The Stewarts in Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Cadet Branch VI of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich
Commonly Known as the “Flint” Stewarts or Clan Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts
The Flint Stewarts are cadet Branch VI of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich. They occupied the farmstead of Lednascridan on the north shore of Loch Voil at the east end of the loch, just west of the Kirkton of Balquhidder in historic Highland Perthshire, Scotland (present day Stirling Council Area) from the 1500s to the early 1800s. They were called “Flint Stewarts” because of the white stones on their property.
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This Family Has Been Confirmed by Y-DNA
The Stewarts of Lednascridan (specifically 4-Line, below) have been confirmed by Y-DNA to be Haplogroup R-Y60195, which is the haplogroup for all descendant branches of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich and excludes descendant branches of the Stewarts of Glenbuckie and the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran. We do not yet have enough testers to genetically differentiate the Stewarts of Lednascridan from the other branches of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich, but we can confirm that a descendant of 4-Line of this family matches the known genetic profile for the Stewarts of Ardvorlich.
Ancestors of the Stewarts in Lednascridan
The Stewarts in Lednascridan descend as Branch VI from the Stewarts of Ardvorlich who are the senior principal family of the Stewarts of Balquhidder.
Descendant Lines of the Stewarts in Lednascridan
The Stewarts in Lednascridan had six descendant lines accounted for in Stewarts of the South, as follows:
- Stewarts in Lednascridan, Finglen and Findhuglen
- Stewarts in Lednascridan and Tulloch
- Stewarts in Tulloch and Kirktown
- “Hard Robert” Stewart in Stronyre
- Stewarts in Blarcrioch and Glasgow
- Stewarts in Duart
These descendant lines are presented below.
In our research, we cite many documentary sources. Some of the most common ones that you will find referenced and abbreviated in our notes include:
- Duncan Stewart (1739). A Short Historical and Genealogical Account of the Surname Stewart…. (It’s actual title is much longer), by Rev. Duncan Stewart, M.A., 1st of Strathgarry and Innerhadden, son of Donald Stewart, 5th of Invernahyle, published in 1739. Public domain.
- Stewarts of the South. A large collection of letters written circa 1818-1820 by an agent of Maj. Gen. David Stewart of Garth, comprising a near complete inventory of all Stewart families living in southern Perthshire, including all branches of the Stewarts of Balquhidder.
- MacGregor, Gordon, The Red Book of Scotland. 2020 (, used with permission). Gordon MacGregor is one of Scotland’s premier professional family history researchers who has conducted commissioned research on behalf of the Lord Lyon Court. He has produced a nine volume encyclopedic collection of the genealogies of all of Scotland’s landed families with meticulous primary source references. Gordon has worked privately with our research team for over 20 years.
- [Parish Name] OPR. This refers to various Old Parish Registers.
- For a full list of sources, click here.
Lednascridan is a farmstead located on the north shore of Loch Voil, just west of the Kirkton of Balquhidder. It’s name derives from the Gaelic lechdain (“a steep shelving ground”) and sgriodan (“a stony ravine.”)
“Leichtenscridan appears in the records in a variety of spellings, some barely recognisable, but chiefly as Ledscritan or near variations and sometimes as Lichnascridan, Leadenscreeden et cetera. Like most Gaelic placenames, it was descriptive of the natural features of the place and was most likely derived from lechdain (steep shelving ground) and sgriodan (a stony ravine). In later years, when records were kept by men with little or no knowledge of written Gaelic, the first part became Led, signifying a watercourse, and the second has been taken to mean scree, the loose stony detritus on the steep upper slope. The old township and the mill have vanished and most of the ground is now covered by plantations of the Forestry Commission. The lower part is occupied by a few cottages, the village hall and a cemetery.” (“Stewarts in Old Balquhidder,” Stewart Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1973 by Gordon Stewart.)
Sattelite view of Tulloch (red) and Lednascridan (blue).
Sattelite view of Lednascridan highliting the white stones after which the family was named “Flint Stewarts.”
Lednascridan: A Forfeited Jacobite Estate
The Stewarts in Lednascridan were among the many branches of the Stewarts of Balquhidder who supported the Jacobite cause in 1689, 1715 and 1745.
After the Jacobite Rising of 1745, many former Jacobites had their estates forfeited. These properties were administered by the government. Lednascridan was one such property. In 1771, an inventory was conducted of the forfeited estates.
The Lednascridan inventory (see photo) describes the property as joining the west side of the Kirkton of Balquhidder at the northeast corner of Loch Voil. It was possessed in 1771 by four tenants. The soil was “gravely and full of great stones and rocks,” which prevented regular tillage of the ground until such time as the rocks could be cleared. These would be the same stones identified in Stewarts of the South as being the white stones for which this branch of the clan was named the “Flint Stewarts.”
In addition to crop farming of beans and oats, the tenants also had 16 horses, 40 cows, and 100 sheep.
The government agent noted that the arable land was so full of very large stones that it not only obstructed plowing but also prevented the agent from defining the boundaries of the tenants’ individual farms. This situation obliged the agent to comply with the request of the four tenants to let stand the subdivisions which they had determined for themselves.
The agent noted the presence of a poorly built and “ugly” bridge on the property, the pillars of which were causing Loch Voil to become stagant. This was hampering the use of the loch by other tenants living further up the loch. The agent proposed a remedy of replacing the bridge with a better build one and realigning the course of the Kirkton Burn and the Callar Burn to enter the loch at higher locations. The realignment of these creeks would hurt the farm of Lednascridan, but would benefit everyone else.
To view the document in full-size, right-click and open it in a new window or tab.
To read a transcription of the full inventory report, click below:
Lednascridan (from the Forfeited Estates)
Joyning [Joining] the west side of the Kirktown of Balquhidder & Northeast corner of Loch Voil is a four markland lots value £71-2-2. One Ploughgate possessed by four tenants. The soil is gravelly and full of great stones and rocks, which prevents a regular tillage untill the ground is cleared by inclosing. The farm soes [sows] 4 bolls of bean, 20 bolls of oats 2 years in tillage, with 30 bolls being 4 years lay. Stock 16 horses, 40 cows, 100 sheep.
The arable of this farm is very full of large stones which not only obstruct ploughing but prevents a regular division, and obliged me to comply with the request of the four tenants, to let their division alone, until the dykes be built and the ground thereby greatly cleared of the stones, which they agreed to have done within eleven years, and then divide as their ground will best admit and remove their leases (causes?). This I did, because I thought it would be approved of by all of the Honourable Commissioners that might know their situation.
By the falling of the Burn of Kirktown & the water of Callart into Balquhidder water so near the mouth of the loch which with a very ugly and dangerous bridge stagnates the Loch to the hurt of the Duke of Atholl and Earl of Morays vassals in Balquhidder. (See the remedy below.)
Leves |
R: |
Fav. |
Rate & Aire |
£ |
Sh |
P |
Infield or Croft & Meadows |
18 |
— |
— |
at 5 sh: |
4 |
10 |
— |
Outfield, remarkably full of stones |
43 |
— |
— |
at 2 sh: |
4 |
6 |
— |
Pasture |
654 |
— |
— |
at 3 sh: |
9 |
3 |
— |
715 |
— |
— |
Rent |
17 |
9 |
6 |
Old Do* |
9 |
9 |
— |
Additional |
8 |
10 |
6 |
*Do = “ditto” or “Old Rent”
By the above sketch of the mouth of the Loch, with the influxes & all is seen the cause of the stagnation. Remedy is 1st bring the burn of Kirktown from ‘a’ into the Loch at ‘b’. 2. Turn the burn of Callart into a new course from Gartnafuaran so as to run into the water about ‘c’. 3. Remove the many stone pillars, and erect a proper bridge to give safety to travelers and let Loch run freely.
The 1st remedy will hurt the farm of Lednascridan who will no other way loss or gain by ye [the] loch. The 2nd must be by permission of Mr. McLeod of Stroanslane and by ye [thee] 3. By ye [the] contribution of many.
The Origin of the Stewarts in Lednascridan
Also known as the “Flint Stewarts” or
Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts – “the Seed of Bad-Tempered Hamish (James)”
The Stewarts in Lednascridan (also known as the “Flint Stewarts”) are described in Stewarts of the South as follows:
Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts or Clachtein not improperly so called. They were named Flints from the white stones on the Farm of Leadsgriachan, Balquhidder, possessed by them for many generations as tenants — a part of Toun Drummadich, now belonging to Sir John Murray.
Bad-Tempered Hamish
Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts is believed to mean “the Seed (Descendants) of Bad Tempered Hamish/James.” The word Chrosts is not a recognized Gaelic word, but may be a corruption of chrosda, which means “bad-tempered,” and may explain the comment “not improperly so called.” Clachtein is believed to mean “of the stones.”
James Stewart, who gives his name to the patronymic for this branch has not been identified. The founder of this family was Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, born about 1530, son of James Mhor Stewart in Port of Lochearn (see below). The patronymic most likely refers to a son or later descendant of Patrick Stewart.
Brothers: Tulloch and Lednascridan
According to Stewarts of the South, the Flint Stewarts were “brothers” to the Stewarts in Tulloch (Branch V of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich). This would suggest that at some point these two branches descend from two brothers. Information on the Tulloch branch suggests that these two brothers were most likely sons or grandsons of Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, and likely lived in the mid-17th century, although we are not certain.
Tulloch and Lednascridan are described as being part of “Toun Drummadich” owned by Sir John Murray-McGregor. The accompanying photo shows the two farms, Lednascridan and Tulloch, as being adjacent to each other. Together, as a collective family farm, they would have represented a substantial estate.
Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan
Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, b. Abt 1533, Baldorran, Campsie, Stirling, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. as the natural son of James Mhor Stewart, in Port of Lochearn.
The Parentage of Patrick Stewart in Lednascridan
Patrick Stewart is described in The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 1, p. 32, as “a natural son [of James Stewart, 4th of Baldorran], from whom are descended a family who lived at Leichtenscridan in Balquhidder.”
Recent research by Gordon MacGregor (The Red Book of Scotland) casts doubt on the traditional parentage of Patrick Stewart and his siblings. In 2022, MacGregor discovered documentary evidence showing that Walter Stewart, 3rd of Baldorran, had two sons named James, namely:
- a lawful son, James Stewart, 4th of Baldorran and Balquhidder, and
- a natural son, James Mhor Stewart, in Port of Lochearn.
All prior histories conflate these two Jameses into one person. It is James Mhor Stewart, Port of Lochearn, who was father to Alexander Stewart, 1st of Ardvorlich, and his lawful siblings, not James Stewart, 4th of Baldorran, as previously believed. However, the parentage of Patrick Stewart of Lednascriddan remains unclear as no documentation surrounding his birth has been found. He could be the natural son of either James. However, as traditional accounts consistently refer to him as a natural half-brother of Alexander Stewart, 1st of Ardvorlich, then he is shown here as a natural son of James Mhor Stewart in Port of Lochearn. (See our Stewarts of Baldorran page for further information.)
Founder of the Stewarts in Lednascridan and Tulloch
“Patrick Stewart, natural son of James Stewart, last of Baldorran (sic), got a lease from his father of the farm of Leichtenscridan in Balquhidder, and his descendants occupied it for many generations. This farm lay just above the present burial ground. For further information, see the Stewart Magazine, vol. XIV, no. 2, 1975, p. 72, et seq.” (on file) (The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 3, p. 58)
“Another line, hitherto obscure, began with Patrick Stewart, a natural son of James Stewart and therefore half-brother to Alexander and John already mentioned.” (“Stewarts in Old Balquhidder,” Stewart Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1973 by Gordon Stewart.)
“Patrick Stewart obtained his lease about 1530 (sic*) and tradition has it that his descendants were still in Leichtenscridan at the end of the 18th century. Although numerous deeds and charters concerning the lands of Balquhidder have been preserved, nothing has been found in them that specifically mentions the Stewart tenants in the first two hundred years. It is consistent with the practice throughout Scotland that the same family should be in a farm generation after generation and there are many examples to show that the same system prevails to the present day.” (ibid)
* No documentation has been found to substantiate the date of Patrick Stewart’s acquisition of Lednascriddan. A date of 1530 seems chronologically impossible if he was indeed a half-brother of Alexander Stewart, 1st of Ardvorlich (ca. 1538-1622). As it was more often the case that father’s had their illegitimate children prior to marrying, rather than as the result of extramarital affairs, then 1530 is closer to his suggested birth year. Unless he received his charter for Lednascriddan at birth, then his acquisition of Lednascriddan would likely be closer to 1550-1560.
Patrick Stewart was the ancestor of both the Stewarts in Tulloch (Branch V of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich) and the Stewarts in Lednascriddan (Branch VI of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich), however no record has been found of his marriage or the names of his children.
The Flint Stewarts
The Stewarts in Lednascriddan are described in Stewarts of the South as:
“Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts or Clachtein not improperly so called. They were named Flints from the white stones on the Farm of Leadsgriachan, Balquhidder, possessed by them for many generations as tenants — a part of Toun Drummadich, now belonging to Sir John Murray.”
Grumpy James
Sliochd Sheumais Chrosts is believed to mean “the Seed (Descendants) of Bad Tempered Hamish/James.” The word Chrosts is not a recognized Gaelic word, but may be a corruption of chrosda, which means “bad tempered,” and may explain the comment “not improperly so called.” Clachtein is believed to mean “of the stones.”
James Stewart, who gives his name to the descendants of this branch has not been identified. The patronymic likely refers to a son of later descendant of Patrick Stewart in Lednascriddan.
The next record of descendants of Patrick Stewart does not occur until 1644 with the mention of Robert Stewart in Tulloch. It is not known when the Tulloch and Lednascriddan branches separate. They next mention of anyone from the Lednascriddan side does not occur until the commencement of the Balquhidder parish register in the late 1690s. The intervening generations are unknown.
Marriage, Children, and Descendants
No record has been found of any marriage for Patrick Stewart in Lednascridan. His wife is unknown. Patrick Stewart was the ancestor of two brothers who were likely either sons or grandsons of Patrick Stewart, one of whom acquired or inherited Tulloch and the other Lednascridan. We suspect they were most likely his grandsons, but this is not confirmed. Our attempt at a theoretical reconstruction of his family is:
- _____ Stewart, in Tulloch & Lednascridan, b. Abt 1570, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. This person is a theoretical construct. Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, was the ancestor of two brothers, one of whom either inherited or acquired the farmstead of Tulloch and the other of whom inherited the farmstead of Lednascridan. The names of these two brothers and when they lived are unknown. We know there was a Robert Stewart in Tulloch who was born around 1600. We know the Stewarts in Lednascridan had the Gaelic patronymic of Seamus Chrosts (“bad-tempered James”), which indicates they likely descended from an ancestor named James. We don’t know when James lived. In the absense of information, we are currently showing him as the brother of Robert in Tulloch and as being the possible point at which these two families diverge. Thus, we suggest this theoretical son of Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, was possibly the father of:
- Robert Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 1600, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. He is suggested to be the ancestor of the The Stewarts in Tulloch.
- James Chrosts Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 1605, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. He is believed to be the ancestor of the Stewarts in Lednascridan whose descendant lines are shown below. The intervening generations are unknown.
- Robert Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 1600, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, in Tulloch & Lednascridan, b. Abt 1570, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
1 Line – Stewarts in Lednascridan, Finglen, and Findhuglen
The first line of descent from Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, is presented in Stewarts of the South as follows:
1 line
John Stewart, tacksman Fenglam, Ardvorlich, Comrie parish, son to Peter Stewart, late tacksman of Leadsgriadan. He has four sons who are all minors. One of them is a student intended for the Church of Scotland. John is a well doing farmer. Rent £160
2 line… (described below)
Both Flints in reality.
The last line “Both Flints in reality” refers to the fact that while this family lived in Tulloch, they belonged to the family of the Stewarts in Lednascriddan.
John Stewart in Lednascridan & Mary Stewart
The earliest confirmed ancestor of 1-Line is John Stewart who lived in Lednascridan during the early 18th century. We begin with his suggested father, whose name is believed to have been Duncan Stewart:
Duncan? Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 1660, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Duncan’s name is not known for certain. It is suggested here based solely on the onomastics of his son, John, whose eldest (known) son was named Duncan. This theoretical Duncan was a descendant of Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan (shown above) with an estimated 4-5 unknown generations in-between. He is suggested as the father of:
1. John Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 1690, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
John Stewart’s birth is estimated to be about 1690 in Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland. No record has been found of John Stewart’s birth as it likely occurred prior to the commencement of the Balquhidder parish register.
