The Stewarts in Portnellan

The History and Genealogy of the Stewarts in Portnellan on Loch Vennachar, Callander;
Branch VII of the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran, Perthshire, Scotland
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The Stewarts in Portnellan, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland

Branch VII of the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran

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VII Branch – Stewarts of Port-an-ealan

In Portnellan and Callander

The Stewarts in Portnellan were a cadet branch of the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran.  Please refer to the Gartnafuaran page for a full introduction.

Portnellan is a small farmstead on the north shore of Loch Venacher, just west of Callander.  Portnellan was formerly divided into two residences: Easter Portnellan and Wester Portnellan.  Portnellan on Loch Venacher should not be confused with Portnellan on Loch Katrine which is also located in Callander parish.  The name “Portnellan” comes from the Gaelic Port-an-ealan which means “Port of the island,” so named because of the small island located just offshore nearby.

Portnellan Island – Possibly the island where Rob Roy held captive John Graham of Killearn, factor of Montrose.

Portnellan Island has the distinct historical notoriety for being the likely location where Rob Roy MacGregor held Graham of Killearn prisoner — said to have been “on a small island in Loch Venacher.”  We know of no other small island on Loch Venacher that could have served as such a prison.

On an interesting side-note, Rob Roy’s right-hand man, called his “bailie”, was one Alexander Stewart, of unknown origin.  The dispute that gave rise to the abduction of Killearn took place at the inn at Chapel Larrock in Aberfoyle parish.  Chapel Larrock was the residence of one of the branches of the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran.  Portnellan was a Stewart of Gartnafuaran property.

This report was based originally on research conducted by our Fellow Researcher Belinda Dettman as presented in Belinda’s Stewarts of Portnellan Report, however this current article has been expanded beyond the original report.

This family is described in Stewarts of the South as follows:

Or what is called “the Port-an-ealan Stewarts”, [named after] a farm near Callendar on Loch Vennacherside, formerly the property of the family of Perth, now that of the Earl of Moray, and [was] held in tack by Stewart of Annat when belonging to the family of Perth.

  1. (“John Stewart”, who is not listed in the original text, but whose name is suggested, by onomastics, to be the father of:)
    1. John Stewart, late tenant there, left four sons:
      1. John, his successor pays �40 of rent
      2. James, [a] gardener in North America
      3. George, a gardener in Northampton in England (not found in 1841/51)
      4. Donald, [a] parochial schoolmaster in Doune and [a] student of Divinity (not found in 1841)
    2. Donald, brother to John, also tenant in the above place, left four sons
      1. John, his successor
      2. James and
      3. George, [who are both] gardeners in England.All [are] unmarried. Rent �40.
  2. George, their uncle, [is] a shoemaker in Callendar [and] has one son unmarried

This finishes the Stewarts of Port an Ealan – all well-doing and thrifty men.

This family is mentioned in the Appendix to Stewarts of the South as follows:

Missed, in the parish of Callander, the two farms of Portnellan [on] Loch Venacher side, between Cuilanteagle and Miltown

  1. Where two John Stewarts, cousins, tenants of Portnellan, of the Gartnafuaran family, at least they say so, industrious men, and pay each �42, [on] the Earl of Murray’s property, formerly [the property of] Perth.

The “Two Portnellans” (Easter and Wester Portnellan) shown on John Thomson’s 1832 map

The “two farms of Portnellan” referred to in the Appendix above were the twin farms of Easter and Wester Portnellan, shown on modern maps as a single farm named Portnellan.  John Thomson’s 1832 Atlas of Scotland shows the separate farms of Wester and Easter Portnellan.  (Shown at right.)

The earlier reference above to “George, their uncle” is misleading.  The Appendix identifies two John Stewarts who were cousins and both residents in the two farms of Portnellan.  However, the George Stewart who was a shoemaker in Callander was only the uncle of one of them (unless there is also an earlier George whom we have not yet discovered who was also a shoemaker in Callander.)

Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery lists the following grave inscriptions that apply to this family:

25         1859.  John STEWART, farmer (at) Portnelan, 1 AUG 1802, age 66, wife Janet DEWAR, 4 NOV 1827, age 70, son John, farmer (at) Portnelan, died 21 MAY 1833, age 42, son Daniel, banker (at) Doune, 21 MAR 1857, age 69, son Alexander, 10 MAR 1858, age 66, son John died (in) infancy, son William died (in) infancy, daughter Jane died 30 NOV 1866, age 80.  (Mitchell notes: this stone is in a row of post-1855 STEWART stones.)

31         James STEWART, farmer in —chic, age 91, by son Daniel.

32         George STEUART, feuar (at) Callander, died 1 FEB 1835, age 77, wife Janet MCVEY, 25 JAN 1843, age 73.

33         1823.  John STEWART junior, JUN 1806, age 48, by son Thomas in Portnellan.

34         pelican plucking its breast, in her nest (crest of the STEWART family).  Emblems of mortality.

Origins of the Stewarts of Portnellan

Stewarts of the South does not indicate how this family descends from the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran.  Belinda Dettman has researched this family back to a John Stewart in Portanealan who married in 1729 and whose eldest recorded  son, Thomas, was born in 1730, suggesting that Thomas was indeed his oldest.  As Thomas is not a forename indigenous to any branch of our Stewarts then it likely entered by way of a maternal connection or an illegitimate birth.  So, either this was John’s second marriage or his father’s name was Thomas.  Either way John was probably born no later than 1700.  So in connecting him to the main stem of Gartnafuaran the earliest possible branch is Alexander 8th, but more realistically Walter 7th.  However Walter’s children are fairly well accounted for and descent from there would still make this branch more senior than many of the preceding branches.  Since even the name John disappears from the main stem of Gartnafuaran and there’s no sign of Andrews or Walters among this branch it’s far more likely that they descend off of one of the previous cadets, perhaps even by a natural child.  So which cadet?

VI- Coille Mor is too far away, probably not.

V – Glenogle has been thoroughly accounted for by us already and it’s very doubtful that Portnellan would descend from Glenogle.

IV – Sean Rob has also been thoroughly accounted for.  Although Glen Finglas was not too far away, our accounting of Sean Rob doesn’t leave any viable room for an undiscovered cadet from there either.

III – Rob Duibh Mor in Strathyre and later in Ardcheanochdan is the first really realistic possibility where there are gaps in the accounting that might provide a place, but again we have a good accounting for the origin of this branch and it doesn’t look promising.  But this branch probably descends from a son of Alexander 5th in 1605 which doesn’t leave much room for the mutation of forenames — only a gap of two generations.  Possible, but not likely.

ii – Blairgarry is by far the most realistic looking candidate for Portanelan to branch off of.  We have only a thin accounting of the probably lineal male line and there are plenty of places for a cadet to branch off.  Also, Blairgarry was located just one km west of Portnellan on the north shore of Loch Venacher.  Geographically is the most likely candidate as well as chronologically.

probably descends from Blairgarry or possibly Rob Diubh Mor (but probably not)

Thomas is a McVey name – Thomas McVey b 1718 in PoM son of William

John Stewart in Portnellan

John STEWART, b. ABT 1700 in Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland of unknown parents.  He married on 29 JUL 1729 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland to Agnes MCVEY b: ABT 1700 in Perthshire, Scotland.  They had the following children:

  1.  Thomas STEWART b: ABT 2 AUG 1730 in Portisland, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland. 
    1. Thomas’ descendants are presented further below under Line 1 – The Stewarts in Easter Portnellan.
  2.  William STEWART b: APR 1732 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  As William appears not to have inherited either of the Portnellan farms then he presumably died young or emigrated.
  3.  John STEWART, in (Wester) Portnellan, b: ABT 3 MAY 1736 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland. 
    1. John’s’ descendants are presented further below under Line 2 – The Stewarts in Wester Portnellan.

