The Stewarts in Blairchoill

The History and Genealogy of the Stewarts in Blairchoill;
Branch X of the Stewarts of Glenbuckie, Perthshire, Scotland
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The Stewarts in Blairchoill, Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland

Branch X of the Stewarts of Glenbuckie

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Branch X – The Stewarts in Blairchoill

The Stewarts in Blairchoill were a cadet branch of the Stewarts of Glenbuckie.  Please refer to the Glenbuckie page for a full introduction.

The last branch of the Stewarts of Glenbuckie is a family who resided initially at “Blairchoill” on Loch Katrine.

Blairchoill means “field of the woods” and is described as being on Loch Katrineside.  No such place has been found.  However, later in the same article the author of Stewarts of the South refers to Robert Stewart in Blairchoill as “the above mentioned Robert of Branchoile” (emphasis added).  Thus it would appear that Blairchoill and Branchoile (Brenachoile) are the same place.

This family is introduced in Stewarts of the South as follows:

A natural branch from one of the Glenbuckies who had the twelve sons. 

There was one Robert Stewart, [a] tenant in Blairchoill, Loch Catharineside, [on] Burrel Drummond’s [estate] in Callander Parish, who had three sons.

The author says that Robert had three sons but in a later entry he corrects himself and adds that Robert had a fourth son (shown below).  The reference to “one of the Glenbuckies who had the twelve sons” refers to Patrick Stewart, 2nd of Glenbuckie, who had one lawful son and eleven natural sons.

We account for this family as follows:

Robert Stewart in Brenachoile

 Robert STEWART in Blairchoill b: ABT 1675 in Perthshire, Scotland.  Robert Stewart is described in Stewarts of the South as descending from “a natural branch from one of the Glenbuckie’s who had the twelve sons” (refering to Patrick Stewart, 2nd of Glenbuckie, who had one lawful son and eleven natural sons.) Robert is described further in Stewarts of the South as: “There was one Robert Stewart, [a] tenant in Blairchoill, Loch Catharineside, [on] Burrel Drummond’s [estate] in Callander Parish, who had three sons.” (sic – The author later corrects this and adds a fourth son.)  Robert had the following sons:

  1.  Robert STEWART of Leanachan & Blarcrioch and South Drumlich b: ABT 1705 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  2.  Walter STEWART b: ABT 1710 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  3.  John STEWART in Cuil-an-Arigh b: ABT 1715 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland
  4.  Son STEWART b: ABT 1720 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland

The descendants of each of these sons are accounted for separately below.

Line 1 – Robert Stewart in Leanachan, Blaircrioch and South Drumlich

The family of Robert Stewart in Leanachan, Blaircrioch and South Drumlich is presented in Stewarts of the South as follows:

Robert, the oldest, was [a] late tacksman of Leanachan in the Lordship on Monteith, Port [of Menteith] Parish, and of Blarcrick and Drumlichuarach, in the Braes of Balquhidder, and Strathgarrie.  Drumlickuarach belongs to the Earl of Moray, and was formerly the property of McGregor of Glencarnaig.  This Robert had a son, named

  1. Alexander, [a] late tacksman of Leanachoill, who had seven sons, all dead except two:
    1. Robert, late tacksman of Leanachoile, dead
    2. David, [who] died in the West Indies.
    3. John, [who is] in life, [and is] a writer in Glasgow.  (The following comment is brought forward from a later position in the original text.) John, the writer, was first the hope, and, afterwards, the ruin of the family.  He is indeed a shameful profligate rascal, although a decent gentlemanlike looking man.
    4. Alexander, a Lieutenant in the Army [who] died in the East Indies
    5. James, [who] died in the West Indies
    6. Walter, [who] died at home
    7. Charles, his brother is little better, and they now possess nothing of their former property – neither land nor money.

The reference above would imply that Leanachan and Leanachoill are the place.  We have been unable to identify either of these places in Port of Menteith parish.  Blaircrioch and South Drumlich are located in the Braes of Balquhidder at the far western end of the parish.  (See map at right.)