John Stewart’s widow is cited at the records of the 1764 trial of Robert Stewart in Lednascriddan.
Little is known of John. He is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South; only his sons Peter and Robert and their families are mentioned. However sufficient information is presented on Peter and Robert to allow us to identify John in the Balquhidder parish records.
John is listed in the 1755-56 Statistics of the Annexed Estates as having been forfeited in the lands of Lednascridan as a Jacobite. John was forfeited along with his co-possessors, Archibald McLaren and Duncan McLaren along with five cottars. The statistics record 8 families residing in Lednascridan with 3 males and 3 females under 10, 3 males and no females between 10-17, 7 adults males and 12 adult females, for a total of 28 residents, only 17 of which could speak English. The lands of Lednascridan were returned to the family in 1776 in a lease from the Commissioners for the Forfeited Estates which was granted jointly to Peter and Robert Stewart (sons of John) and John McLaren Sr. and John McLaren Jr. who were presumably related to either Archibald or Duncan McLaren who lost the estate in 1756. The Stewart lease on Lednascridan expired in 1816 while in the hands of John’s grandson, John Stewart, of Lednascridan.
Marriage and Children
John married on 17 JUN 1721 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Mary Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 1700, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN . Mary is cited in her son Robert’s paternity trial in 1764 as “Mary Stewart in Tulloch and formerly in Lichscridan.” Onomastics would suggest that her father was named Peter/Patrick. John and Mary had the following children:
1. Duncan Stewart, b. Abt 18 Sep 1722, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Duncan Stewart, b. Abt 18 Sep 1722, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. (The exact place of his birth is not given in the Balquhidder parish register.) Duncan is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and did not inherit Lednascridan and thus is presumed to have died as a child.
2. Elspeth Stewart, b. Abt 17 Oct 1723, Ledcreich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Elspeth Stewart, b. Abt 17 Oct 1723, Ledcreich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
She is suspected of being the Elspeth Stewart who married on 24 Jul 1749 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Hugh Drummond-alias-McGregor.
Their son Duncan was a tenant at Tulloch. Elspeth had a brother Robert, and his sons John and James also lived at Tulloch along with Duncan, which may be just a coincidence. Elspeth is also the only Elisabeth Stewart in the Balquhidder parish register in this date range whose birth is listed as Elspeth rather than Elisabeth.
- John Drummond-alias-McGregor, b. 10 Mar 1752, Drumlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Patrick Drummond-alias-McGregor, b. 22 Jun 1756, Drumlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Sara Drummond-alias-McGregor, b. 24 Apr 1759, Drumlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Duncan Drummond-alias-McGregor, b. 12 Jun 1761, Drumlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Margaret Drummond-alias-McGregor, b. 17 Mar 1766, Drumlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
3. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 2 Nov 1725, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 2 Nov 1725, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Janet’s birth registration gives her place of birth as Ledscritan in Balquhidder. Nothing more is known of Janet.
4. Patrick Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 19 Dec 1728, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815
Patrick Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 19 Dec 1728, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815 .
Patrick’s information is presented below.
5. James Stewart, b. Abt 28 Feb 1731, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
James Stewart, b. Abt 28 Feb 1731, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. James is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
6. Robert Stewart, in Lednascridan and Stronslaney, b. Abt 1735, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Robert Stewart, in Lednascridan and Stronslaney, b. Abt 1735, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Robert Stewart’s information is presented below under 2-Line in Lednascridan and Stronslaney.
7. Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 26 Feb 1738, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 26 Feb 1738, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Margaret Stewart’s birth registration shows her place of birth as Ledscritan in Balquhidder parish. Nothing more is known of Margaret.
Patrick Stewart in Lednascridan & Christian Stewart
Patrick Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 19 Dec 1728, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815. Patrick was the son of John Stewart in Lednascridan and Mary Steuart shown above.
Patrick Stewart’s birth registration shows his place of birth as Ledscriden in Balquhidder parish.
Patrick Stewart is described in Stewarts of the South as being lately in Lednascridan and as being the father of John Stewart in Finglen.
“1 line – John Stewart, tacksman Fenglam, Ardvorlich, Comrie parish, son to Peter Stewart, late tacksman of Leadsgriadan. He has four sons who are all minors. One of them is a student intended for the Church of Scotland. John is a well doing farmer. Rent £160”
Balquhidder parish baptism and marriage records allow us to identify Patrick/Peter Stewart and his wife, Christian Stewart, and their children as shown here. While Stewarts of the South shows Patrick as being the father of John Stewart in Finglen, no birth record has been found for John. The births for Patrick’s children shows a distinct seven-year gap between 1769 – 1776. We suggest that John was born during this gap. Later parish records show John’s marriage and children with an eldest son named Peter which fits the traditional naming pattern.
On 10 Apr 1762, Patrick Stewart married in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian Stewart. Their marriage was also registered in Christian’s home parish of Callander on 21 Apr 1762. Twenty days later, their first child, Mary, was born.
In 1776, Lednascridan was leased from the Commisioners of Forfeited Eastates jointly to John MacLaren Sr., John MacLaren Jr., Patrick Stewart and Robert Stewart. (Settlements of Western Perthshire, p. 152). This would be this Patrick Stewarrt and his younger brother Robert.
Marriage and children
Patrick Stewart married on 10 Apr 1762 and registered secondly on 21 Apr 1762 in Balquhidder and Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian Stewart, b. Abt 1735, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
1, Mary Stewart, b. Abt 30 Apr 1762, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Mary Stewart, b. Abt 30 Apr 1762, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Mary’s place of birth is given as Lochscridanlich in the Balquhidder parish register. Nothing more is known of her.
2. Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 3 Mar 1765, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 3 Mar 1765, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Margaret Stewart’s place of birth is given as Lichscridan in the Balquhidder parish register. She married Between 7 and 10 Aug 1784 in Balquhidder and Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
to Charles Stewart, in Garkechnie, b. 20 Feb 1752, Groiddoch, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Aft 1815, of the family of Stewarts in Lower Duart. They had the following children:
- Janet Stewart, b. 14 May 1787, Groddich, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Bef 1789, Groddich, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Janet Stewart, b. 14 May 1789, Groddich, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Alexander Stewart, b. 11 Sep 1792, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
, d. Bef 1796
- Peter Stewart, b. Abt 20 Jul 1794, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Alexander Stewart, in Collymoon Moss, b. 3 Oct 1796, Duart, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 18 Dec 1872, Cottrie, Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
- Charles Stewart, b. 22 Mar 1802, Easter Dullater, Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 2 Sep 1833, Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
- John Stewart, b. Abt 12 Jan 1805, Easter Dullater, Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
- Janet Stewart, b. 14 May 1787, Groddich, Glenfinglas, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
Their family information is presented in more detail on our Stewarts in Lower Duart page.
3. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 24 Nov 1769, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 24 Nov 1769, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Janet’s place of birth is given as Lichscridan in the Balquhidder parish register. Nothing more is known of Janet.
4. John Stewart, in Finglen, b. Abt 1772, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1841, Finglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
John Stewart, in Finglen, b. Abt 1772, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1841, Finglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
John Stewart’s information is presented below.
5. Alexander Stewart, b. Abt 16 Jun 1776, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Alexander Stewart, b. Abt 16 Jun 1776, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Alexander’s place of birth is partially illegible and is given as “~idstridan” in the Balquhidder parish register.
Alexander is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is not found in other later records. He is presumed to have died young.
John Stewart in Finglen & Katherine Stewart
John Stewart, in Finglen, b. Abt 1772, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1841, Finglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
. John was the son of Patrick Stewart in Lednascridan, shown above.
John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “John Stewart, tacksman Fenglam, Ardvorlich, Comrie parish, son to Peter Stewart, late tacksman of Leadsgriadan. He has four sons who are all minors. One of them is a student intended for the Church of Scotland. John is a well-doing farmer. Rent £160.”
No birth record has been found for John, but as he is shown as being the senior surviving line of the Lednascridan family and also has being the son of the late Peter Stewart in Lednascridan, then his birth is suggested here with confidence. Parish records show John in Lednascridan as late as 1804, but he is described in Stewarts of the South as residing in Finglen ca. 1818.
In 1795, John and Kathrine are shown as being “both of this parish” at the time of their marriage. Their first child is recorded in the Balquhidder parish register as “begotten in antenuptial fornication” (in other words, she was pregnant when they got married), which fits chronologically with the birth data.
According to family records for Line 5 of this family, the hereditary lease on Lednascriddan, which had been in the family for nearly 300 years, expired in 1816 and was not renewed. It appears that John moved to Finglen after the lease expired. Finglen was located on the Ardvorlich estate belonging to John’s clan chief at the time, which suggests that John appealed to his chief for aid in obtaining a new residence.
John is found in the 1832 Perth Voters’ List as still residing in Finglen.
Marriage and Children
John Stewart in Finglen married on 26 Jul 1795 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Katherine Stewart, b. 1766, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Between 1851 and 1861, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
. They had the following children:
1. Peter Stewart, b. 29 Jul 1795, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Peter Stewart, b. 29 Jul 1795, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Peter is recorded in the Balquhidder OPR as: “1796 January 31st, John Stewart and Kathrine Stewart in Lidanscridan had a child begotten in antenuptial fornication being named Peter who was baptized 29th July 1795.”
Peter Stewart’s father, John Stewart is recorded in Stewarts of the South as having four minor aged sons ca. 1815. Parish baptismal records show that John had five sons. The whereabouts of only three are known. Peter Stewart may be the fourth surviving son. If so, then his later whereabouts are unknown. Or he may have died in infancy.
2. Alexander Stewart, b. Abt 10 Apr 1797, Lichscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Alexander Stewart, b. Abt 10 Apr 1797, Lichscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Alexander Stewart’s father, John Stewart is recorded in Stewarts of the South as having four minor aged sons ca. 1815. Parish baptismal records show that John had five sons. The whereabouts of only three are known. Alexander Stewart may be the fourth surviving son. If so, then his later whereabouts are unknown. Or he may have died in infancy.
3. Christian Stewart, b. Abt 4 Sep 1798, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Christian Stewart, b. Abt 4 Sep 1798, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known about Christian. She has not been found in later records.
4. John Stewart, in Findhuglen, b. Abt 7 Aug 1801, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 1855, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
John Stewart, in Findhuglen, b. Abt 7 Aug 1801, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 1855, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
In 1841, at age 30, John Stewart was residing at “Fenglin” (Finglen or Finduglen), Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his mother and future father-in-law, John McLaren. (There is both a Finglen and Finduglen in Comrie parish. It is unclear of John moved from Finglen in 1841 to Finduglen in 1851 or if the 1841 census transcription has is inaccurate. As Finduglen is in upper Glen Artney and John’s son is later found in Mailermore which is also in Glen Artney then it is presumed that “Fenglin” is actually Finduglen.)
In 1842, John Stewart married at Dundurn, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland to Margaret McLaren.
In 1851, at age 45, John Stewart was residing at Findaglen (Finduglen/Findowglen), Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his wife and children. He was employed as a farmer and grazier employing 3 men. His 85-year-old mother, Catherine Stewart, was residing with them.
In 1861, John Stewart’s widow was residing in Glenled Road, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with their children. Her occupation is listed as farmer’s wife.
John Stewart married on 15 Apr 1842 in Dundurn, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland to Margaret McLaren, b. 1816, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 19 Jan 1866, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
. They had the following children:
- John Stewart, in Mailermore, b. 23 Jul 1845, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 14 Sep 1918, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 73 years)John Stewart was born in 1845 in Findhuglen in Upper Glenartney in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland. (Sometimes recorded in Monzievaird parish.)
In 1851, at age 5, John Stewart was residing at Finduglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his parents and siblings.
In 1855, when John was 10 years old, his father died.
In 1861, at age 15, John Stewart was residing at Easter Dundurn, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with the family of his uncle John McLaren (50). He was employed as a servant. Also residing with them was 65-year-old John Stewart, born at sea, listed as a vagrant and former soldier.**
In 1866, when John was 21 years old, his mother died, leaving John and his four siblings orphaned. John took his siblings under his care and raised them to adulthood.
In 1871, at age 25, John Stewart was residing at Braefordie Farm House, Monzievarid & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland, with his siblings. He was employed as a farmer of 900 acres. (Braefordie has not been located but is believed to be in Glen Artney which straddled both Monzievaird and Comrie parishes.)
In 1881, at age 36, John Stewart was residing at Brae of Fordie, Monzievarid & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland, with his wife and newborn daughter, Sarah. He was employed as a farmer of 900 acres of which 20 was arable, employing 1 boy and 1 girl.
In 1891, at age 46, John Stewart was residing at Brae of Fordie, Monzievarid & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland, with his wife and children. He was employed as a farmer.
In 1901, at age 53, John Stewart was residing at Brae of Fordie, Monzievarid & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland, as a widower with his children. He was employed as a farmer.
Stewart, John, retired farmer, Mailermore, Comrie, died 14 September 1918 at Comrie, testate. Confirmation granted at Perth, 30 November, to John Stewart, Sarah McCallum Stewart, Margaret Stewart, and Mary Janet Stewart, all residing at Mailermore, aforesaid. Executors nominated in Will or Deed dated 25 November 1909, and recorded in Court Books of Commissariat of Perth, 22 November 1918. Value of Estate £446, 1s, 6d.
John Stewart in Mailermore married to Mary MacCallum, b. 12 Mar 1845, Monzievaird and Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1900, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 54 years). They had the following children:
- Sarah Maccallum Stewart, b. 1881, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
- Margaret Stewart, b. 1883, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
- John Stewart, b. 1885, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1964 (Age 79 years)
- Mary Janet Stewart, b. 1890, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
- Sarah Maccallum Stewart, b. 1881, Mailermore, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
- James Stewart, b. 28 Jul 1847, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. In 1851 and 1861, James Stewart was residing with his parents. He has not been found in later records.
- Donald Stewart, b. 13 Jul 1849, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWNIn 1851, at age 11 months, Donald Stewart was residing at Findoglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his parents and siblings.
In 1861, at age 10, Donald Stewart was residing at Glenled Road, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his parents and siblings.
In 1871, at age 20, Donald Stewart was residing at Braefordie Farm House, with his siblings. He was employed as a farmer’s brother. His older brother John was head of the house.
In 1881, at age 30, Donald Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farm House, Logiealmond, Fowlis Wester, Perthshire, Scotland, with his siblings, Christian and Peter. He was employed as a farmer.
In 1891, at age 40, Donald Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farm House, Logiealmond, Fowlis Wester, Perthshire, Scotland, with his sister, Christian Stewart. He was employed as a farmer.
In 1901, at age 50, Donald Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farm House, Logiealmond, Little Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland, with his sister, Christian Stewart. He was employed as a farmer.
- Christina Stewart, b. 31 May 1852, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN.Christina Stewart was born in 1852 in Findhuglen in upper Glen Artney, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland. She was orphaned young and was raised by her older brothers. She lived with her older brother Donald Stewart for the entirety of her adult life and never married nor had children.
Christina’s father died when she was only 3 years old. Her mother died when she was 14. Census records suggest that she was raised by her older brother, John.
In 1861, at age 8, Christina Stewart was residing at Glenled Road, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland with her widowed mother and siblings.
In 1871, at age 18, Christina Stewart was residing at Braefordie Farm House in Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, with her brother, John Stewart. She was listed as a “farmer’s sister.”
In 1881, at age 28, Christina Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farmhouse in Fowlis Wester parish, Perthshire, Scotland, with her brothers Donald and Peter Stewart.
In 1891, at age 38, Christina Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farmhouse in Fowlis Wester parish, Perthshire, Scotland, with her brother Donald Stewart.
In 1901, at age 48, Christina Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farmhouse in Little Dunkeld parish, Perthshire, Scotland, with her brother Donald Stewart. (This is the same farmhouse as above. The parish boundaries were redefined.)
Christina’s later whereabouts are not know.
- Peter Stewart, b. 15 Feb 1855, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWNPeter Stewart was born in 1855 in Findhuglen, in Upper Glen Artney in Comrie parish, Perthshire, Scotland. His father died the same year he was born. He was raised by his mother and oldest brother, John.
In 1861, at age 4 (sic), Peter Stewart was residing at Glenled Road in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, with his widowed mother and siblings.
In 1866, at age 11, Peter’s mother died leaving Peter and his siblings orphaned. Peter’s oldest brother, John (who was 21 at the time) took care of the family.
In 1871, at age 16, Peter Stewart was residing at Braefordie Farmhouse in Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland with his siblings under the care of his oldest brother, John. He was employed as a farmer’s brother.