Line 1 – The Stewarts in Easter Portnellan

 Thomas STEWART in Easter Portnellan b: ABT 2 AUG 1730 in Portisland, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Although Portisland (Portanealan) is located in Callander parish, Thomas was baptized in Port of Menteith.  Thomas married on 11 JUL 1755 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Janet SIMMIE b: ABT 1730 in Perthshire, Scotland.  They had the following children:

  1.  John STEWART in Easter Portnellan b: 10 AUG 1756 in Portisland, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “John Stewart, late tenant there (Portnellan), left four sons.”  John married on 1 AUG 1780 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Catharine FERGUSSON b: 22 JUL 1758 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, daughter of Patrick Fergusson and Elisabeth Buchanan.  John and Catharine had the following children:
    1.  Thomas STEWART b: 19 JUL 1781 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Thomas is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died young.
    2.  Elizabeth STEWART b: 25 OCT 1782 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    3.  Peter STEWART b: 21 MAR 1784 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Peter is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died young.
    4.  Janet STEWART b: 3 NOV 1785 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    5.  Margaret STEWART b: 16 APR 1787 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Malcolm’s OPR transcription gives her name as Margaret. Belinda’s notes say “Marian”.
    6.  John STEWART in Easter Portnellan b: ABT 1 MAY 1789 in Easter Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “John, his successor pays �40 of rent.” John is mentioned in the Appendix to Stewarts of the South as follows: “Missed, in the parish of Callander, the two farms of Portnellan [on] Loch Venacher side, between Cuilanteagle and Miltown. Where two John Stewarts, cousins, tenants of Portnellan, of the Gartnafuaran family, at least they say so, industrious men, and pay each �42, [on] the Earl of Murray’s property, formerly [the property of] Perth.”
    7.  James STEWART b: 10 APR 1791 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  James is described in Stewarts of the South as: “James, [a] gardener in North America.”
    8.  George STEWART b: ABT 5 JUL 1793 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  George is presumed to have died young prior to the birth of his same-named brother in 1803.
    9.  Mary STEWART b: 17 SEP 1794 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    10.  William STEWART b: 24 AUG 1796 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    11.  Alexander STEWART b: 21 OCT 1798 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    12.  Rev. Donald STEWART b: 3 JAN 1801 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland (UPDATE PENDING)
    13.  George STEWART, b/b 5/7 MAY 1803 in EASTER Portnellan.  George is described in Stewarts of the South as: “George, a gardener in Northampton in England.” George has not been found in 1841/51 census records.  This reference is problematic in that it is chronologically challenging (though not impossible) for George to have been born in 1803 and been old enough to be working as a gardener in Northampton at the time that Stewarts of the South was written ca. 1818-1821.
  2.  George STEWART, feuer at Callander, b: 30 OCT 1758 in Portisland, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  George is described in Stewarts of the South as “George, their uncle, [is] a shoemaker in Callendar [and] has one son unmarried.” However it appears that he is not the uncle to the children so referenced, rather he is their cousin. It appears that Stewarts of the South has the relationship incorrect. But given the very late marriage of John Stewart and the fact that his children were much younger than George Stewart’s, the confusion is understandable. It’s also possible that given the fact that George, although a first cousin, was much older, that John’s children may have referred to him as “Uncle George”. George is listed in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #32: “32 George STEUART, feuar (at) Callander, died 1 FEB 1835, age 77, wife Janet MCVEY, 25 JAN 1843, age 73.”  George is presumed to have married to Janet MCVEY b: 12 JAN 1767 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland although no record of their marriage has been found. They had the following children.  
    1.  Janet STEWART b: 18 AUG 1788 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Janet is presumed to have died prior to the birth of her same-named sister in 1794.
    2.  Margaret STEWART b: 09 MAR 1790 in Bridge of Cambus, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Margaret is presumed to have died young prior to the birth of her same-named sister in 1798.
    3.  Thomas STEWART b: ABT 31 MAY 1792 in Tarnduin, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Thomas is recorded in Stewarts of the South as being unmarried ca. 1815-1820. He is believed to be the Thomas Stewart found residing at Bridge End of Callander in 1851 working as a mason, with no family and shown as born 1793. However he is only three years different in age from his cousin Thomas Stewart, b 1795, so the possibility exists that it could be the other Thomas.  Thomas died in Callander in 1856 and is buried in Kilmahog.  His death was witnessed by his nephew, Robert McLaren, which would further suggest that Thomas never married nor had any children.
    4.  Jannet STEWART b: 23 MAR 1794 in Tarnduin, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Jannet married on 08 AND 18 MAR 1817 in Callander and Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland to Robert MCLAREN b: 25 AUG 1786 in Taylortoune, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland, son of Donald McLaren and Margaret Stewart.  Robert and Jannet had the following family:
      1.  Daniel MCLAREN b: ABT 03 JAN 1820 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      2.  David MCLAREN b: ABT 03 JAN 1820 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland.  David’s birth entry is not found in the IGI. The fact that he shares a common birth date with his brother Daniel and that he breaks onomastics may indicate that he was either a twin or that our Kilmadock transcription has an error and there is no David at all.
      3.  George MCLAREN b: 08 JAN 1822 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      4.  John MCLAREN b: 02 FEB 1824 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      5.  Janet MCLAREN b: 03 FEB 1826 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      6.  Robert MCLAREN b: 02 MAY 1828 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      7.  Agnes MCLAREN b: 13 MAY 1830 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      8.  Margaret MCLAREN b: 10 DEC 1830 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      9.  Elizabeth MCLAREN b: 17 APR 1833 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
