in Edinburgh
7 Line
James Stewart, late tenant [in] Rusgachan, [in] Strathyre, Buchanan’s (of Auchlessy) property. [He] left three sons:
- one in North America
- another in the West Indies, well doing and
- the third, a spirit dealer in Edinburgh
8 Line
Patrick Stewart, [in] Burn-a-campsy, near Doune Lodge, [in] Doune Parish, has two sons
- the one a tailor and
- the other a shoemaker
9 Line
Donald Stewart, late crofter Aucha-raw near Loch-earn-head [in] Balquhidder Parish, [on] Lord Braidalbane’s property, left five sons: (sic – the author says five sons but lists only four)
- James, [a] schoolmaster [at] Lochearnhead
- John is a crofter near the same place [and] has
- six sons [who are] under age
- Duncan, a crofter near Thornhill, [in] Kincardine Parish, [in] Perth county, has
- three sons
- Peter, a carter in Glasgow, who has
- two sons.
All this family are industrious and careful.
This finishes the Stewarts of Glenogle and Clachglas.
VI Branch – Stewarts of Coille Mor (on Loch Lomond)
Or what is called “the Stewarts of Coille Mhori”, [in] Buchanan parish, [in] Stirlingshire [on] Loch-Lomondside, to whom belonged three farms, now the property of the Duke of Montrose, [namely] Blair eagen and Claischoil, both in the parish of Aberfoil, [in the] Lordship of Menteith, and [the] Duke of Montrose’s property, [along] with Coille mhoir and two other farms which they had free.
- The author did not break this branch down into lines, suggesting that he did not know the relationships among the first tier men shown below. Given the repetition of forenames, it is certain that the first tier men are not brothers. Given the variance in accounting of children and grandchildren, we cannot even assume that the first tier men are all cousins of the same generation; they could be uncles and nephews. We certainly cannot assume they are first cousins or even second cousins. We cannot assume any relationship between them without additional external evidence, other than that they share a common ancestor at some point.
John Stewart, late tacksman of Crochavie [in] Aberfoil parish, had four sons still in life, [namely]
- Alexander, a wealthy cotton manufacturer in Glasgow, [who] has no sons –
- Robert, his brother, [who is] a clerk to the company Bridge of Johnston, [in] Renfrewshire. [He] has
- four sons.
- James, [a] merchant [in] Cronstad, Russia, who has
- four or five sons,
- two of which are boarded at Callendar at their education there.
- John, a cattle dealer, who resides with his father, a cottar in Crochavie, and has a farm in Glenelig for which he pays �150 yearly rent.
Alexander Stewart, late spirit dealer in Glasgow, left two sons
- Henry, a clerk in Glasgow, [who is] the cleverest that we mentioned yet, if he had the balance wheel about him.
- David in the Army
James Stewart, formerly a watchmaker in Glasgow who now lives in a private way upon his money, which he acquired by his wife amounting to between 15 and 20 thousand pounds. He was more fortunate than active.
James Stewart, [a] shoemaker [in the] village of Drymen [in] Stirlingshire, has
- five sons under age. [He is] a clever active man.
Andrew Stewart, late weaver and crofter [in] Craigoughty near the Kirkton of Aberfoil, who left:
- Andrew, a weaver in the same place [who is] unmarried.
James Stuart, [a] miller [in] Cubail-Larach, [in] Drymen parish. [He] has five sons. [He is] the stoutest and most able man in that country.
- One of [his sons], James, [is] an innkeeper in Gartmore.
Charles Stewart, late saddler in Buchlyvi, [was] a respectable man and at one time in good circumstances who left two sons:
- Charles, a clerk in a tan work (a tannery) in Edinburgh
- John, who carries on the business with Mrs Stewart, his mother, and keeps a public house.
Both [Charles and John are] unmarried.
John, an innkeeper in Dunbarton, who has a family of three sons and daughters.
Robert Stewart, late tenant in Ardvorlich, left one son:
- James, a bleacher in a field near Denny Dunipace [in] Stirlingshire, who has f
- our sons [who are] under age.
- James, a bleacher in a field near Denny Dunipace [in] Stirlingshire, who has f
This finishes the Coille more family.
Duncan Stewart in Buchlyvie (brought forward from the Appendix)
I forgot to mention to you that Charles Stewart, [the] saddler in Buchlive, had a brother called Duncan Stewart, [who was a] tenant of Paddock-ha’ in Erskine of Cardross’ estate, [in] Port [of Menteith] Parish, whose wife is a widow in the Parish of Gargonock, and has six or seven sons, some of them come to manhood, and some under age, all doing well, and scattered in service over the country.
VII Branch – Stewarts of Port-an-ealan (Portnellan)
Or what is called “the Port-an-ealan Stewarts”, [named after] a farm near Callendar on Loch Vennacherside, formerly the property of the family of Perth, now that of the Earl of Moray, and [was] held in tack by Stewart of Annat when belonging to the family of Perth.
1. (“John” Stewart, who is not listed in the original text, but whose name is suggested, by onomastics, to be the father of:)
- John Stewart, late tenant there, left four sons:
- John, his successor pays £40 of rent
- James, [a] gardener in North America
- George, a gardener in Northampton in England
- Donald, [a] parochial schoolmaster in Doune and [a] student of Divinity
- Donald, brother to John, also tenant in the above place, left four sons (The author says four sons but only names three.)