In 1881, at age 26, Peter Stewart was residing at Dalreach Farmhouse in Fowlis Wester, Perthshire, Scotland with his siblings under the care of his brother, Donald. He was employed as a farmer’s brother.
Peter’s whereabouts after 1881 is unconfirmed. Ancestry shows conflicting hints that he married in Fowlis Wester, but these are not verified.
- John Stewart, in Mailermore, b. 23 Jul 1845, Findhuglen, Glen Artney, Monzievaird & Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland
5. Rev. Donald Stewart, in Demerara, b. Abt 15 Nov 1804, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 28 Nov 1831, Demerara, West Bank, British Guyana (Age 27 years)
Rev. Donald Stewart, in Demerara, b. Abt 15 Nov 1804, Lidanscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 28 Nov 1831, Demerara, West Bank, British Guyana
(Age 27 years).
Donald’s father’s entry in Stewarts of the South says, in part: “[John] has four sons who are all minors. One of them is a student intended for the Church of Scotland.”
The following reference from Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Balquhidder cemetery is believed to pertain to the son intended for the Church of Scotland:
“6 Rev. Donald STEWART, minister of the parish of St Marks, Demerary, died 28 NOV 1831, age 27.”
According to this entry, Donald was born ca. 1804. There are two Donald Stewarts born in 1804 (none in 1803 or 1805), and only one of these is described as a student of divinity. Thus it would appear that the Donald Stewart of St. Mark’s parish must be this Donald Stewart. “St. Mark’s parish, Demerary” is actually St. Mark’s parish, Church of Scotland, in Demerara, West Bank, British Guyana.
Donald is described in the Fasti Ecclesia Scoticana as “STEWART, DONALD, arrived 29th April 1831 ; died in seven months.”
6. James Stewart, b. Abt 1806, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Apr 1815, Finglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland (Age 9 years)
James Stewart, b. Abt 1806, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Apr 1815, Finglen, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 9 years)
No birth record has been found for James Stewart. He is listed in the following entry from Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Comrie parish.
“Comrie 1a – In memory of James STEWART [who died] APR 181-, [also] — brother of James STEWART, who died in the Colony of Demerara, – APR –, aged 3[8].” (sic, Rev. Donald Stewart was 28 years old when he died in Demerara.)
The year of James death is transcribed as 181-. The last digit is illegible. 1815 has been arbitrarily chosen to represent midway between 1810-1819. His exact year of death is unknown.
2 Line – Stewarts in Lednascridan and Tulloch
The first line of this family are presented in Stewarts of the South as follows:
2 line
John Stewart, tacksman at Tulloch. He is a cousin to the above John Stewart. His father Robert was a farmer at Leadsgriadan. He has three sons who are minors. Rent £90.
James, his (John’s) brother, is a tacksman of one-half of Tulloch. He has no sons and pays £90
Both Flints in reality.
The last line “Both Flints in reality” refers to the fact that while this family (as well as 1 Line above) lived in Tulloch, they belonged to the family of the Stewarts in Lednascridan.
Robert Stewart in Lednascridan and Stronslany & Catherine Stewart
Robert Stewart, in Lednascridan and Stronslany (2-Line), b. Abt 1735, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
No record of Robert’s birth has been found in the Balquhidder parish register. Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as a brother to Peter Stewart in Lednascriddan (see 1-Line, above).
Robert was the subject of a paternity trial in 1764 in which he was found guilty of fathering an illegitimate child with Margaret Fisher, his mother’s house servant. He was identified as residing in Stronslany at the time. (Click below for details of the trial.)
The Paternity Trial of Robert Stewart in Lednascridan - 1764
The Paternity Trial of Robert Stewart in Lednascridan – 1764
Balquhidder Session minutes record that on 30 MAR 1764 Margaret Fisher, late servant to Mary Stewart in Tulloch and formerly in Lichscridan accused Robert Stewart in Lichscriden, son of Mary, of being the father of her child. Robert initially confessed to having had a liaison with Margaret, but argued that the date of their liaison did not reconcile with the date of birth of the child, thus he could not be the father. Margaret asserted that she’d only been with one man. The entire Stewart family ended up being called as witnesses over the following weeks. They are named as:
- Robert Stewart (the accused) in Stronslany, recorded as son of Mary Stewart in Tulloch
- James Stewart in Cuilt, brother (-in-law?) of the accused
- Wife of Dugal Stewart in Tulloch (presumably she is a widow)
- John Stewart in Tulloch and his wife.
The session presumably found in favour of Margaret’s claim (though the results are not recorded) as the following child was baptized:
Charles Stewart, bap. 1 MAY 1764 in Balquhidder, begotten in fornication by Robert Stewart and Margaret Fisher, both in Lichscriden
There is some confusion here regarding the exact identity of Robert Stewart. He is described as being in Lednascridan and also later in Stronslany and as being the son of Mary Stewart in Tulloch. However there is no record of Robert Stewart in Lednascridan ever living in Stronslany. But there is a contemporary Robert Stewart in Cuill and Stronslaney, son of Alexander Stewart, 4th of Ledcriech, who did reside at Stronslany in 1764. Notwithstanding, Robert Stewart in Lednascridan was the son of Mary Stewart in Tulloch, whereas the mother of Robert Stewart in Stronslany was Catharine Stewart in Glenogle.
The records of this trial provide us with a peculiar insight into the family relationships of that time. Robert Stewart in Lednascridan (and later in Stronslany) “son of Mary” is shown below as a younger son of John Stewart, 6th of Lednascridan and his wife, Mary Steuart. As Robert is cited as a “son of Mary Stewart in Tullich, we can presume that Mary is a widow and that John Stewart, 6th of Lednascridan, died before 1764. It’s interesting that Robert’s brother, Patrick Stewart, 7th of Lednascridan, is not called as a witness in the trial.
The next person cited is James Stewart in Cuilt, who is described as a “brother” of the accused. This is very intriguing. Robert is shown below as having an older brother, James, b. 1731, who is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is thus “presumed to have died as a child”. It’s possible that James was simply unknown to the author of Stewarts of the South and that he resided in Cuilt. However, there was another James Stewart, contemporary to this one, whom we know was residing in Cuilt (Cuill) at the same time, in fact, he was laird of Cuill. (See James Stewart in Cuill.) But this James Stewart is descended from the Stewarts of Glenogle and cannot be a brother of Robert Stewart in Lednascridan. However, 18th century language did not distinguish between “brother” and “brother-in-law” in the same manner that we do today. So it could mean that James Stewart in Cuill was a “brother-in-law” of Robert Stewart in Lendascridan. However, this is hard to reconcile. Robert Stewart in Lednascridan was single at the time of his trial; he didn’t marry (that we know of) until 1775, so they weren’t in-laws by virtue of Robert’s wife, as Robert had no wife. James Stewart in Cuill was married to a Janet Stewart, but they had their first child in 1737, making Janet too old to be the sister of Robert Stewart in Lednascridan, born in 1725 (shown below). James Stewart in Cuill is believed to have married next to a Catharine Stewart, but we have no record of Robert having a sister named Catherine.
The next family member cited by name is the wife of Dugal Stewart in Tulloch. We can presume by this reference that Dugal had died by this time and his wife was a widow, otherwise, it would be more likely that Dugal would have been called (unless his wife had some specific knowledge pertaining to the trial). Either way, Dugal is identifiable as the eldest son of Tulloch family. Stewarts of the South describes the Stewarts in Tulloch and the Stewarts in Lednascridan as being “brothers” to each other, thus suggesting that they descend from a pair of brothers. The trial documents would seem to support this claim, by showing that the head of the Tulloch family was a close relative to Robert Stewart in Lednascridan.
The next family members cited are John Stewart in Tulloch and his wife. This John is shown Tulloch page as a brother to Dugal in Tulloch. Again, reinforcing the suggestion that the Tulloch family is closely related to the Lednascridan family.
He is believed to be the Robert Stewart who married on 28 Jan 1775 in Balquhidder and Kilmadock to Catharine Stewart, with Robert of Balquhidder parish and Catharine of Kilmadock parish and with children born in Lednascriddan. (Not to be confused with another Robert and Catharine Stewart who were married in Balquhidder in 1788, with that Robert being from Kincardine parish.)
In 1776, Lednascridan was leased from the Commisioners of Forfeited Eastates jointly to John MacLaren Sr., John MacLaren Jr., Patrick Stewart and Robert Stewart. (Settlements of Western Perthshire, p152). This would be this Robert Stewart and his older brother, Patrick Stewart.
Marriage and Children
Robert Stewart had relations with Margaret Fisher, b. Abt 1740, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN, by whom he had the following illegitimate son:
1. Charles Stewart, b. Abt 1 May 1764, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Charles Stewart is described in the Balquhidder parish register as “begotten in fornication by Robert Stewart and Margaret Fisher, both in Lichscriden.” Charles has not been found in later records and may have died young or emigrated.
Robert Stewart married on 28 Jan 1775 in Balquhidder and Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland to Catharine Stewart, b. Abt 1750, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
1. Mary Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 5 Jul 1776, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Mary Stewart, in Lednascridan, b. Abt 5 Jul 1776, Licstridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Mary Stewart’s place of birth is given as “Licstridan” in the Balquhidder parish register.
She is believed to be the Mary Stewart who is recorded in the Balquhidder parish register as having a natural child with John Stewart, 15th of Glenbuckie, as follows:
“1798 Octr 18th, John Stewart of Glenbuckie and Mary Stewart in Lidanscridan had a child begotten in fornication baptd and named Robert.”
Mary Stewart had relations with John Stewart, 15th of Glenbuckie (from the Stewarts in Glenogle branch), b. Abt 19 Aug 1772, Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. They had the following child:
1. Robert Stewart, b. Abt 18 Oct 1798, Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN in America.
Robert is recorded in the Balquhidder parish register as a natural child of John Stewart of Glenbuckie and Mary Stewart in Lednascridan.
“1798 Octr 18th, John Stewart of Glenbuckie and Mary Stewart in Lidanscridan had a child begotten in fornication baptd and named Robert.”
The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 3 (p, 24), mistakenly shows Robert as being the first child John Stewart of Glenbuckie and his lawful wife, Mary Stewart of Drumvaich. Whereas, he was actually the son of John’s mistress, Mary Stewart in Lednascridan. The author has conflated the two Mary Stewarts. It’s possible that Mary Stewart in Lednascridan may have died young and Robert may have been raised by Mary Stewart of Drumvaich.
The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 3, also indicates that Robert immigrated to America* where he died. It is not known when he emigrated or how old he was when he died nor whether or not he had a family, though no family is mentioned.
(* “America” was often used as a general term for either the USA or Canada.)
Stewarts of the South does not show Robert, but instead shows an “Alexander” as “a young man living in Callander and thinking of going to the West Indies.”
2. Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 21 Aug 1778, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 21 Aug 1778, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Margaret Stewart’s place of birth is given as “Lichscridan” in the Balquhidder parish register. Nothing more is known of her.
3. John Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 16 Jul 1781, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
John Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 16 Jul 1781, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
John Stewart’s place of birth is recorded as Lickanstridan in the Balquhidder parish register.
John is described in Stewarts of the South as having resided in Tulloch and having three underage sons prior to 1815. John married “clandestinely” on 16 Aug 1807 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian McIntyre.
Neither John, his wife, or any of their children have been found in any census records. They may have emigrated.
He may also be the John Stewart (70, b Balquhidder) residing in 1851 in Lagrannoch, just east of Callander Village, with his wife, Christian (74, b Balquhidder) and their son James Stewart (30, b Callander – does not match) and grandson, Robert (7, b Callander).
John Stewart married on 16 Aug 1807 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian McIntyre, b. Abt 1785, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
- Robert Stewart, b. Abt 26 Jul 1809, Lichscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- John Stewart, b. Abt 12 Mar 1811, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Mary Stewart, b. Abt 27 Feb 1813, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- James Stewart, b. Abt 16 Nov 1814, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 14 Jun 1818, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Malcolm Stewart, b. Abt 14 May 1820, Auchtwomore, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Robert Stewart, b. Abt 26 Jul 1809, Lichscridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
4. Janet Stewart, b. Abt Sep 1783, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Janet Stewart, b. Abt Sep 1783, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
5. Elisabeth Stewart, b. Abt 5 Jan 1786, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Elisabeth Stewart, b. Abt 5 Jan 1786, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
6. James Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 5 Feb 1789, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
James Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 5 Feb 1789, Kirktown, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
James is described in Stewarts of the South as residing in Tulloch and having “no sons”.
7. Daughter Stewart, b. Abt 18 May 1791, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Daughter Stewart, b. Abt 18 May 1791, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
This daughter’s name is not recorded in the Balquhidder parish register. Her place of birth is listed as Licscridan. She is presumed to have died at birth.
3 Line – Stewarts in Tulloch and Kirktown
This family is described sparingly in Stewarts of the South as:
John Stewart at Kirktown of Balquhidder, son to Duncan, late of Tulloch, has no family.
That’s it. That’s all we know about this line. No entries have been found in the Balquhidder parish register to match this description that haven’t already been accounted for in other branches. There are three sons named John Stewart born to fathers named Duncan Stewart in the latter half of the 18th century in the Balquhidder parish register, but all of them have been accounted for in other families.
The following line descends from Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, by unknown means:
Duncan Stewart, in Tulloch, b. Abt 1750, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815. He is cited in the reference below as the father of:
- John Stewart, in Kirkton, b. Abt 1780, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. John is mentioned in Stewarts of the South as: “John Stewart at Kirktown of Balquhidder, son to Duncan, late of Tulloch, has no family.”
- John Stewart, in Kirkton, b. Abt 1780, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
As John is described as the only son of Duncan Stewart, late of Tulloch, and as having no family himself, it seems that this line became extinct with John’s passing.
4 Line – “Hard Rob” Stewart in Stronyre
The fourth line is described in Stewarts of the South as follows:
Robert Stewart Cruaidh or “hard” (cruaidh means “hard”), late of Stronyie of Strathyre, Balquhidder, on the estate of Cambusmore. He left three sons:
- John Stewart, a cottager at Keip of Strathyre, Bn (Buchanan’s) estate, is a bachelor with his mother.
- Duncan Stewart, a labourer who has 2 sons, one of whom is a minor.
- James Stewart is a colleague at Woodend, Balquhidder. He has four sons who are minors. James is called “Earl of Kinoul”.
They descend by unknown means from Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan (above).
Robert Cruaidh Stewart in Stronyre & Christian McLaren
Robert Cruaidh Stewart, in Stronyre, b. Abt 1735, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815.
No birth record has been found for Robert Stewart. He is estimated to have been born about 1735 in Balquhidder parish, Perthshire, Scotland. His parents are unknown. He descends from Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, by unknown means.
Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as:
“Robert Stewart Cruaidh or “hard” (cruaidh means “hard”), late of Stronyire of Strathyre, Balquhidder, on the estate of Cambusmore. He left three sons:
- John Stewart, a cottager at Keip of Strathyre, Bn (Buchanan’s) estate, is a bachelor with his mother.
- Duncan Stewart, a labourer who has 2 sons, one of whom is a minor.
- James Stewart is a colleague at Woodend, Balquhidder. He has four sons who are minors. James is called “Earl of Kinoul”.”
Robert is identified as “late of Stronyre” indicating that he was deceased by the time Stewarts of the South was writting ca. 1815. Stronyre is located in the west side of Strathyre at the north end of Loch Lubnaig. It belonged to the estate of Cambusmore which was owned by Buchanan of that Ilk.
Marriage and Children
Robert Stewart married between 18 and 30 Apr 1767 in Balquhidder and Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian McLaren, b. Abt 1750, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Aft 1815. Their marriage indicates that Robert was from Balquhidder parish and Christian was from Callander parish. They had the following children:
1. John Stewart, in Kip, b. Abt 30 Nov 1770, Stronslaney, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Aft 1815
John Stewart, in Kip, b. Abt 30 Nov 1770, Stronslaney, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Aft 1815.
John is described in Stewarts of the South as being a bachelor residing with his widowed mother in Kip, Strathyre, Balquhidder in 1815.
2. Mary Stewart, b. Abt 29 May 1774, Craigruie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Mary Stewart, b. Abt 29 May 1774, Craigruie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
Nothing more is known of Mary.