      10.  Mary MCLAREN b: 24 SEP 1835 in Taylorton, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland
    5.  Anne STEWART b: 01 MAR 1796 in Tarnduin, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  According to descendant information, Anne Stewart married to Donald McLaren, “a spirit dealer in Callander.”  Anne married on 07 JUN 1817 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Donald MCLAREN b: ABT 1790 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, with Anne “from Callander parish” and Donald “from Balquhidder parish.”  They had the following children:
      1.  Janet MCLAREN b: ABT 08 JUN 1816 in Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
      2.  Ann MCLAREN b: 14 JUN 1819 in Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
      3.  Margaret MCLAREN b: ABT 22 SEP 1820 in Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
      4.  Mary MCLAREN b: ABT 24 OCT 1822 in Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
      5.  Joanna MCLAREN b: 13 JAN 1825 in Monachyle Tuarach, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland
    6.  Margaret STEWART b: 05 FEB 1798 in Tarnduin, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Margaret married on 01 DEC 1821 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Archibald MCINTYRE b: ABT 1790 in Scotland.  They had the following children:
      1.  John MCINTYRE b: 09 SEP 1822 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
      2.  George MCINTYRE b: 05 JUL 1824 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
      3.  Janet MCINTYRE b: 21 JUL 1828 in Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
      4.  Andrew MCINTYRE b: 09 SEP 1831 in Great Dow Hill, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
    7.  Jean STEWART b: 12 JAN 1800 in Tarnduin, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  According to descendant information, Jean Stewart married to John McLaren, “a shoemaker.” The Balquhidder parish register records: “1824 Feby ___ Contracted John McLaren in this Parish and Jean Stewart in the Parish of Callander. Dues 10p.”  Jean married on FEB 1824 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to John MCLAREN b: ABT 1795 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  They had the following children:
      1.  Robert MCLAREN b: ABT 09 DEC 1824 in Balmeanoch of Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  Robert and his brother George were twins with Robert specified as first-born.
      2.  George MCLAREN b: ABT 09 DEC 1824 in Balmeanoch of Glenbuckie, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  George and his brother Robert were twins with George specified as second-born. George is found in 1851 residing in Callander working as a shoemaker.
    8.  Mary STEWART b: 24 SEP 1801 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  According to family records, Mary never married.  However, it’s possible that she may be identical with her sister Marion below.
    9.  Marion STEWART b: ABT 1803 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  According to family records Marion married to John Whyte (of) Glendevon. Marion died in 1867 and her niece Ann Ferguson was witness. Marion is found in 1841 residing with her 65 year old husband John Whyte at #1 Callander. They are residing with Marion’s sister Elisabeth Ramsay nee Stewart (transcribed as “Ramsaur”) and Elisabeth’s children, Patrick and Ann. Marion is found in 1851 (transcribed as “Marron White”) residing at 18 West End, Callander, born in 1800 in Callander, shown as a proprietor of house and residing with her 7 year old niece, Ann Ferguson. Marion is found in 1861 at 16 Main Street in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland as a proprietrix of houses, residing with her 35 year old nephew, Robert McLaren. Marion appears to be widowed and is shown as born in 1802 in Callander. John and Marion appear to have had no children. Marion married on 10 MAY 1831 in Glendevon, Perthshire, Scotland to John WHYTE of Glendevon, b: ABT 1776 in Glendevon, Perthshire, Scotland.  It appears likely that John Whyte is probably the brother of James Whyte of “Devonhill” who married Margaret Stewart of the Auchnahard family and also resided in Callander and is also buried in Kilmahog.  John Whyte has not been found in later census records and is presumed to have died between 1841-51.
    10.  Joan STEWART, b ABT 1806 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  No birth record has been found for Joan.  She is found only in family records in which she is recorded as an unmarried daughter.  Her date of birth here is an estimate.
    11.  Catharine STEWART, b ABT 1809 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  No birth record has been found for Catharine.  She is found only in family records in which she is recorded as an unmarried daughter.  Her date of birth here is an estimate.
    12.  Elizabeth STEWART b: 09 FEB 1812 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Elizabeth married on 14 MAY 1832 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Patrick Rigg RAMSAY of Inchrye in Fife b: ABT 18 AUG 1810 in St. Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.  In 1841 Elizabeth was found residing in Callander with her children Patrick and Anne and her sister Marion Whyte.  Patrick and Elizabeth had the following family:
      1.  David RAMSAY b: 20 OCT 1832 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
      2.  George RAMSAY b: 08 AUG 1834 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
      3.  Patrick Rigg RAMSAY b: 26 NOV 1836 in Auchtertool, Fife, Scotland
      4.  John Francis RAMSAY b: 14 AUG 1838 in Callander Village, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
      5.  Anne Grace RAMSAY b: 09 MAY 1840 in Auchenlarich, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  3.  William STEWART b: 1 JAN 1761 in Portisland, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  William is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South and is presumed to have died young.
  4.  Agnes STEWART b: 12 APR 1763 in Portisland, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  5.  Margaret STEWART b: 2 SEP 1765 in Portnellan, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  6. Donald, brother to John, also tenant in the above place, left four sons
    1. John, his successor
    2. James and
    3. George, [who are both] gardeners in England.All [are] unmarried. Rent �40.