- John, his successor
- James and
- George, [who are both] gardeners in England.
All [are] unmarried. Rent £40.
- John Stewart, late tenant there, left four sons:
2. George, their uncle, [is] a shoemaker in Callendar [and] has one son unmarried
This finishes the Stewarts of Port an Ealan – all well-doing and thrifty men.
VIII Branch – The Stewarts in Torrie and Brackland
Known as Clan Stuirtaich Chireu
Commonly called “Stuirtaich Chireu” (“The Dusky Brown Stewarts”) from their ruddy complexion. These, in general, are not of the first rate, however they can take care of themselves.
- There is no indication given in the text as to how the Dusky Brown Stewarts are related to the Gartnafuaran family. It must be presumed that their family tradition simply claims so. The relationship between the following households must be loosely understood to be cousins, but how distant cannot be determined. The only exception is the two brothers indicated.
- The author also does not separate this branch into lines giving us no idea how any of the households below may be either closely or distantly related to each other.
James Stewart, [a] tenant in Bracklin [in] Callendar [on the] Earl of Moray’s property, [which is] the best farm in the farthest east of the parish. [James] has seven sons.
- It is unclear from the original text as to whether the following six men should be understood to be six of the seven sons of the preceding James, or if they are separate and independent branches of this family. The description of the brothers James and Alexander, below, and the repetition of the name James would favour the position that these following entries represent separate households who are not descended from the preceding James, but are contemporary with him.
John, [who] resides with himself.
James, [who is] a minister who got a parish from the Earl of Moray in the North (that of Alloa); the first Stewarts that ever had a presentation from that family.
Archibald, [a] tacksman of ?Drim-losgt (handwriting illegible, presumably Drumloist), [in] Doune parish. Rent £120. Earl of Moray’s property
- The next two entries are numbered. That may indicate that they are sons of the preceiding Archibald, or not. The author’s presentation of this family is inconsistent, so we cannot infer anything from the numbers.
- James, [a] schoolmaster of Aberfoil. [He has
- two sons who are] at their education [and who are] intended for the learned professions and
- [a third son who is] under age.
- Alexander Stewart, his brother, [who is a] tenant in Bracklin. [He] has
- three sons under age.
- James, [a] schoolmaster of Aberfoil. [He has
Both [James and Alexander] are in good circumstances.
Bracklin formerly was rented by twelve tenants. At present it pays £150 and is well worth £350. [The farm] will keep about 60 milk cows. One-half of this farm formerly belonged to the ancient and respectable family of the Dows of Ardnahaw of whom no person in that country knows anything of. This farm is now in the policy of Stirling of Keir.
John Stewart, [a] tenant in the lots of Greenock in the ancient Barony of Callendar, [which] formerly belonged to the family of Perth [and] now [belongs] to a gentleman from Edinburgh of the name of Hunter. [John] has four sons:
- two with himself
- “
- and two in the West Indies. The one of which made a fortune there
- “
This barony of Callendar anciently belonged to the Livingston Earl of Callendar before it fell into the hands of the family of [the Earl of] Perth. The Livingstons were obliged to leave that country for some injustice done to a man that was hanged in that place. They left voluntarily when they heard of the injustice of his treatment.
- James Stewart, their cousin (just whose cousin is unclear), [a] tenant in Wester Torrie [in] Port [of Menteith] parish, [of which] one [of the name of] Buchanan [is the] proprietor [of that property]. [James] has four sons:
- two with himself
- “
- and two in the West Indies
- “
- Donald, his brother, who was [a] tenant in the same farm, left four sons,
- two of them with his mother
- “
- one in the West Indies
- and one a wright in Stirling.
- Robert, another of these brothers, [is] in the West Indies, in affluent circumstances and married with
- a large family.
- James Stewart, their cousin (just whose cousin is unclear), [a] tenant in Wester Torrie [in] Port [of Menteith] parish, [of which] one [of the name of] Buchanan [is the] proprietor [of that property]. [James] has four sons:
Patrick is in Glengartan in Arasaig mor, [which is] a farm for which he pays £300 or £400 a year [to] Clan Ronald. (Patrick’s relationship to the preceiding three brothers is not indicated.) [He] has
- four sons.
This finishes the “Stuirtich Chiren” and the Gartnafuaran family commonly called “Sliochd an tigh mhoil“. Their property in Balquhidder was the farms of Gartnafuaran, Cean na coille, and Stronslan and Dailriach in Glenbuckie. Glen-du in Glenbuckie was their sheiling or grazing place. Gartnafuaran and Stron-slan [along] with Cean a choille and Dial riach were sold to a McLeod from Skye, and [are] now the property of John McGregor-Murray. Sir John McGregor-Murray sold Glen Mor to Capt Stewart of Glenbuckie at the rate of £4000, double the value. It is said that the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran had Wester Invernenty before it became the property of the family of Glenbuckie, and they were once laying claim to the barony of Strathgartan on Loch Catherineside.
[The present laird of] Ardvorlich knows these particulars better than any person in life.