3. Duncan Stewart, b. Abt 2 Jul 1776, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Duncan Stewart, b. Abt 2 Jul 1776, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
According to Stewarts of the South, Duncan was a labourer who had two sons who were alive in 1815. No information is given on his sons. We can presume one of them was probably named Robert. The entry doesn’t indicate where Duncan was a labourer. No matching entries for a family with a father named Duncan Stewart have been found in the Balquhidder parish register that haven’t been accounted for in other families.
He is an excellent chronological, onomastic, geographic and Y-DNA match as the potential father of Robert Stewart in Duchruin (currently on our Other Stewarts page), but we lack evidence to confirm the connection.
At present all we can say with certainty about his family is that he was the father of:
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1800, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1805, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1800, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
4. Donald Stewart, b. Abt 11 Aug 1778, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Donald Stewart, b. Abt 11 Aug 1778, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Donald is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
5. Christian Stewart, b. Abt 25 Jan 1781, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Christian Stewart, b. Abt 25 Jan 1781, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Christian.
6. Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 13 Apr 1784, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 13 Apr 1784, Innerlochlarigbeg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Margaret Stewart.
7. Katharine Stewart, b. May 1786, Innernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Katharine Stewart, b. May 1786, Innernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Katherine Stewart.
8. James Stewart, in Woodend of Balquhidder, b. 1789, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Between 1861 and 1871, Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland (Age 72 years)
James Stewart, in Woodend of Balquhidder, b. 1789, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1861 and 1871, Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 72 years).
According to census records, James was born about 1789 in Balquhidder parish, Perthshire, Scotland, however no record of his birth has been found in the Balquhidder parish register. He is an onomastic and chronological match for James Stewart, born 1789 Feby 5 to Robert Stewart and Katharine Stewart in Kirktown. However, that James has been accounted for in 1-Line of the Stewarts in Lednascridan.
James is described in Stewarts of the South as going by the nickname of “The Earl of Kinoul” and having four minor sons, ca. 1815-1820. There is only one contemporary James in the Balquhidder parish register with more than one son. Thus, it is suggested that James Stewart in Woodend may be the James Stewart who married Margaret McNab as shown here, although no record of their marriage has been found, and had the following children: Robert, James, Janet, John and Donald.
The nickname “Earl of Kinnoull” may be explained by the possibility that his eldest son, Robert, had his birth registered in Dunning, Perthshire, not far from Kinnoull. Robert’s birth appears to have been double-registered in Glenturret, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland. (See notes on Robert for further information.) James’ confirmed daughter, Janet, married Andrew Taylor and moved to Culcrieff, which happens to be at the foot of Glen Turret in Monzievaird.
Kinnoull Hill was also the location of the Annat in Rait residence of Gen. Robert Stuart of Rait, a prominant figure among the Stewarts of Balquhidder. It’s possible that nickname “Earl of Kinnoull” may be a reference to possibly being employed by the family of the Stewarts of Annat in Rait.
In 1841, at age 50, James Stewart was residing at Callander No. 1 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, employed as a flesher (butcher). He was residing with his wife Margaret and his son John (also a flesher), along with 79 year old Donald Fryman (possibly a transcription error), and 15 year old Margaret McLaren.
In 1851, at age 60, James Stewart was residing at 63 Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, employed as a flesher (butcher). Residing with him were his wife Margaret and 33 year old son John, as well as two servants.
In 1861, at age 73, James Stewart was residing at 8 Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland with his wife Margaret. He was a retired flesher (butcher).
In 1871, James’ widow, Margaret Stewart, was residing alone at Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.
No matching burial record has been found.
James Stewart in Woodend of Balquhidder & Margaret McNab
“The Earl of Kinnoul”
James Stewart, in Woodend of Balquhidder, b. 1789, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1861 and 1871, Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 72 years).
According to census records, James was born about 1789 in Balquhidder parish, Perthshire, Scotland, however no record of his birth has been found in the Balquhidder parish register. He is an onomastic and chronological match for James Stewart, born 1789 Feby 5 to Robert Stewart and Katharine Stewart in Kirktown. However, that James has been accounted for in 1-Line of the Stewarts in Lednascridan.
James is described in Stewarts of the South as going by the nickname of “The Earl of Kinoul” and having four minor sons, ca. 1815-1820. There is only one contemporary James in the Balquhidder parish register with more than one son. Thus, it is suggested that James Stewart in Woodend may be the James Stewart who married Margaret McNab as shown here, although no record of their marriage has been found, and had the following children: Robert, James, Janet, John and Donald.
The nickname “Earl of Kinnoull” may be explained by the possibility that his eldest son, Robert, had his birth registered in Dunning, Perthshire, not far from Kinnoull. Robert’s birth appears to have been double-registered in Glenturret, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland. (See notes on Robert for further information.) James’ confirmed daughter, Janet, married Andrew Taylor and moved to Culcrieff, which happens to be at the foot of Glen Turret in Monzievaird.
The author of Stewarts of the South refers to this James Stewart as “a colleague.” The reference is puzzling. Later census records show James Stewart as being a butcher in Callander. It is unlikely that the author of Stewarts of the South was a butcher. James may have had an earlier vocation prior to becoming a butcher.
Kinnoull Hill was also the location of the Annat in Rait residence of Gen. Robert Stuart of Rait, a prominant figure among the Stewarts of Balquhidder. It’s possible that nickname “Earl of Kinnoull” may be a reference to possibly being employed by the family of the Stewarts of Annat in Rait.
In 1841, at age 50, James Stewart was residing at Callander No. 1 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, employed as a flesher (butcher). He was residing with his wife Margaret and his son John (also a flesher), along with 79 year old Donald Fryman (possibly a transcription error), and 15 year old Margaret McLaren.
In 1851, at age 60, James Stewart was residing at 63 Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, employed as a flesher (butcher). Residing with him were his wife Margaret and 33 year old son John, as well as two servants.
In 1861, at age 73, James Stewart was residing at 8 Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland with his wife Margaret. He was a retired flesher (butcher).
In 1871, James’ widow, Margaret Stewart, was residing alone at Square in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.
No matching burial record has been found.
Marriage and Children
James Stewart is presumed to have married Margaret McNab, b. 1789, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1871 and 1881, Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, although no record of their marriage has been found.
1. Robert Stewart, b. 10 Apr 1808, Glenturret, Monzievaird and Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Robert Stewart, b. 10 Apr 1808, Glenturret, Monzievaird and Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Robert Stewart son of James Stewart and Margaret MacNab, was born 1 April 1808 and baptized 17 Apr 1808 in Dunning, Perthshire, Scotland. His birth is also registered on 10 Apr 1808 in Glenturret on the Ochtertyre estate in Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland.
The birth registration in Dunning is hard to explain. Dunning is on the far east side of Perthshire, just southwest of the town of Perth. This would lead one to rule out the connection, except for the fact that Robert’s father had the nickname, “The Earl of Kinnoull.” Kinnoull is located just outside the village of Perth, 15 km from Dunning.
In 1841, at age 30, Robert Stewart was living alone at Immerioch in Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.
Robert has not been found in 1851 or later census records. He may have died or emigrated.
Robert’s sister, Janet married Andrew Taylor and moved to Culcrieff on the Ochtertyre estate in Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland. Culcrieff is located at the foot of Glen Turret where Robert was born.
2. James Stewart, b. Abt 7 Oct 1810, Laggan, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
James Stewart, b. Abt 7 Oct 1810, Laggan, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of James Stewart.
3. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 25 Dec 1812, Immerioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 7 Jan 1900, Dundee, Angus, Scotland
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 25 Dec 1812, Immerioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 7 Jan 1900, Dundee, Angus, Scotland
(Age 87 years)
Janet and Andrew lived in Culcrieff in Monzievaird, just 300 m from Glenturret where her brother Robert was born and 3 km from Westerton where her brother Daniel was Gamekeeper for the Ochtertyre estate.
Janet Stewart married Andrew Taylor, b. 26 Jan 1812, Muthill, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 1861, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 48 years). They had the following children:
- William Taylor, b. 1837, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland
- 2. Margaret Taylor, b. 28 Jan 1839, Muthill, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 22 Aug 1907, Thrieply, Parish Of Lundie, Scotland
(Age 68 years)
- Isabella Taylor, b. 1841, Fowlis Wester, Perthshire, Scotland
- Helen Taylor, b. 25 Nov 1845, Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 11 Jun 1915, Stirling St., Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire, Scotland
(Age 69 years)
- Andrew Taylor, b. 19 Aug 1856, Dunblane, Perthshire, Scotland
- William Taylor, b. 1837, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland
4. John Stewart, b. Abt 25 May 1815, Village of Strathyre, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
John Stewart, b. Abt 25 May 1815, Village of Strathyre, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
In 1841, at age 23, John Stewart was residing in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland with his parents and employed as a flesher (butcher).
In 1851, at age 33, John was residing with his father at Callander No. 1 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland. John was employed as a flesher (butcher).
John has not been found in 1861.
No matching burial record has been found.
5. Daniel Stewart, Rabbit Catcher, b. Abt 20 Sep 1818, Village of Strathyre, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 30 Jul 1894, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Daniel Stewart, Rabbit Catcher, b. Abt 20 Sep 1818, Village of Strathyre, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 30 Jul 1894, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 75 years)
Daniel’s information is presented below.
Daniel Stewart, the Rabbit Catcher, & Catherine McDiarmid
Daniel Stewart, Rabbit Catcher, b. Abt 20 Sep 1818, Village of Strathyre, Strathyre, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 30 Jul 1894, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 75 years)
Daniel was a rabbit catcher and gamekeeper at Westerton on the Ochtertyre estate. He descends from the Stewarts of Lednascriddan. He was born in 1818 in the village of Strathyre in Balquhidder parish, Perthshire, Scotland. Nothing is known of his younger years.
On 7 Nov 1839, Daniel Stewart married in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, to Catherine Ann McDiarmid. There is another couple with exactly the same names who also married in 1819 in the adjacent parish of Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.
In 1841, at age 20, Daniel Stewart was residing at House of Burn in Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland. He was employed as a male servant in the household of 45 year old Duncan McGregor and his family. Also residing in the house was 20 year old Catherine Drummond (possibly an error for his wife Catherine McDiarmid as they were married at the time but had not had their first child yet and she has not been found elsewhere in 1841.), 20 year old Robert Bryson, and 10 year old Peter Stalker. (note Janet Stalker in 1851)
In 1851, at age 32, Daniel was residing in Westerton, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, with his family. He was employed as a church officer. His place of birth is given as Balquhidder in 1819. Also residing with them was 36 year old Janet Stalker who is listed as a daughter. This may be an error.
On 25 Jun 1856, he departed London on the ship Cresswell and arrived in Nelson, New Zealand on 6 Oct 1856. He travelled with his wife Catherine (41) and their children Betsy, James, Margaret, Catherine, Jessie, William Robertson, Cambell Colquhoun. His occupation was listed as a rabbit catcher.
On Donald/Daniel Stewart’s death notice in the Nelson, NZ, it says that Donald was a Gamekeeper at Ochtertyre in the Parish of Monevaird, Perthshire to Sir William Murray.
According to family records:
“Daniel Stewart was born in 1815 (sic) at Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland. He was married in 1839 at Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland to Catherine McDairmid who was born 1815 at Killen, Perthshire, Scotland. They came to Nelson, NZ in 1856 on board the ‘Cresswell’ along with their 7 children: Elizabeth [Betsy], James, Margaret, Catherine, Jessie, William Robertson and Campbell Colquhoun. They settled in what was called ‘The Wood’ area, and is still referred to that to this day in time. Daniel’s occupations over the years varied, but the main one was as a Rabbit catcher, one that he was also employed at in Scotland. Daniel and Catherine died within a short time of each other — Catherine in February 1894 and Daniel in July 1894. They are both buried at Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson, New Zealand.” (Catherine Anderson)
Daniel Stewart, the Rabbit Catcher
Catherine McDiarmid
Marriage and Children
Daniel Stewart was patriarch to a massive family in New Zealand. He had 7 children and nearly 60 grandchildren, most of whom went on to have families of their own. His living descendants today likely number in the thousands.
Daniel Stewart married on 7 Nov 1839 in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland to Catherine Ann McDiarmid, b. 1815, Killin, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 9 Feb 1894, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 79 years). They had the following children:
1. Elizabeth Stewart, b. 15 Dec 1840, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 3 Aug 1912, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
Elizabeth Stewart, b. 15 Dec 1840, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 3 Aug 1912, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 71 years).
Elizabeth Stewart married on 26 Apr 1860 in Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand ro Henry Barnett, b. 1838, Nottingham, Nottingham Unitary Authority, Nottinghamshire, England
, d. 14 Apr 1885, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 47 years) and had an enormous family:
- Henry James Barnett, b. 1861, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- William Campbell Barnett, b. 23 Sep 1862, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 18 May 1931, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 68 years)
- David Stewart Barnett, b. 23 Aug 1864, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 21 Feb 1933, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 68 years)
- Charles Barnett, b. 1866, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Catherine Ellen Condell, b. 4 Oct 1868, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 30 Nov 1935, New Zealand
(Age 67 years)
- Charlotte Bessie Thom, b. 1871, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 13 Aug 1955, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 84 years)
- Margaret Elizabeth McArtney, b. 27 May 1873, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 22 Oct 1901, Waitara, New Plymouth District, Taranaki, New Zealand
(Age 28 years)
- Daniel Percy Barnett, b. 1875, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 25 Jan 1936, Petone, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand
(Age 61 years)
- Harry Francis Barnett, b. 10 Jul 1878, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 18 Nov 1957, Whanganui District, Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand
(Age 79 years)
- Harriet Barnett, b. Abt 1879, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Albert Barnett, b. Abt 1880, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Edith Barnett, b. Abt 1881, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Ada Barnett, b. Abt 1882, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Rose Barnett, b. Abt 1883, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Henry Cyril Barnett, b. Abt 1884, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
- Henry James Barnett, b. 1861, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
2. James Stewart, b. 20 Oct 1842, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
James Stewart, b. 20 Oct 1842, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Nothing more is known of James.
3. Margaret Stewart, b. 20 Aug 1844, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 29 Sep 1914, Takaka, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Margaret Stewart, b. 20 Aug 1844, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 29 Sep 1914, Takaka, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 70 years)
Margaret Stewart married in May 1864 in Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand to George Winter, b. 1835, England
, d. 11 Jan 1919, Takaka, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 84 years). They had the following children:
- Jessie Winter, b. 1865, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- George Winter, b. 1867, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Bertha Winter, b. 1868, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- William Daniel Winter, b. 1870, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Herbert Winter, b. 1873, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Hanson Winter, b. 1875, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Frances Margaret Winter, b. 1878, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Jessie Winter, b. 1865, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
4. Catherine Stewart, b. 13 Feb 1846, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Catherine Stewart, b. 13 Feb 1846, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Nothing more is known of Catherine.