Line 2 – The Stewarts in Wester Portnellan

 John STEWART, in (Wester) Portnellan, b: ABT 3 MAY 1736 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  This John Stewart and family are mentioned in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery in Callander Parish: 25 1859. John STEWART, farmer (at) Portnelan, 1 AUG 1802, age 66, wife Janet DEWAR, 4 NOV 1827, age 70, son John, farmer (at) Portnelan, died 21 MAY 1833, age 42, son Daniel, banker (at) Doune, 21 MAR 1857, age 69, age 69, son Alexander, 10 MAR 1858, age 66, son John died (in) infancy, son William died (in) infancy, daughter Jane died 30 NOV 1866, age 80. (Mitchell notes: this stone is in a row of post-1855 STEWART stones.)  John married on 17 AUG 1782 in Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland to Janet DEWAR b: ABT 31 MAY 1752 in Annat, Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland, daughter of Donald Dewar in Annat and Janet Buchanan.  John and Janet had the following children:

  1.  John STEWART b: 8 OCT 1783 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  This John Stewart is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #25 as: “son John died (in) infancy.”
  2.  Jean STEWART b: 25 AUG 1786 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Jean Stewart is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #25 as: “daughter Jane died 30 NOV 1866, age 80.” From film 035-0898 deaths in Perthshire 1866. Death: Name: Jean Stewart, Annuitant, Single. When: 1866 Nov 13th at 0h PM Dalvey farm, Kilmadock. Calling: female 80 years. Father John Stewart, deceased. Mother Janet Stewart, M.S. Dewar. Cause of death, Heart disease. Informant Donald McNie, cousin present, Registration 1866 Dec. 6th.
  3.  William STEWART b: 25 AUG 1786 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  William is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #25 as: “son William died (in) infancy.”
  4.  Daniel STEWART, Schoolmaster and Banker at Doune b: ABT 27 JUN 1788 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Daniel’s baptism in the Callander OPR gives his mother’s name as “Janet Stewart.” Daniel is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemeter #25 as: “son Daniel, banker (at) Doune, 21 MAR 1857, age 69.” Daniel Stewart was Schoolmaster in Doune prior to becoming the banker.Mackay, in his book, Doune Historical Notes, cites that sometime around 1818 Daniel Stewart, schoolmaster in Doune, became secretary of the Kilmadock Parish Savings Bank in Doune. In 1840 he became the first Doune agent of the Glasgow Union Banking Company (later known as the Union Bank of Scotland). In 1852 a man named William Morrison broke into Daniel Stewart’s house by way of a window and stole a metal box containing just over �1000 (equivalent to about �60,000/$120,000 US/$150,000 Cdn today). The money was said to have been hidden under the schoolmaster’s bed. Morrison was caught and sentenced to 14 years transportation to one of the colonies. The indictment also identifies Daniel’s sister, Jean Stewart, as another victim of the crime; she had a thimble stolen.

    William Morrison – Robber

    Colleen Caygun, a descendant of William Morrison contacted us confirming that Morrison was tried and convicted on 21 Jul 1852 at Edinburgh and transported on 20 Sep 1856 to Australia and sentenced to 14 years. He was forced to leave behind a wife and two sons whom he never saw again. He eventually took a new wife in Australia and had a second family of 8 children whose descendants continue in Australia to this day.

    The 1841 census shows Daniel Stewart, b abt 1796 in Perthshire, res Doune School Lane, Kilmadock, occ teacher, residing with Janet McArthur, servant, age 15, and Alex McFarlan, age 6 (no relationship given).

    The 1851 census shows Daniel Stewart, b 1790 in Callander, res 6 Church St., Doune, Kilmadock, occ schoolmaster, with sister, Jean Stewart, b, 1788 in Callander, occ domestic, Ann Mclaren, b 1831 in Kilmadock, servant, Alexander McFarlane, nephew, b 1836 in Callander, scholar, and John McFarlane, nephew, b. 1840 in Callander, scholar.

    It would appear that Daniel never married nor had children.

  5.  John STEWART in (Wester) Portnellan b: 1 JUL 1790 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #25 as: “son John, farmer (at) Portnelan, died 21 MAY 1833, age 42.” It appears that John never married and had no children.  It is likely that this John is the second John Stewart referred to in the following reference from the Appendix to Stewarts of the South: “Missed, in the parish of Callander, the two farms of Portnellan [on] Loch Venacher side, between Cuilanteagle and Miltown. Where two John Stewarts, cousins, tenants of Portnellan, of the Gartnafuaran family, at least they say so, industrious men, and pay each �42, [on] the Earl of Murray’s property, formerly [the property of] Perth.”
  6.  Alexander STEWART b: ABT 27 MAY 1792 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander is recorded in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Kilmahog Cemetery #25 as: “son Alexander, 10 MAR 1858, age 66.”
  7.  Thomas STEWART b: ABT 6 APR 1795 in Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Thomas is not listed on the family stone in Kilmahog Cemetery and may have emigrated.
  8.  Ann STEWART b: 17 OCT 1797 in Easter Portnellan, Lower Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Ann Stewart is not listed on the family stone in Kilmahog, nor anywhere in Mitchell’s Monumental Inscriptions for Souther Perthshire. Ann and her husband, Alexander MacFarlane, are not found in Scottish census records for 1841 or 1851, but their eldest two children are found with their uncle Daniel in Doune. As they appear to stop having children in 1840 then either they died (though they’re not found in Mitchell), or more likely emigrated and left their young children in the care of their uncle to be sent for later. Their infant son, Daniel, either died young or presumably was still nursing and thus needed to travel with his mother.  Ann married on 24 DEC 1833 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland to Alexander MACFARLANE b: ABT 1800 in Perthshire, Scotland.  They had the following known children:
    1.  Alexander MACFARLANE b: 23 SEP 1834 in Portnellan, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    2.  John Stewart MACFARLANE b: 07 APR 1838 in Portnellan, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
    3.  Daniel MACFARLANE b: 03 APR 1840 in Portnellan, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland

Research Leads


25         1859.  John STEWART, farmer (at) Portnelan, 1 AUG 1802, age 66, wife Janet DEWAR, 4 NOV 1827, age 70, son John, farmer (at) Portnelan, died 21 MAY 1833, age 42, son Daniel, banker (at) Doune, 21 MAR 1857, age 69, son Alexander, 10 MAR 1858, age 66, son John died (in) infancy, son William died (in) infancy, daughter Jane died 30 NOV 1866, age 80.  (Mitchell notes: this stone is in a row of post-1855 STEWART stones.)