5. Jessie Stewart, b. 1 Jan 1848, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 24 Mar 1915, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Jessie Stewart, b. 1 Jan 1848, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 24 Mar 1915, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 67 years). Jessie Stewart married Cornelius Hebberd, b. 1839, Hampshire, England
, d. 2 Dec 1917, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 78 years). They had the following children:
- Jessie Hebberd, b. 14 Apr 1867, New Zealand
, d. 7 Oct 1893, New Zealand
(Age 26 years)
- Joseph Weldon Hebberd, b. 1868, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 24 Sep 1942, Picton, Marlborough District, Marlborough, New Zealand
(Age 74 years)
- Clara Jane Hebberd, b. 1870, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 27 Jul 1930 (Age 60 years)
- George Stewart Hebberd, b. 1871, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 19 Aug 1950, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 79 years)
- Leonard Hebberd, b. 1873, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 2 Feb 1949 (Age 76 years)
- Ruth Mabel Hebberd, b. 31 Aug 1874, New Zealand
, d. 8 Aug 1949, New Zealand
(Age 74 years)
- Henry James Hebberd, b. 1876, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 1 May 1950, New Zealand
(Age 74 years)
- Leslie Alton Hebberd, b. 2 Sep 1877, New Zealand
, d. 1 Jan 1939, New Zealand
(Age 61 years)
- Arthur Milton Hebberd, b. 1880, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 24 Mar 1939 (Age 59 years)
- Catherine Elsie Hebberd, b. 12 Dec 1880, New Zealand
, d. 18 Nov 1949, New Zealand
(Age 68 years)
- Grace Annie Hebberd, b. 2 Apr 1883, New Zealand
, d. 5 Apr 1966, New Zealand
(Age 83 years)
- Hilda Adine Hebberd, b. 1 Jul 1885, New Zealand
, d. 28 Jun 1972, New Zealand
(Age 86 years)
- Jessie Hebberd, b. 14 Apr 1867, New Zealand
6. William Robinson Stewart, b. 6 May 1850, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 23 May 1920, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
William Robinson Stewart, b. 6 May 1850, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 23 May 1920, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 70 years). William married in 1873 in Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
to Emma Gledhill, b. 11 Nov 1850, Appleby, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
, d. 14 Nov 1919, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 69 years). They had the following children:
- Ernest William Stewart, b. 1874, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Arthur Gledhill Stewart, b. 1875, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Catherine Annie Stewart, b. 1877, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Daniel Stewart, b. 1878, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- James Allan Stewart, b. 1881, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Percy Gordon Stewart, b. 1886, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
- Ernest William Stewart, b. 1874, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
7. Campbell Colquhoun Stewart, b. 30 Oct 1853, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 27 Sep 1927, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
Campbell Colquhoun Stewart, b. 30 Oct 1853, Monzievaird, Perthshire, Scotland , d. 27 Sep 1927, Nelson, Tasman, New Zealand
(Age 73 years). Campbell married in 1874 in New Zealand
to Elizabeth Sarah Rosetta Lyford, b. 18 May 1855, Wakapuaka, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 12 Dec 1925, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
(Age 70 years). They had the following known children (and likely others):
- William James Stewart, b. 1874, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 9 Oct 1945 (Age 71 years)
- Arthur Daniel Stewart, b. 4 Nov 1875, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 16 Sep 1939, Marlborough District, Marlborough, New Zealand
(Age 63 years)
- Bessie Stewart, b. 2 Jul 1881, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
, d. 13 Jul 1956, Papakura, Auckland Council, Auckland, New Zealand
(Age 75 years)
- Campbell Colquhan Stewart, b. 1891, New Zealand
, d. 28 Jan 1937 (Age 46 years)
- William James Stewart, b. 1874, Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand
5-Line – Stewarts in Blarcrioch and Glasgow
This is a very large and well-documented family which is described in Stewarts of the South as follows:
Robert Stewart, late tenant of Blarchroich, Braes of Balquhidder, estate of the late Rev Duncan Stewart, Balquhidder, left eight sons:
- James Stewart, late tacksman of ?Drumky [Drunkie], Port [of Menteith] ‘parish, Hunters estate, died childless
- Robert Stewart, late tacksman of Inverchearnaig, Braes of Balquhidder, Earl of Murray’s estate, left one son:
- James, a cow-feeder in Glasgow. James has two sons who are minors
- Duncan Stewart, late tacksman of Drumlich, Braes of Balquhidder, Earl of Murray’s estate, left two sons:
- David
- Duncan
Both are manufacturers in Glasgow. They each have two sons, each minors. They are in a prosperous and good way.- John Stewart, or Iain Mor a Bhuntata (“Big John of the Potatoes”), late tenant in Dailanlagain of Glenbuckie, Balquhidder. He left one son:
- Alexander is a spirit dealer [at the] foot of Cannongate, Edinburgh, and is doing well. He has
- two sons who are minors.
- Peter Stewart, a tacksman of Blartannach, parish of Campsie, Stirlingshire, estate of ?Craigcarnet. He is a gentleman farmer and a clever, active, sociable man who pays £350 per annum. He has three sons:
- A gentleman cattle dealer.
- Has gone to America.
- A writer in Glasgow.
- Alexander Stewart, late tenant at Monachilltuarach, Braes of Balquhidder, on the estate of Captain Stewart of Glenbuckie. He left two sons:
- Robert, a flesher in Glasgow.
- Malcolm, a cattle dealer in [Glasgow].
Both are unmarried, with good behaviour, and are well-meaning and well-doing lads.- Donald Stewart, a flesher in Renfrew, died without issue.
- David, a late tenant of Balmenoch, Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, is now in Paisley. He has two sons:
- A flesher.
- A carrier in Glasgow.
Both have families.
James Henderson Stewart, PhD, author of The Settlements of Western Perthshire: Land and Society North of the Highland Line, 1480-1851 (Haddington, East Lothian, 1990) is a descendant of this family. His book is an invaluable resource for researchers of the history of Balquhidder and the Stewarts who resided there. His other publications include:
- Stewart, James Henderson, PhD, Highland Settlement Evolution in West Perthshire: Development and Change in the parish of Balquhidder from the Fifteenth Century to 1851. The University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Department of Town and Country Planning, with the Department of History. PhD Thesis, 1986. ( )
- Stewart, James Henderson, PhD, and M B Stewart. “A highland longhouse – Lianach, Balquhidder, Perthshire.” Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 118 (1988), 301-317.
These and other resources can be found on our bibliography page:
The Lednascridan Family Tree by Gordon Stewart (1905-2009)
Gordon Stewart (1905-2009, descendant of 5-Line – The Stewarts in Blarcrioch and Glasgow) spent much of his life researching the history of his ancestors from Lednascridan. In 1973, he published his research in an article entitled “Stewarts in Old Balquhidder” (Stewart Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1973. Soon to be republished here with permission). He also mapped out a family tree which he donated to the late Maj. John Stewart, 14th of Ardvorlich, who included it in his supplementary notes to The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 1-3.
Gordon Stewart stated:
“…our ancestors can be traced back to approximately 1530 when James Stewart, the Royal Bailie of Balquhidder granted a lease on farmland to his natural son, Patrick Stewart. The lease remained in the family until 1816 when it expired…. Our line comes from a younger son who left the farm in the 1700s.
There is a gap in the records and the accounting continues with:
James Stewart – 1680
son: Robert Stewart, m Christian Stewart – 1728
son: Duncan Stewart, m Katherine McLaren – 1765
son: Duncan Stewart, m Jean Dunlop – 1806. 15 year old Duncan and his brother John were apprenticing as weavers in Renfrew in 1795.
Gordon’s comment that “Our line comes from a younger son who left the farm in the 1700s” aligns with what we know of Robert Stewart, tenant of Blarcroich, patriarch of 5-Line from Stewarts of the South. Gordon did not have access to Stewarts of the South as it was not publicly published until after his death, so the two sources are entirely independent of each other.
From the above information, along with parish and census records, we can reconstruct the following family:
James Stewart in Lednascridan
Robert Stewart in Lednascridan and Blarcrioch & Christian Stewart
James Stewart, in Lednascridan (5 Line), b. Abt 1670, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
The only record of James Stewart’s existence comes from The Lednascridan Family Tree by Gordon Stewart and is also supported by onomastic evidence.
James Stewart married an unknown woman and is suggested to be the father of:
- Robert Stewart, in Blarcrioch and Lednascridan – 5 Line, b. Abt 1700, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. No record has been found of Robert Stewart’s birth as it occurred around the time of the commencement of the Balquhidder parish register and was likely not recorded. Stewarts of the South describes Robert as having resided in Blarcreich. Parish baptism data shows he also resided in Lednascridan and Stronvar Beg.
- Robert Stewart, in Blarcrioch and Lednascridan – 5 Line, b. Abt 1700, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Marriage and Children
Robert Stewart married on between 4 and 28 May 1728 in Balquhidder and Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian Stewart, b. Abt 1700, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, with Robert coming from Balquhidder parish and Christian coming from Callander parish. They had the following children:
1. James Stewart, in Drunkie, b. Abt 5 May 1729, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815
James Stewart, in Drunkie, b. Abt 5 May 1729, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815. James is described in Stewarts of the South as residing formerly in Drunkie, Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland with no children. Thus he died before 1815.
2. John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart, in Dallanlaggan, b. Abt 24 Feb 1731, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815, Dallinlaggan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart, in Dallanlaggan, b. Abt 24 Feb 1731, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815, Dallinlaggan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 83 years)
John Stewart’s information is presented below.
3. Duncan Stewart, in Drumlich & Argaty, b. Abt 18 Mar 1733, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1795, Argaty, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
Duncan Stewart, in Drumlich & Argaty, b. Abt 18 Mar 1733, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1795, Argaty, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 61 years).
Duncan Stewart’s information is presented further below.
4. Robert Stewart, in Invercarnaig, b. Abt 27 Apr 1735, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Robert Stewart, in Invercarnaig, b. Abt 27 Apr 1735, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 79 years). (The Balquhidder parish register shows Robert’s mother’s name as Janet Stewart instead of Christian Stewart, but this is an error.)
Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as being “lately in Invercarnaig” and thus he died bef. 1815. He is recorded as having one son, James, a cowfeeder in Glasgow.
No record of Robert’s marriage or children’s births have been found. Robert Stewart is suggested as the father of:
- James Stewart, b. Abt 1775, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Aft 1815, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age > 41 years). James is described in Stewarts of the South as “a cow feeder in Glasgow” with two sons under-age.
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1800, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1805, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1800, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- James Stewart, b. Abt 1775, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
James’ sons have not been identified in public records.
5. Alexander Stewart, in Monachyle Tuarach, b. Abt 12 Oct 1737, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815, Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Alexander Stewart, in Monachyle Tuarach, b. Abt 12 Oct 1737, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815, Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 77 years).
Alexander is described in Stewarts of the South as late in Monachyle Tuarach, thus he died before 1815.
Alexander Stewart married on 14 Apr 1771 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Anna Fisher, b. Abt 1750, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
- Mary Stewart, b. Abt 22 Mar 1772, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 14 Apr 1774, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. The date of Margaret’s baptism conflicts with her brother Robert’s, however these are correct per the OPR; not a transcription error.
- Robert Stewart, in Glasgow, b. Abt 17 Jun 1774, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
. The date of Robert’s baptism conflicts with his sister Margaret’s, however these are correct per the OPR; not a transcription error. Robert Stewart is described in Stewarts of the South as being a flesher in Glasgow.
- Janet Stewart, b. Abt 30 Jul 1776, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
- Malcolm Stewart, in Glasgow, b. Abt 13 Dec 1778, Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
. Malcolm Stewart is described in Stewarts of the South as being a cattle dealer in Glasgow. He has not been identified in census records.
- James Stewart, b. Abt 4 Feb 1781, Monachyle, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Bef 1815 (Age < 33 years). James is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is thus presumed to have died young.
- Christian Stewart, b. Abt 22 Feb 1781, Monchaltuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. (Baptism date is uncertain. The year is not indicated in the OPR, just “Febr 22nd”, but the entry is is placed in the middle of the 1781 entries)
- William Stewart, b. Abt 19 Feb 1786, Monchaltuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Bef 1815 (Age < 28 years). William is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died young.
- Mary Stewart, b. Abt 22 Mar 1772, Blarchrioch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
None of Alexander Stewart’s children have been found in later census records. It’s possible that the entire family emigrated after the writing of Stewarts of the South (ca. 1815-1820).
6. Walter Stewart, b. Abt 1 Feb 1741, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Walter Stewart, b. Abt 1 Feb 1741, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Walter’s birth is double registered in the Balquhidder parish register. The first registration leaves his name as blank. The second registration was written in years later and records his name as Walter. Walter is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South so it would normally be suggested that he died as a child. However, as the next brother, Peter, is not found in the parish register it is also possible that either Stewarts of the South simply got Peter’s name incorrect and that it was really Walter who lived in Blartannach, or it’s possible that the later registration in the parish register was mistaken and his name was really Peter.
7. Peter Stewart, in Blartannach, b. Abt 1742, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Aft 1815
Peter Stewart, in Blartannach, b. Abt 1742, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Aft 1815 (Age > 74 years).
Peter is described in Stewarts of the South as
“Peter Stewart, a tacksman of Blartannach, parish of Campsie, Stirlingshire, estate of ?Craigcarnet. He is a gentleman farmer and a clever, active, sociable man who pays £350 per annum and had three sons: one who is a cattle dealer, one who has gone to America, and one who is a writer in Glasgow.”
No names are given.
In the Appendix to Stewarts of the South, Peter is described as:
“Peter Stewart, tacksman of Blartamoch [in] Campsie Parish, Stirlingshire, been shrewd, sly and sensible, of Ardvorlich family, in Stirling of Craigbarnet’s Estate, £270.”
Peter is mentioned in the 1795 apprenticeship contract for his nephew, Duncan Stewart, as follows:
“…Duncan Stewart, lawful son of Duncan Stewart, now deceased, grazier in Argaty in the parish of Doune, with consent of Peter Stewart, a drover in Lochbrae, his uncle, who hereby becomes cautioner for him.”
Peter Stewart had the following children:
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1770, Stirlingshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. He is described as a cattle dealer in Stewarts of the South.
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1775, Stirlingshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, America
- _____ Stewart, Writer in Glasgow, b. Abt 1780, Stirlingshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1770, Stirlingshire, Scotland
8. Donald Stewart, in Renfrew, b. Abt 2 Apr 1744, Stronvar Beg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815, Renfrew, Scotland
Donald Stewart, in Renfrew, b. Abt 2 Apr 1744, Stronvar Beg, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815, Renfrew, Scotland
(Age < 70 years).
Donald is shown in the Balquhidder parish register as being born in Sroinbhear bheg (Stronvar Beg). Donald is described in Stewarts of the South as a flesher, lately in Renfrew. Thus he died before 1815.
Stewarts of the South mentions no sons, but it’s possible that Donald had daughters.
A Daniel Stewart, believed to be this Donald Stewart, is mentioned as a witness to the 1795 apprenticeship contract between Donald’s brother, Peter, and his nephew Duncan.
9. William Stewart, b. Abt 18 May 1747, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
William Stewart, b. Abt 18 May 1747, Tulloch, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
William is not recorded in Stewarts of the South and thus would normally be presumed to have died as a child. However, it is also possible that Stewarts of the South got his name wrong and that it was really William who resided in Balemenoch of Glenbuckie, rather than David, shown below.
William is not mentioned in the Lednascridan Family Tree.
10. David Stewart, in Paisley, b. Abt 1749, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Aft 1815
David Stewart, in Paisley, b. Abt 1749, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Aft 1815 (Age > 67 years).
David is recorded in Stewarts of the South as being from Ballemenoch of Glenbuckie, but residing in Paisley, Renfrew by 1815. No parish record has been found for his birth. David had the following children: a son who was a flesher in Glasgow with a family, and a son who was a carrier in Glasgow with a family (ca. 1815).
David is not mentioned in the Lednascridan Family Tree and he may have been confused with his nephew David, son of Duncan, above.
- _____ Stewart, Flesher in Glasgow, b. Abt 1775, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
. He was a flesher in Glasgow.
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1880, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, Flesher in Glasgow, b. Abt 1775, Scotland
John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart in Dallanlaggan & Catherine Stewart
“Big John of the Potatoes”
John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart, in Dallanlaggan, b. Abt 24 Feb 1731, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815, Dallinlaggan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 83 years). John was the second son of Robert Stewart in Blarcrioch and Lednascridan, shown immediately above.
John is described in Stewarts of the South as going by the nickname of “Iain Mor a Bhuntata” which means “Big John of the Potatoes” — presumably he grew potatoes on his farm. He is recorded in Stewarts of the South as being “lately in Dallinlaggan”, thus he died before 1815, and as also having one (surviving) son, Alexander, a spirit dealer in Edinburgh.
Marriage and Children
John Stewart married on 12 JAN 1765 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Catharine Stewart, b. Abt 1740, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN (with John of Balquhidder and Catharine of Callander parish). Catharine’s birth family is not known, but onomastics would suggest that her father’s name was Alexander Stewart. They had the following children:
1. Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 14 Feb 1766, Inverlochlarig Mhor, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Margaret Stewart, b. Abt 14 Feb 1766, Inverlochlarig Mhor, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN
Nothing more is known of Margaret.
2. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 1 Mar 1768, Inverlochlarig Mhor, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1773, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 1 Mar 1768, Inverlochlarig Mhor, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1773, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 4 years)
Janet died as a child prior to the birth of her same-named younger sister.
3. Catharine Stewart, b. Abt 8 Aug 1771, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Catharine Stewart, b. Abt 8 Aug 1771, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Catharine.
4. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 17 Oct 1773, Ballifoile, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 17 Oct 1773, Ballifoile, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Janet Stewart.
5. Robert Stewart, b. Abt 9 Nov 1775, Ballifoile, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815
Robert Stewart, b. Abt 9 Nov 1775, Ballifoile, Gartnafuaran, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815.
Robert Stewart is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
6. Alexander Stewart, in Edinburgh, b. Abt 30 Mar 1778, Dallanlaggan, Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Between 1815 and 1841, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Alexander Stewart, in Edinburgh, b. Abt 30 Mar 1778, Dallanlaggan, Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1815 and 1841, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Alexander is recorded in Stewarts of the South as “Alexander is a spirit dealer [at the] foot of Cannongate, Edinburgh, and is doing well. He has two sons who are minors.” His sons have not been identified.
The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 3, p. 45, states that James Stewart, son of Alastair Mhor Stewart in Auchnahard, married “Monachyle’s niece” and d.s.p. (died without children). “Monachyle” refers to Donald McDonald of Monachyle. His sister, Christian McDonald, married Alexander Stewart in Edinburgh, son of John Mor a Bhuntatat Stewart. Thus. Alexander’s daughter, Catharine Stewart, was Monachyle’s niece.
Alexander has not been found in the 1841 census and may have died.
Alexander Stewart married on 29 Nov 1807 in Strowan, Perthshire, Scotland to Christian McDonald, b. Abt 8 Dec 1786, Monachyle Mor, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Aft 1846, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
, daughter of Archibald McDonald of Monachyle. They had the following children:
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1808, Canongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1811, Canongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
- Margaret Stewart, b. 4 Sep 1816, Canongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
- Catharine Stewart, b. 14 Feb 1821, Canongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
, d. 20 Nov 1863, Inverlochlarig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 42 years). Catharine married on 22 Dec 1857 in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
to James Stewart, in Auchnahard and Inverlochlarig, b. 1804, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 25 Apr 1866, Inverlochlarig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 62 years), son of Alastair Mor Stewart in Auchnahard of the Bain Stewarts in Auchnahard, Glenfinglas.
The Stewarts of Ardvorlich, Vol. 3, p. 45, states that James Stewart, son of Alastair Mhor Stewart in Auchnahard, married “Monachyle’s niece” and d.s.p. (died without children). “Monachyle” refers to Donald McDonald of Monachyle. His sister, Christian McDonald, married Alexander Stewart in Edinburgh, son of John Mor a Bhuntatat Stewart. Thus. Alexander’s daughter, Catharine Stewart, was Monachyle’s niece.
- _____ Stewart, b. Abt 1808, Canongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
This ends the line of John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart. We now continue with his brother, Duncan Stewart in Drumlich and Argaty.
Duncan Stewart in Drumlich and Argaty & Katherine McLaren
Duncan Stewart, in Drumlich & Argaty, b. Abt 18 Mar 1733, Lednascridan, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1795, Argaty, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age < 61 years). Duncan Stewart was the third son Robert Stewart in Lednascridan and Blarcrioch and Christian Stewart, shown further above, and the younger brother of John Mor a Bhuntata Stewart in Dallanlaggan, shown immediately above.
Duncan Stewart was initially a farmer at Drumlich in the Braes of Balquhidder and latterly a grazer in Argaty in Kilmadock parish.
Duncan is described in Stewarts of the South as being “lately” in Druimlich and thus he died before 1815. He is shown with two sons, David and Duncan. Duncan is mentioned in the 1795 apprenticeship documents for his son, Duncan Stewart, as: “Duncan Stewart, now deceased, grazier in Argaty in the parish of Down.” Thus we can confirm that Duncan died between 1782-1795.
The Lednascriddan Family Tree (Gordon Stewart, 1905-2009) shows Duncan as the son of Robert Stewart and Christian Stewart who married in 1728, and has having married in 1765 to Kathrine McLaren, and has having a son Duncan who was a 15 year old weaving apprentice in Renfrew in 1795. From this information Duncan’s family can be confirmed by Callander parish records which indicate that Duncan was a miller in Invercarnaig, then a herd in Invernenty and finally residing in Druimlich.
Duncan married on 25 NOV 1765 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Kathrine MCLAREN b: ABT 1740 in Perthshire, Scotland.
According to James Stewart, Ph.D., author of The Settlements of Western Perthshire, and a descendant of this branch, Duncan Stewart from Lednascridan married a MacLaren from Invernenty, which marches with Druimlich and it is likely that the Lednascridan family possessed both properties (Lednascridan and Druimlich). Duncan was also a part sharer in the mill at Kirkton and also a miller at Invercarnaig.
Duncan later moved to Argaty where he was a grazier (as noted above) from whence his son, the younger Duncan, was sent to Renfrew in the care of his uncle, Peter Stewart, a flesher (butcher).
Marriage and Children
Duncan Stewart married on 25 Nov 1765 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Kathrine McLaren, b. Abt 1740, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following family:
1. Christian Stewart, b. Abt 3 Oct 1766, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Christian Stewart, b. Abt 3 Oct 1766, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Her mother’s name is not recorded at her baptism. Nothing more is known of Christian Stewart.
2. Robert Stewart, b. Abt 24 Mar 1768, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Robert Stewart, b. Abt 24 Mar 1768, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Robert’s mother’s name is not recorded at his baptism. Robert is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
3. Donald Stewart, b. Abt 21 Nov 1769, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815
Donald Stewart, b. Abt 21 Nov 1769, Invercarnaig, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815.
Donald’s mother’s name is recorded only as “Mclaren” at his baptism. Donald is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
4. James Stewart, b. Abt 19 Jul 1772, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Bef 1815
James Stewart, b. Abt 19 Jul 1772, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Bef 1815.
James’ mother’s name is recorded only as “Mclaren” at his baptism. James is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died as a child.
5. John Stewart, b. Abt 1774, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
John Stewart, b. Abt 1774, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
John’s existance is not verified. Family records indicate that 15-year-old Duncan Stewart was apprenticing in Renfrew as a weaver with his brother John. John’s age is not given in the reference. (His date of birth shown here is merely an estimation.) No birth record has been found for John and the only gap in the birth order of his siblings is around 1774. Stewarts of the South indicates that Duncan’s brother, David, was the one who was employed with him in Glasgow ca. 1815, so it is possible that John does not exist and has been confused with David.
6. Katharine Stewart, b. Abt 4 Mar 1776, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Katharine Stewart, b. Abt 4 Mar 1776, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN. Katharine’s mother’s name is recorded only as “Mclaren” at her baptism. Nothing more is known of her.
7. David Stewart, in Antigua and New York, b. Abt 5 Apr 1778, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Between 1860 and 1870, Brooklyn, New York, USA
David Stewart, in Antigua and New York, b. Abt 5 Apr 1778, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1860 and 1870, Brooklyn, New York, USA
David Stewart’s information is presented below.
8. Duncan Stewart in Glasgow, b. Abt 25 Jun 1780, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. Abt 1854, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Duncan Stewart in GLasgow, b. Abt 25 Jun 1780, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Abt 1854, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Duncan Stewart’s information is presented further below.
9. Janet Stewart, b. Abt 2 Nov 1782, Druimlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Janet Stewart, b. Abt 2 Nov 1782, Druimlich, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Janet Stewart.
David Stewart in Antigua and New York and Janet Boyd in Hairst Lone
David Stewart, b. Abt 5 Apr 1778, Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Between 1860 and 1870, Brooklyn, New York, USA
. David Stewart was the son of Duncan Stewart in Drumlich & Argaty and Katherine McLaren, shown immediately above.
David’s mother’s name is not recorded at his baptism. David is recorded in Stewarts of the South as being a manufacturer in Glasgow with two underage sons in 1815.
David Stewart married on 28 July 1806 in Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland to Janet Boyd of Hairst Lone. They had two children in Renfrew and then moved to Gorbals where they had three more children. There is a ten year gap between the births of their fourth and fifth children suggesting that there may be other undiscovered or unrecorded births. Family records (below) recall the existence of only four children: Adam, Catherine, David, and an unknown daughter (Lillias). Thus it is presumed that William died young.
The Lednascridan Family Tree says:
“David Stewart, born at Invernenty, Balquhidder, in 1778, married in Renfrew and had a son, David, who married and had three children, Catherine, another daughter (Lillias) and a son (Adam and William), names unknown. Went to Antigua, thence to Brooklyn, New York. Last heard from in 1865. David (Jr) fell heir to his widowed mother’s property in Hairst Lone (now Hairst Street) Renfrew, which was sold on his behalf by his cousin Robert Stewart, born 1822, son of Duncan Stewart and Janet Dunlop.”
(It is curious to note that David was not the oldest son; Adam was, but David was named as heir. It’s possible that the family in Scotland lost contact with Adam when he moved to Canada.)
From James Stewart’s notes:
“David Stewart in Renfrew married Janet Boyd, and bought property in Hairst Lone, Renfrew. They had children: Adam Stewart, Cathren Stewart, and David Stewart. David jnr seems to be the only survivor as heir to the property in 1856. (sic – Adam was still alive until 1884.) He was last heard of in Brooklyn, New York, in 1865. He had two daughters, one named Catherine, and one son. Attempts to trace this family have failed. David Stewart, born 1778, Duncan’s brother, also left for Renfrew. One of the earlier Renfrew members is described as a flesher or butcher, and tradition has it that Duncan was sent out [in] care of the drovers, so it is likely that there was an extended family business interest in Renfrew. Both brothers learned the weaving of cotton goods and moved into Glasgow where they became textile manufacturers.”
Marriage and Children
David Stewart married on 28 Jul 1806 in Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland to Janet Boyd, in Hairst Lone, b. 3 Nov 1782, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Brooklyn, New York, USA
. They had the following family:
1. Adam Stewart, b. 24 May 1807, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 18 Feb 1884, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
Adam Stewart, b. 24 May 1807, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 18 Feb 1884, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
(Age 76 years).
Adam Stewart’s information is presented immediately below.
2. Catherine Stewart, b. 21 Jul 1808, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Catherine Stewart, b. 21 Jul 1808, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Catherine Stewart.
3. David Stewart, Jr., b. 16 Aug 1810, Gorbals, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN, Brooklyn, New York, USA
David Stewart, Jr., b. 16 Aug 1810, Gorbals, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN, Brooklyn, New York, USA
James Stewart’s notes:
“David Stewart married and had three children, Catherine, another daughter and a son, names unknown. Went to Antigua, thence to Brooklyn, New York. Last heard from in 1865. David fell heir to his widowed mother’s property in Hairst Lone (now Hairst Street) Renfrew, which was sold on his behalf by his cousin Robert Stewart, born 1822, son of Duncan Stewart and Janet Dunlop.”
The exact date of David’s mother’s death is unknown, and as David Jr. died sometime between 1860-1870, and as his parents have not been found in American census records, it’s likely that Janet Boyd actually died prior to 1851. Why David became heir over his elder brother, Adam, is a mystery.
It is not known when David left Scotland. He was having children in Antigua between 1843-1852 and appears in the New York census in 1855 and 1860.
As David was the younger brother to Adam Stewart, it is not known why David inherited the proceeds from his mother’s Hairst Lone property instead of Adam. As Adam was in Canada at the time, it is speculated that the family may have lost contact with Adam.
(He may be the David Stewart, age 30, residing in 1841 in Graham’s Close, Saltmarket Street, Glasgow, employed as a joiner (carpenter), with Merran Stewart (29), Elizabeth Stewart (5), Grace Stewart (3), and David Stewart (64, joiner).)
Marriage and Children
David Stewart married abt. 1840 in Antigua, West Indies to Jane E _____, b. 1820, Antigua, West Indies , d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
- Catherine Stewart, b. 1843, Antigua, West Indies
- Janet C Stewart, b. 1845, Antigua, West Indies
, d. UNKNOWN. Janet married Obadiah Gritman and had a family. To be added.
- David W. N. Stewart, b. 1848, Antigua, West Indies
, d. 18 Jul 1916, Hempstead, New York, USA
(Age 68 years). David Stewart married in 1869 to Lydia P Gilbert, b. Mar 1850, England
, d. 1 Jan 1935, Freeport, Nassau, New York, USA
(Age 84 years). They had the following children:
- William B. Stewart, b. 10 Aug 1870, New York City, Kings, New York, USA
- Ida J. Stewart, b. Aug 1873, New York, USA
, d. 1905 (Age 31 years)
- Carrie Jeannette Stewart, b. 1877, New York, USA
, d. 23 May 1955 (Age 78 years)
- Louisa E Stewart, b. Jun 1879, New York, USA
, d. 1902 (Age 22 years)
- Henrietta P Stewart, b. 1886, Nassau, Rensselaer, New York, USA
, d. 1887, Nassau, Rensselaer, New York, USA
(Age 1 years)
- William B. Stewart, b. 10 Aug 1870, New York City, Kings, New York, USA
- Lllias E Stewart, b. 1852, Antigua, West Indies
, d. UNKNOWN. She married Henry Blackett and had a daughter, Gertrude, in Brooklyn, New York, USA. To be added.
- Catherine Stewart, b. 1843, Antigua, West Indies
4. Lillias Pollock Stewart, b. 17 Jul 1812, Gorbals. Lanarkshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Lillias Pollock Stewart, b. 17 Jul 1812, Gorbals. Lanarkshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Lillias Stewart has not been found in later records.
5. William Stewart, b. 15 Feb 1822, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
William Stewart, b. 15 Feb 1822, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
William Stewart has not been found in later records.
Adam Stewart in Fergus, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
Adam Stewart, b. 24 May 1807, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 18 Feb 1884, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
(Age 76 years). Adam Stewart was the eldest son of David Stewart in Antigua and New York and Janet Boyd in Hairst Lone, shown immediately above.
Adam Stewart was born in 1807 in Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland. He and his family later immigrated to Canada and settled in West Garafraxa Township, Wellington, County, Ontario, Canada, just east of the town of Fergus. The Wellington County Atlas, 1877, shows their farm was located where the present-day Highland Pines Campground is on Highway 19 and 5th Line. (Wellington County Atlas Project)
In 1827, Adam Stewart married in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Elizabeth Wilson. He was residing in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland at the time. They had two children, Margaret and John. Elizabeth died in 1831 following the birth of their son, John.
In 1831, Adam Stewart was residing in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland at the time of his son John’s birth.
In 1832, shortly after the death of his first wife, Adam Stewart married secondly in Paisley Abbey, Renfrewshire, Scotland, to Catherine Wotherspoon.
In 1841, at age 33, Adam Stewart was residing at No. 63 Millerston, Paisley Low, Renfrewshire, Scotland, with his second wife, Catherine, and their children. He was employed as a silk loom weaver.
In 1846, Adam Stewart immigrated to Canada with his second wife and their mixed family. They settled in Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, just east of the town of Fergus on land that is now the Highland Pines Campground on Highway 19.
In 1851, at age 45, Adam Stewart was residing in Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, with his wife Catherine and their children. He was employed as a farmer.
In 1861, at age 54, Adam Stewart was residing in a log house in Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, as a widower with his children. He was employed as a farmer.
The Mystery of the Hairst Lone Estate
About 1865, Adam’s mother, Janet Boyd of Hairst Lone, died and Adam’s younger brother, David Stewart, Jr., became heir to the Hairst Lone estate. It is unclear why David, the younger brother, became heir over Adam, the older brother. It’s possible that Adam had a falling out with his parents, or that his family lost contact with him after he immigrated to Canada. Adam is not mentioned in the Lednascridan Family Tree or accompanying notes, suggesting the family back in Scotland did indeed lose contact with him.
In 1871, at age 63, Adam Stewart was residing in West Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, as a widower with three of his younger adult children. (Also residing with him was 23-year-old Alice Stewart, born 1838 in Scotland, employed as a household servant. It is not known if she was related to the family.)
In 1881, at age 73, Adam Stewart was residing in East Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, as a widower in the home of his daughter Margaret Johnston (also widowed) and her family.
Adam Stewart died in 1884.
Obituary – Fergus News (Fergus, Wellington, Ontario, Canada), 21 Feb 1884.
In Garafraxa, at Mrs. Johnston’s residence, the oldest daughter of the deceased, on the 18th inst., Mr. Adam Stewart, Sr., aged 76 years and 8 months. Mr. Stewart was a resident of Paisley, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1846, settling in the Township of Garafraxa in that year on the farm on the Fergus and Douglas Road known as the Stewart Farmstead. Mr. Stewart was a very industrious tradesman and farmer, and brought up a large family in a very respectable manner, nine of whom live to mourn the death of a greatly beloved and venerated father. The wife of the deceased died thirteen years ago. Now their happy and sanctified spirits have met in the bright lands above. Mr. Stewart was a lover of the House of God, and was privileged to be there a week before passing away to the House of God above.