31         James STEWART, farmer in —chic, age 91, by son Daniel.

32         George STEUART, feuar (at) Callander, died 1 FEB 1835, age 77, wife Janet MCVEY, 25 JAN 1843, age 73.

33         1823.  John STEWART junior, JUN 1806, age 48, by son Thomas in Portnellan.


  1. John STEWART, bap 27 MAR 1761 in Port of Monteith, son of John Stewart and Agnes Morison (see below)
  2. John STEWART, bap 2 APR 1758 in Kilmadock son of John Stewart and Jean McCulloch
  3. John STEWART, bap 30 APR 1758 in Kilmadock, son of John Stewart and Mary Stewart

34         pelican plucking its breast, in her nest (crest of the STEWART family).  Emblems of mortality.


Possibly related:

15         by William STEWART, wife Elizabeth Morison, born 1828, died 9 OCT 1873, age 45, children: Margaret aged 25, James age 1 year, Peter age 4 years, Robert age 2 years, Alexander age 1 year, John age 22.  William STEWART for 49 years servant at Keir Estate, 1 APR 1897, age 75, wife Marion FINLAYSON, 30 MAY 1920, age 82, daughter Agnes, 9 OCT 1920, age 35.

16         crown over hammer.  John STEWART, late smith in Doune, died 1 NOV 1795, age 52, wife Margaret FERGUSON, 9 MAR 1821, age 75.  John STEWART, son Thomas 8 JUL 1844, (wife Mary CAMERON 1 APR 1837).  By William STEWART.

17         (next to 16)  AS IK. 1750. share and coulter.

John STEWART and Janet DOW/DOU (no marriage found)

  1. John bap 29 DEC 1700 in POM
  2. Androw bap 20 DEC 1702 in POM
  3. Andrew bap 1 MAY 1706 in POM
  4. Margaret bap 22 MAY 1709 in POM

John STEWART and Katrine MCKERRCHER, m 30 apr 1713 in Port of Menteith

  1. James bap 5 DEC 1714 in Port of Menteith
  2. NN bap 29 SEP 1717 in Port of Menteith
  3. Duncan bap 27 SEP 1719 in Port of Menteith
  4. Ketrine bap 7 MAY 1721 in Port of Menteith
  5. John bap 27 JAN 1723 in Port of Menteith
  6. James bap 27 JUL 1726 in Port of Menteith

James STEWART and Isabel Ferguson in Portnellan, m 15 NOV 1720 in Callander

  1. Mary STEWART, b/b 21/23 NOV 1721 in Portnellan, Callander
  2. Jannet STEWART, b/b 25/27 JAN 1723 in Portnellan, Callander (begotten in antenuptial fornication — this reference is strange since the parents were married in 1720)
  3. Jean STEWART, b/b 28/29 APR 1725 in Portnellan, Callander
  4. Isabel STEWART, b/b 17/20 DEC 1730 in Portneilan, Callander

John STEWART and Agnes Morison (m 1754 according to LDS member, cf m Agnes McCalpine 1 OCT 1740 in POM with no children recorded)

  1. Agness STEWART, bap 30 DEC 1744 in POM
  2. Christian STEWART, bap 21 FEB 1748 in POM
  3. Margaret STEWART, bap 25 MAR 1750 in POM
  4. James STEWART, bap 11 JAN 1753 in POM
  5. Mary STEWART, bap 2 MAR 1755 in POM
  6. Robert STEWART, bap 26 JAN 1759 in POM
  7. John STEWART, bap 27 MAR 1761 in POM

William STEWART and Christian STEWART in Portnellan, m 17 FEB 1766 in Callander

  1. Walter STEWART, b/b 18/21 DEC 1766 in Portnellan
  2. Agnes STEWART, b/b 23/27 SEP 1768 in Ardkinknokan, Callander
  3. John STEWART, b/b 5/7 SEP 1770 in Ardkenknockan, Callander