Marriages and Children
1. Margaret Stewart, b. 17 Dec 1827, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 6 Nov 1913, Belwood, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada
Margaret Stewart, b. 17 Dec 1827, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 6 Nov 1913, Belwood, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada
(Age 85 years). Margaret Stewart married about 1858 in Wellinton County, Ontario, Canada to Joseph Johnston, b. 24 Jul 1824, Innerwick, East Lothian, Scotland
, d. 12 Apr 1865, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
(Age 40 years). They had the following children:
- Andrew Stewart Johnston, b. 11 Feb 1859, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
, d. 28 Nov 1919, Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
(Age 60 years)
- Adam Weatherspoon Johnston, b. 9 Mar 1861, East Garafraxa, Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada
, d. 15 Jun 1922, Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 61 years)
- Elizabeth Johnston, b. Jun 1863, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
- Joseph Johnston, b. 1866, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
, d. UNKNOWNMargaret Stewart married secondly on 12 Apr 1870 in Wellington County, Ontario, Canada
to James Terrence, b. 1805, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following child:
- Charles Terrance, b. Abt 1872, East Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
- Andrew Stewart Johnston, b. 11 Feb 1859, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
2. John Stewart, b. 3 Oct 1831, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 28 Nov 1900, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
John Stewart, b. 3 Oct 1831, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 28 Nov 1900, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
(Age 69 years). John Stewart married on 8 Jan 1864 in Wellington, Ontario, Canada
to Mahala Dean, b. 1838, Canada
, d. 1914 (Age 76 years). They had the following children:
- Adam Stewart, b. 1856, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
- Annie Stewart, b. 1871, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
- Salem Adolphus Stewart, b. 1855, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
- Robert Stewart, b. 1856, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
- Adam Stewart, b. 1856, Georgetown, Halton, Ontario, Canada
Adam Stewart married secondly on 2 Aug 1832 in Abbey Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland to Catherine Wotherspoon, b. 22 Jul 1809, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 22 Jan 1871, Fergus, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
(Age 61 years). They had the following children:
1. Catherine Elder Stewart, b. 20 Feb 1835, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 16 Jan 1921, Amabel Township, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada
Catherine Elder Stewart, b. 20 Feb 1835, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 16 Jan 1921, Amabel Township, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada
(Age 85 years).
She married Robert Newman, b. 6 Oct 1834, England . They had a family in Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada. Additional information to be added.
2. Anne Stewart, b. 25 Oct 1835, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 2 Mar 1890, Rapid City, Manitoba, Canada
Anne Stewart, b. 25 Oct 1835, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 2 Mar 1890, Rapid City, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 54 years). Anne Stewart married William Laird Kennedy, b. 26 Mar 1833, Burray, Orkney Islands, Scotland
, d. 20 Jul 1905, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 72 years). They had the following family:
- Catherine Weatherspoon Kennedy, b. 23 Sep 1857, d. 11 Jun 1932, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 74 years)
- William Melligan Kennedy, b. 23 Aug 1860, Scotland
, d. 18 May 1942, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA
(Age 81 years)
- Elizabeth Laird Kennedy, b. 27 Oct 1862, Scotland
, d. 26 Jun 1929, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 66 years)
- Jennet Kennedy, b. 1866, Ontario, Canada
- Catherine Weatherspoon Kennedy, b. 23 Sep 1857, d. 11 Jun 1932, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
3. Jeannette Millar Stewart, b. 4 Dec 1838, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 5 Feb 1899, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA
Jeannette Millar Stewart, b. 4 Dec 1838, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 5 Feb 1899, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USA
(Age 60 years).
Birth registration: “1838 December – Stewart, Janet Millar, D. L. (lawful daughter), of Adam Stewart, weaver, Millerston, and Catherine Wotherspoon. Born Dec 4, registered Dec 7.” Nothing more is known of Jeannette.
4. Adam McTyre Stewart, b. 6 Jan 1841, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 28 Mar 1910, Oak Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Adam McTyre Stewart, b. 6 Jan 1841, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 28 Mar 1910, Oak Lake, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 69 years).
The Adam Stewart Family (from the Oak Lake History Book)
“In 1892, Adam Stewart Sr., his wife Margaret and family of eight daughters and one son came to Manitoba from Belwood, Ontario, settling in Oak Lake.“The families were: Mary (Mrs. Geo. Ellice), Isabelle (Mrs. R. J. Grey), Anne (Mrs. Harry Peever), Katherine (Mrs. Jas. Bell), Clara (Mrs. Archie Taylor), Jeanette (Mrs. Dave Kydd), Elizaberh (Mrs. N. McLean), Bertha (Mrs. W. V. Wilson), Adam Strachan (A. S.) Stewart married the former Grace Chapman in 1919 and were lifetime residents in Oak Lake.”Mr. Stewart was a farm equipment and automobile dealer for 42 years retiring in 1952. He was a member of session of the Oak Lake United Church, a member of the town council for 12 years and mayor for 12 years.”Mrs. Stewart (nee Grace Chapman) was born at Ancaster, Ontario, coming west with her family in 1905, settling in Oak Lake. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Stewart was a stenographer at the Leitch Flour Mills. She was a longtime member of the Oak Lake United Church and the UCW the Women’s Curling Club and actively involved in Red Cross work during the war years.”Mrs. Jas. Bell was also a lifetime resident of Oak Lake while the rest of her sisters took up residence at various points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.”Mrs. and Mrs. R. J. Grey, in the late 1930s, returned to Oak Lake and for a number of years operated a retail store in the former Bank of Montreal building until their retirement to Mosse Jaw, Saskatchewan.”
Adam Stewart married on 1 Jan 1867 in Fergus, Wellington, Ontario, Canada to Margaret Strachan, b. 10 Jun 1846, Ontario, Canada
, d. 3 May 1928 (Age 81 years). They had the following children:
- Mary Campbell Stewart, b. 21 Apr 1868, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 21 Jun 1931 (Age 63 years)
- Catherine Stewart, b. 1873, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
- Clarinda Laws Stewart, b. 5 Aug 1874, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 15 Nov 1926, Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 52 years)
- Margaret Isabella Stewart, b. 6 Jun 1876, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 1949, Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada
(Age 72 years)
- Janet Patterson Stewart, b. 24 Oct 1878, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 20 Nov 1937, Regina, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada
(Age 59 years)
- Annie Stewart, b. 5 Nov 1880, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 19 Aug 1905, Oak Lake, Virden Census Division, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 24 years)
- Elizabeth Stewart, b. 30 Oct 1881, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
- Adam Strachan Stewart, b. 9 Dec 1883, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 1963, Sifton, Virden Census Division, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 79 years)
- Bertha Ellen Stewart, b. 9 Apr 1889, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. Dec 1961 (Age 72 years)
- Mary Campbell Stewart, b. 21 Apr 1868, Belwood, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
5. Alexander Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 19 Aug 1842, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 1926, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Alexander Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 19 Aug 1842, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 1926, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
(Age 83 years)
Sometime between 1871 and 1875, Alexander moved with his family from Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada to Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada.In 1881, at age 38, Alexander was residing in Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada with his wife and children. He was employed as an agent.
“Son of Adam & Catherine Stewart; husband of Jemima Esther Michie, married Dec. 29th, 1869 at Nichol Twp. Alex & Jemima moved near Kincardine after farming at West Garafraxa Twp., probably around 1875. Occupation: agent. No death record found.” (FindAGrave)
Obituary (Regina Saskatchewan newspaper, 13 March 1926)
“Alex Stewart, Resident Here 20 Years, Dead — Had Lived in Canada 80 Years and Saskatchewan For 20 Years
“Alexander W. Stewart, 84 years, one of the real old-timers of both Eastern and Western Canada, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ashton Burgess, Crescent Annex, Regina, Friday.
“The funeral will be held 2 o’clock, Monday afternoon from Speers’ funeral parlors to Regina cemetery, Rev. S. Farley officiating.”Mr. Stewart is survived by one son, O. W. Stewart, Regina, and three daughters, Mrs. Ashton Burgess, Regina; Mrs. Johnson, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Robards, Miami, Florida. His wife pre-deceased him about 30 years ago.
“He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, but came to Canada with his parents when he was two years of age. The family settled at Fergus, Ontario. Mr. Stewart farmed in Kincardine, Ont., and resided in Guelph, Ont., for a time. He came west in 1882, taking up land near Pilot Mound, Man., but later he returned, to Ontario. He caught the western fever a second time about 20 years ago and came to Regina. He was associated with the American Abell Threshing Machine Company for a few years, under the management of L. T. McDonald. He retired about 15 years ago and has lived with his daughter in the city since that time.” [Photocopy is cut off here. It’s unclear if this is the end of the article or if the article continues.]
Alexander Wotherspoon Stewart married to Jemima Esther Michie, b. 28 Jul 1845, Galt, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada , d. 17 Aug 1899, Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
(Age 54 years). They had the following family:
- Ida Alberta Harriett Stewart, b. 4 Oct 1870, Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 17 Mar 1872, Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
(Age 1 years)
- Laura J I Stewart, b. 28 Jul 1875, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Ormiston A. W. Stewart, b. 13 May 1877, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Esther Alexina Nicholson Stewart, b. 7 Mar 1879, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
, d. 12 May 1923 (Age 44 years)
- Nettie Stewart, b. 15 Oct 1879, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- _____ Stewart, b. Jan 1881, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Bertha Stewart, b. 20 Dec 1882, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Charlotte Hazel Stewart, b. 8 Jul 1888, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
, d. 1989 (Age 100 years)
- Ida Alberta Harriett Stewart, b. 4 Oct 1870, Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
6. Helen Stewart, b. 18 Jun 1844, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 1846, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
Helen Stewart, b. 18 Jun 1844, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 1846, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
(Age 1 years).
Helen died in infancy.
7. Eleanor Helen Stewart, b. 1846, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Eleanor Helen Stewart, b. 1846, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Nothing more is known of Eleanor Stewart.
8. Bethia Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 1849, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, d. 20 Feb 1877, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
Bethia Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 1849, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada , d. 20 Feb 1877, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
(Age 28 years).
Bethia Stewart married on 3 Jun 1875 in Bruce, Ontario, Canada to James Millar, b. 3 Feb 1834, Scotland
, d. 15 Aug 1912, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
(Age 78 years). They had the following child. She died a year later.
- Andrew Adam Millar, b. 11 May 1876, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
, d. 4 Sep 1879, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
(Age 3 years)
- Andrew Adam Millar, b. 11 May 1876, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
9. Samuel Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 15 Mar 1850, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, d. 16 May 1926, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Samuel Wotherspoon Stewart, b. 15 Mar 1850, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada , d. 16 May 1926, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 76 years).
Samuel W. Stewart, 76 years of age, of Suite 10, Alloway Court, died at his home, Sunday. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from Clark Leatherdale’s Chapel, where service will be conducted at 2 o’clock, to Brookside Cemetery. A native of Walkerton, Ont., Mr. Stewart had lived in Winnipeg 20 years.
Samuel Stewart married on 15 Nov 1876 in Wellington, Ontario, Canada to Georgina Smellie Michie, b. 21 Jul 1849, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 8 May 1928, Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 78 years). They had the following children:
- Mabel Ethelwyn Irene Stewart, b. 8 Sep 1879, Walkterton, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Winnifred Elizabeth Stewart, b. 12 Feb 1880, Walkerton, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
, d. 19 Mar 1972, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(Age 92 years)
- Frank Howard Stewart, b. 5 Apr 1885, Walkerton, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
- Mabel Ethelwyn Irene Stewart, b. 8 Sep 1879, Walkterton, Bruce, Ontario, Canada
10. Robert B Stewart, b. Feb 1852, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, d. 27 Nov 1923, Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, USA
Robert B Stewart, b. Feb 1852, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada , d. 27 Nov 1923, Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, USA
(Age 71 years).
Robert Stewart was a railroad inspector in Duluth, Minnesota, USA.
Robert Stewart married in 1894 to Joan Graham, b. Sep 1853, Garafraxa, Wellington, Ontario, Canada , d. 23 Mar 1925 (Age 71 years). They had the following child:
- Catharine Wotherspoon A. Stewart, b. 13 Sep 1874, Elora, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
, d. 22 May 1961, Saint Louis, Minnesota, USA
(Age 86 years)
- Catharine Wotherspoon A. Stewart, b. 13 Sep 1874, Elora, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
Adam McTyre Stewart (#4 child) and Margaret Strachan, in Belwood (just east of Fergus), Wellington, Ontario, Canada, ca. 1900
This ends the descendants of David Stewart in Antigua and New York and Janet Boyd in Hairst Lone. We now proceed with the family of David’s brother, Duncan Stewart in Glasgow.
Duncan Stewart in Glasgow
Duncan Stewart was a younger son of Duncan Stewart in Drumlich & Argaty and Katherine McLaren, shown further above and the younger brother of David Stewart in Antigua and New York, shown immediately above.
According to family records, Duncan and his brother John were apprenticing in 1795 in Renfrew as weavers.
Duncan is recorded in Stewarts of the South as being a manufacturer in Glasgow with two underage sons in 1815. From his apprencticehip we can infer that he was a textile manufacturer. Later census records show him employed as a warper (a person who loads the warp thread into a textile loom) in his 60s and 70s. It’s unclear from these entries if he started out owning a textile business and then, by his sixties, was merely employed in one, or if the census record understates his occupation as merely a warper, when he may have been the owner.
In 1841, at age 60, Duncan Stewart, born 1781 in Scotland, was residing at 50 Bridge Street, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, employed as a warper.
In 1851, at age 70, Duncan Stewart, born 1781 in Balquhidder, was residing at 50 Bridge Street, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, employed as a cotton warper.
Duncan is not found in 1861, but his widow Janet was residing at 50 Bridge St., Govan, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with her daughter Janet and son Robert.
Marriage and Children
Duncan Stewart married on 8 Dec 1806 in Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland to Janet Dunlop, b. Abt 25 Apr 1784, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland
, d. 1 Jan 1871, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
(Age 86 years). They had the following children:
1. Janet Stewart, b. 16 Oct 1807, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland, d. 1890, Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Janet Stewart, b. 16 Oct 1807, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland , d. 1890, Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 82 years).
Janet Stewart has not been found in 1841.
In 1851, at age 43, Janet Stewart was residing at 50 Bridge Street in Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with her elderly parents and her brother Robert. She was employed as a dressmaker.
In 1861, at age 53, Janet Stewart was residing at 50 Bridge Street in Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with her widowed mother and her brother Robert. She was employed as a dressmaker.
In 1871, at age 63, Janet Stewart was residing at 69 Eglinton St in Tradeston, Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with her widowed mother and her brother Robert. Her occupation was listed as a former dressmaker.
In 1881, at age 73, Janet Stewart was residing at 59 Thomson Street in Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with her brother Robert. Her occupation was listed as a former dressmaker. Also residing with them was 18 year old boarder, Jeanie B Stewart, born 1863 in Haddington and employed as a grocer’s shop woman. Her relationship to the family is unknown.
2. Duncan Stewart, b. 10 Jul 1809, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 3 Dec 1860
Duncan Stewart, b. 10 Jul 1809, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 3 Dec 1860 (Age 51 years)
Duncan is found in 1841 residing with his parents in Glasgow and employed as a journeyman iron moulder. He has not been confidently identified in later census records. Family records indicate that he died in 1860.
3. Catharine Stewart, b. 28 Jul 1811, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Catharine Stewart, b. 28 Jul 1811, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
Catharine Stewart married on 22 Dec 1846 in Gorbals, Lanark, Scotland to James Scott, b. Abt 1810, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following child:
- Catherine Scott, b. 17 Feb 1847, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Catherine Scott, b. 17 Feb 1847, Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland
4. Gavin Stewart, b. 16 Jul 1813, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 11 Jul 1890, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Gavin Stewart, b. 16 Jul 1813, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 11 Jul 1890, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 76 years).
Gavin Stewart’s information is presented immediately below.
5. Isabella Stewart, b. 7 Oct 1815, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
Isabella Stewart, b. 7 Oct 1815, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
In 1841 Isabella was residing with her parents and employed as a winder.
According to James Stewart’s notes, Isabella married a man named Herbertson, a joiner and furniture maker. They have not been indentified in later records.
6. David Stewart, b. 1 Jun 1818, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. Abt 1822, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
David Stewart, b. 1 Jun 1818, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. Abt 1822, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
(Age 3 years)
David is mentioned in the Lednascridan Family Tree as having died in infancy.
7. Robert Stewart, b. 20 Apr 1822, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Robert Stewart, b. 20 Apr 1822, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
In 1841 Robert was residing with Mrs Margaret Startk at Thistle St., Gorbals, Lanark, Scotland and employed as a grocer’s shopman.
In 1851 he was residing with his widowed mother and was employed as a master grocer employing 1 man and 2 boys.
He has not been found in 1861 or later census records.
Sometime around 1865, Robert Stewart acted as agent for his cousin, David Stewart, Jr., son of David Stewart in Antigua and New York and Janet Boyd of Hairst Lone, in the dispersal of the Hairst Lone estate after the death of David Jr.’s mother, Janet Boyd. The date of Janet’s death is uncertain. While the Lednascridan Family Tree indicates it occured about 1865, neither Janet nor her husband David Stewart in Antigua and New York, have been found in census records.
According to James Stewart’s notes, Robert died unmarried and without issue about 1891 or 1892.
8. David Stewart, b. 26 Sep 1829, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. UNKNOWN
David Stewart, b. 26 Sep 1829, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. UNKNOWN.
In 1841 David was residing with his parents.
In 1851 David was residing with his parents and was employed as a grocer’s shopman.
In 1861 David was residing in Govan, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, with his wife and son and employed as a grocer.
In 1871 David was residing with his wife and children at 145 Nelson St, Govan, Glasgow, and employed as a grocer. They had one household servant.
In 1881 David was residing with his wife and children at 145 Nelson St., Govan, Glasgow, and was employed as a grocer. His father-in-law, John Carmichael, was residing with them.
Marriage and Children
David Stewart married on 14 Feb 1860 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland to Isabella Carmichael, b. 3 Jul 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
- Duncan Stewart, b. 29 Nov 1860, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- John Stewart, b. 30 May 1862, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- Christina Stewart, b. 13 Jun 1864, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
, d. Bef 1871, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
(Age < 6 years)
- Janet Dunlop Stewart, b. 23 Jun 1866, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- David Stewart, b. 3 Apr 1868, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- Isabella Stewart, b. 13 Mar 1870, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- Christina Carmichael Stewart, b. 15 Feb 1874, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
- Duncan Stewart, b. 29 Nov 1860, Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Gavin Stewart in Glasgow
Gavin Stewart, b. 16 Jul 1813, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 11 Jul 1890, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 76 years). Gavin Stewart was a son of Duncan Stewart and Janet Dunlop in Glasgow, shown immediately above.
Gavin Stewart is found in 1841, age 25, b 1816 in Lanarkshire, residing in Norfolk, Kirkfield, Lanarkshire, employed as a foreman in a cotton factory, residing with his wife Elizabeth and newborn daughter.
Gavin Stewart is found in 1851, age 37, b 1814 in Glasgow, Lanark, residing at 18 Norfolk St., Gorbals, Lanark, employed as a manufacturings warehouseman, residing with his wife and children.
Gavin Stewart is found in 1861, b 1814 in Glasgow, residing at 92 Canning St, Bridgeton, Calton, Glasgow, employed as a manufacturing foreman, residing with his wife and children.
Gavin Stewart is found in 1871, age 56, b 1815 in Glasgow, residing at 125 Great Hamilton Street, Calton, Glasgow, as a widower with his children, and employed as a “washerwoman” (sic – probably a transcription error for “warehouseman”).
Gavin Stewart is found in 1881, age 67, b 1814 in Glasgow, residing at 123 Rutherglen Road, Hutchesontown, Glasgow, employed as a warehouseman.
Marriage and Children
Gavin Stewart married on 24 Sep 1839 in Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland to Elisabeth Bremner, b. 15 Sep 1810, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 1869, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 58 years). They had the following children:
1. Margaret Stewart, b. 23 Jul 1840, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 1896
Margaret Stewart, b. 23 Jul 1840, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 1896 (Age 55 years)
Margaret is found in 1841 as a 10 month old newborn residing with her parents.
In 1851 she is incorrectly recorded (or transcribed) as “Alexander, daughter, age 16” and is employed as a straw hat maker.
In 1871 she was residing with her parents and was employed as a “millamer”(?).
In 1881 Margaret was residing with her widowed father and her children. Her husband, Walter Brown, was not residing with them.
In 1891 Margaret is found residing at 270 Cumberland St., Hutchesontown, Govan, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, with her brother-in-law, John Brown (b1861 in Glasgow, employed as a joiner), and her three children. Margaret was employed as a feather cleaner and straw hat maker.
Marriage and Children
Margaret Stewart married on 5 Feb 1873 in Calton, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland to Walter Brown, b. 1844, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
, d. 5 Jul 1878, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 34 years). They had the following children:
- Elizabeth Brown, b. 1875, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- John Brown, b. 1877, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Walterina Brown, b. 1879, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Elizabeth Brown, b. 1875, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
2. Janet Dunlop Stewart, b. 25 Mar 1842, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 15 Jan 1912, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Janet Dunlop Stewart, b. 25 Mar 1842, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 15 Jan 1912, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 69 years).
Janet was residing with her parents in 1851 & 1861 and employed as a straw hat maker.
Marriages and Children
Janet Stewart married firstly on 6 Aug 1872 in Calton, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland to James Armour, b. 16 Feb 1841, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
, d. 1873, Glasgow, Scotland
(Age 31 years). They had the following child:
- William Myron Armour, b. 28 Nov 1872, Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 18 Dec 1953, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(Age 81 years)
- William Myron Armour, b. 28 Nov 1872, Govan, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Janet Stewart married secondly about 1888 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland to John Forsyth, b. 1853, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 1886, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 33 years). They had no known children.
3. Isabella Buchanan Stewart, b. 5 Mar 1844, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 1845, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Isabella Buchanan Stewart, b. 5 Mar 1844, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 1845, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
(Age 0 years).
Isabella is not found in any census records and is presumed to have died young prior to the birth of her same-named sister in 1851.
4. Robert Stewart, b. 9 May 1846, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 12 Aug 1919, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
Robert Stewart, b. 9 May 1846, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 12 Aug 1919, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
(Age 73 years).
In 1851 & 1861 Robert was residing with his parents and employed as a warehouse boy. There are too many potential matches in 1871 to confidently identify Robert.
According to James Stewart’s notes: “Robert. m. 1 Elizabeth McLean; m. 2 Christine Ross of Montrose. Children Evelyn & Marguerite in Newcastle upon Tyne.”
Marriage and Children
Robert Stewart married on 1 Jan 1893 in St. Nicholas, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England to Christina Ross, b. Abt 1850, Montrose, Angus, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. They had the following children:
- Evelyn Christina Stewart, b. 1890, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
, d. 1976, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
(Age 86 years)
- Marguerite Edith Stewart, b. 1892, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
, d. 1974, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
(Age 82 years)
- Evelyn Christina Stewart, b. 1890, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
5. Elizabeth Stewart, b. 24 Sep 1848, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 1928, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Elizabeth Stewart, b. 24 Sep 1848, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 1928, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 79 years).
Elizabeth was residing with her parents in 1861 and 1871 and employed as a housekeeper.
According to James Stewart’s notes, Elizabeth died without issue. She resided with her nephew, William Armour, in Broomhill, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
6. Isabella Ainslie Stewart, b. 13 Nov 1851, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 22 Mar 1885, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Isabella Ainslie Stewart, b. 13 Nov 1851, Gorbals, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 22 Mar 1885, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 33 years).
According to the Lednascridan Family Tree, Isabella married John Forsythand then died. According to James Stewart’s notes, they had two daughters who died without issue. John then married secondly to Isabella’s sister, Janet.
Isabella was residing with her parents in 1861 & 1871.
Marriage and Children
Isabella Stewart married on 29 Aug 1883 in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland to John Forsyth, b. 1853, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 1886, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 33 years). They had the following children:
- Elizabeth Bremner Forsyth, b. 1884, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Jeanie A S Forsyth, b. 1885, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Elizabeth Bremner Forsyth, b. 1884, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
7. John Bremner Stewart, b. 17 Jan 1855, Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, d. 10 Jun 1916, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Bremner Stewart, b. 17 Jan 1855, Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland , d. 10 Jun 1916, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 61 years).
John Stewart was known as Jake.
John was residing with his parents in 1861 & 1871 and employed as an “apprentice [illegible].”
In 1881, John Stewart was residing with his widowed father and employed as a joiner.
“As a member of the 10th Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers (Glasgow Highlanders) John (Jake) was present at Queen Victoria’s Edinburgh Review (“The Wet Review”) in Holyrood Park. 25 Aug 1881″
In 1901 John was residing in Craigmilu, Carmunnock, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with his wife and children and employed as a joiner.
John died in 1916.
According to the Lednascriddan Family Tree:
John m Charlotte Allan WEIR (1867-1965).
According to James Stewart’s notes, they had the following children:
1894 Gavin. m. Jane Ferguson. 4 children.
1895 Robert Sibbald Weir. m. Thomasina Cochrane Henderson. 2 children, 1 d.inf.
descendants not published for privacy reasons.
1897 John Bremner. m. Marjory Lumsden. Daughter Elizabeth.
1899 Greta Liddel Stewart. Dwi.
1903 Elizabeth B. m. Alexander Beveridge. One son Allan Stewart Beveridge.
1905 Gordon. Dwi. (Researcher of the family records).
1907 Charlotte A. W. m. David Newlands. No issue.
Marriage and Children
John Bremner Stewart married to Charlotte Allan Weir, b. 1867, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland , d. 1965 (Age 98 years). They had the following children:
- Agnes Stewart, b. Abt 1890, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Gavin Guy Stewart, b. 1894, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. Jan 1940 (Age 46 years)
- Robert Sibbald Weir Stewart, b. 10 Aug 1895, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 27 Mar 1990, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
(Age 94 years)
- John Bremner Stewart, Jr., b. 16 May 1896, Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
, d. 13 Jun 1996, Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland
(Age 100 years). John married Marjory Ferguson Cousin Lumsden, b. 23 Feb 1908, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
, d. Jul 2000, Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland
(Age 92 years). They hade following child:
- Elizabeth Stewart, b. 23 Feb 1939, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 6 Aug 2011, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Age 72 years)
- Elizabeth Stewart, b. 23 Feb 1939, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Greta Liddel Stewart, b. 1900, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. According to James Stewart’s notes, Greta died without issue
- Elizabeth Bremner Stewart, b. 1903, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. 1985 (Age 82 years). She married Alexander A. Beveridge, b. Abt 1900, Scotland
, d. 1985 (Age 85 years). They had one child:
- Allan Stewart Beveridge, b. Abt 1930, d. UNKNOWN
- *Gordon Stewart*, b. 1905, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN. According to James Stewart’s notes: “1905 Gordon. Died without issue. (Researcher of the family records).” Gordon Stewart was an accomplished amateur historian. Gordon was the author of the Lednascridan Family Tree. He also wrote “Stewarts in Old Balquhidder” published in Stewart Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1973. (Stewart Society)
- Charlotte Allan Weir Stewart, b. 1907, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
. According to James Stewart’s notes: 1907 Charlotte A. W. m. David Newlands. No issue.
- Agnes Stewart, b. Abt 1890, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland
6-Line – The Stewarts in Duart in Glen Finglas
6-Line of the Stewarts of Lednascridan resided in Duart and Grodich in Glen Finglas, in Callander parish, in historic Perthshire, Scotland. The reader is advised to read our Stewarts in Glen Finglas page in conjunction with this branch.
This family descends by unknown means from James Chrosts Stewart (b. ca. 1605, suggested grandson of Patrick Stewart, 1st of Lednascridan, shown near the top of this page).
A testament registered with the Dunblane Commissariate on 2 Feb 1665 for Agnes Stewart, “spouse to Patrick Stewart, in Grodich in Glenfinglas, par. of Callander” may provide a possible lead for us on the origins of this family. This Patrick could be about the right age to be a younger brother (or possibly a son) of James Chrosts Stewart, which could tie the early line of Lednascridan to Glen Finglas. However, there is insufficient information to know if this theory is correct.
The last line is described in Stewarts of the South as:
John Stewart, late tacksman at Duard (Duart), Glenfinglas. He is now a moss laird in good circumstances. He has one son:
- A brewer and innkeeper in Stirling in a good way. He has three or four sons.
There are only three John Stewarts in the 1814 Moss Census that are old enough to be grandfathers, one of whom can be shown to have lived previously in Glen Finglas, and the others can be eliminated, leaving the following family as the only one who fits the description in Stewarts of the South. The 1814 Moss Census shows this family as:
Drip Moss No10
Former Possessor: Alexander Bowie
Present Possessor: John Stewart, 74 yrs (born 1740)
Jean Stewart, 62 yrsChildren:
- Margaret, 38 yrs
- Duncan, 36 “
- Jean, 32 “
- Jannet, 30 “
- Elizabeth, 27 “
Persons deceased:
- Alexander Stewart 11/2 yrs 1786 Hives
- James 12 ” 1801 Nervous Fever
- Mary 3/4 ” 1792 Hives
- Catherine 19 ” 1798 Nervous Fever
Years Settled on the Moss: 27 years
Where they came from: Balquhidder
- Cats: 1; Dogs: 0; Poultry: 2; Swine: 0; Sheep: 0; Cows: 1; Horses: 1; Harrows: 1; Plough: 1; Carts: 1
From this information we can identify the earliest confirmed member of this line being John Stewart in Duart, shown below. Onomastics would suggest that John’s parents names were likely Duncan Stewart and Catherine (or Margaret), however this is unconfirmed. A near perfect match is found with the following family:
Duncan STEUART and Margaret STEUART in Stronvar Mor & Duart (Note: 5-Line was in Lednascridan and Stronvar Beg at the same time.)
- Robert STEUART, bap. 2 SEP 1731 in Sronvar Mor
- Alexander STEUART, bap. 8 SEP 1734 in Stronvar Mor
- John STEUART, bap. 7 JAN 1739 in Stronvar
- Anne Stewart, b. 10 Oct 1739, bap. 12 Oct 1739 in Duart
John Stewart and Jean Stewart in Duart & Drip Moss
John Stewart, in Duart, b. 1740, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland , d. Aft 1814 (Age > 75 years).
John is described in Stewarts of the South as being from Duart in Glenfinglas, but presently (1815) a Moss Laird (living on Flander’s Moss, Kincardine, Perthshire). He had one son who was described as a brewer and innkeeper in Stirling with three or four sons himself.
The marriage and children shown here are not confirmed but are an excellent match with the preceding description. The marriage shown here records John as being from Balquhidder parish and Jean from Callander.
This family is found having children from 1773 – 1784 in Groddich in Glenfinglas, which is very close to Duart. Then about 1785-ish they moved to Blair Drummond Moss.
They are found in the 1814 Blair Drummond Moss census residing at Drip Moss #10 and are recorded as having come from Balquhidder.
The fact that John and Jean lost four children after moving to the Moss, including all three who were born after they moved to the Moss, is a testament to the harsh living conditions on the Moss.
Marriage and Children
John Stewart married on 19 Dec 1772 and 8 Jan 1773 in Balquhidder and Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Jean Stewart, b. 1748, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. Aft 1814 (Age > 67 years). They had the following children:
- Margaret Stewart, b. 10 Nov 1773, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Duncan Stewart, Innkeeper in Stirling, b. 31 Jan 1776, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. UNKNOWN, Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
. According to Stewarts of the South, Duncan’s father, John, had one (surviving) son who was “A brewer and innkeeper in Stirling in a good way. He has three or four sons.” Baptism records show Duncan’s father, John, having three sons, however the 1814 Moss Census shows that two of those sons, Alexander and James, died young, leaving Duncan as the only surviving son. Duncan was not residing with his parents on The Moss in 1814 and thus could have been residing in Stirling as an innkeeper as described in Stewarts of the South. Thus, by process of elimination, it is suggested that Duncan was a brewer and innkeeper in Stirling with three or four sons ca. 1815-1820.
- Three or four sons.
- Catharine Stewart, b. 1 Feb 1778, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1798, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 19 years). Catharine is recorded in the 1814 Moss Census as having died at age 19 of “nervous fever”.
- Jean Stewart, b. 5 Jan 1780, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Janet Stewart, b. 20 Dec 1781, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Elizabeth Stewart, b. 6 Sep 1784, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
- Alexander Stewart, b. Abt 17 Sep 1786, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1786, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
. Alexander is recorded in the 1814 Moss Census as having died in 1786 at age 1-1/2 of hives.
- James Stewart, b. Abt 12 Nov 1788, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1801, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 12 years). James is recorded in the 1814 Moss Census as having died in 1801 at age 12 years of “nervous fever.”
- Mary Stewart, b. 1792, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
, d. 1792, Blair Drummond Moss, Kincardine by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland
(Age 0 years). No birth record has been found for Mary. She is recorded in the 1814 Moss Census as having died in 1792 at 9 months of age of hives.
- Margaret Stewart, b. 10 Nov 1773, Groddich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
None of these children have been identified in records after 1814.