We account for this family as follows:

 Robert STEWART of Leanchan & Blarcrioch and South Drumlich b: ABT 1705 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, shown above as the eldest son of Robert Stewart in Blairchoill.  Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Robert, the oldest [son of Robert Stewart in Blairchoill], was [a] late tacksman of Leanachan in the Lordship on Monteith, Port [of Menteith] Parish, and of Blarcrick and Drumlichuarach, in the Braes of Balquhidder, and Strathgarrie. Drumlickuarach belongs to the Earl of Moray, and was formerly the property of McGregor of Glencarnaig. This Robert had a son, named Alexander.” Robert must have done well for himself as he was the son of a tenant farmer and raised himself up to be tacksman of three properties: Leanachan, Blarcrioch and South Drumlich (Druimlich-Thuarach).  Robert had the following son:

  1.  Alexander STEWART in Invernenty & of Leanachoill b: 1730 in Balquhidder or Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Alexander, [a] late tacksman of Leanachoill, who had seven sons, all dead except two.”  Alexander married on 28 FEB 1767 in Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland to Janet STEWART b: ABT 1740 in Perthshire, Scotland.  Her birth family has not been identified.  They had the following children:
    1.  Robert STEWART in Invernenty b: ABT 04 FEB 1768 in Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Robert, late tacksman of Leanachoile, dead.”
    2.  James STEWART b: ABT 02 JAN 1770 in Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  James is presumed to have died in childhood prior to the birth of his same-named brother in 1781.
    3.  David STEWART b: ABT 05 MAY 1771 in Invernenty, Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland.  David is described in Stewarts of the South as: “David, [who] died in the West Indies.”
    4.  John STEWART b: ABT 19 AUG 1772 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  John died in infancy.
    5.  John STEWART b: ABT 16 JUL 1773 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is described rather unflatteringly in Stewarts of the South as: “John, [who is] in life, [and is] a writer in Glasgow…. John, the writer, was first the hope, and, afterwards, the ruin of the family. He is indeed a shameful profligate rascal, although a decent gentlemanlike looking man.”
    6.  Alexander STEWART b: ABT 25 AUG 1775 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander is presumed to have died in childhood prior to the birth of his same-named brother in 1778.
    7.  Lieut. Alexander STEWART b: ABT 25 AUG 1778 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Alexander, a Lieutenant in the Army [who] died in the East Indies.”
    8.  James STEWART b: ABT 10 JUN 1781 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  James is described in Stewarts of the South as: “James, [who] died in the West Indies.”
    9.  Walter STEWART b: ABT 20 JUL 1784 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  Walter is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Walter, [who] died at home.”
    10.  Charles Dugald STEWART b: ABT 21 FEB 1790 in Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland.  Charles is described somewhat unflatteringly in Stewarts of the South as: “Charles, his brother is little better, and they now possess nothing of their former property – neither land nor money.”

Line 2 – Walter Stewart in The Offerans

This second line of this family of Stewarts is presented in Stewarts of the South as follows:

Rob, in Blairchoill, had a second son named Walter, formerly [a] tenant in Ardvorlich, who left:

  1. one son, now tenant in Offerings, [which is] part of the Barony of Lanrick, [in] Callander parish, formerly the property of Burrel Drummond, but now that of Sir Patrick Murray.  [This son] is an industrious, well-doing, farmer and who had five sons:
    1. Walter, a shepherd with MacFarlan of Coillechra, who has one son
    2. Robert, has emigrated to North America and has one son
    3. John &
    4. David reside at home with the father
    5. Robert died last year. (It is possible that there were two brothers both named Robert, but it is more likely that the author made an error here in the name of one of the two Roberts.)

    This farm of Offerings pays �120 Sterling, [which is] too dear.  The late Mr Rob Reid, Factor to Lord Breadalbane, left the marks of his finger here as the Devil did of old on the Temple. These land surveyors are commonly the scourge and grinders of the poor and [those who employ them] are no better.  I cannot make any comparison to them with anything that I have read in history except the mine searchers in Mexico and Peru.

We account for this family as follows:

 Walter STEWART b: ABT 1710 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, shown above as the second son of Robert Stewart in Blairchoill.  Walter Stewart is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Rob, in Blairchoill, had a second son named Walter, formerly [a] tenant in Ardvorlich, who left one son, now tenant in Offerings.” Comrie parish records reveal no indication of any Walter Stewart having had children while residing at Ardvorlich, so it is suggested that Walter must have removed from Ardvorlich prior to having children.  Walter had the following son:

  1.  Robert STEWART in Offerans b: ABT 1750 in Ardvorlich, Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland.  Robert’s first name is not certain. He is not identified by name in Stewarts of the South, but is described as: “one son, now tenant in Offerings, [which is] part of the Barony of Lanrick, [in] Callander parish, formerly the property of Burrel Drummond, but now that of Sir Patrick Murray. [This son] is an industrious, well-doing, farmer and who had five sons.” Onomastics would dictate that his name is almost certainly Robert, but we have been so far unable to identify this family in public records to confirm his name.  Robert had the following children:
    1.  Walter STEWART b: ABT 1775 in Offerans, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Walter is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Walter, a shepherd with MacFarlan of Coillechra, who has one son.”
    2.  Robert STEWART b: ABT 1780 in Offerans, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  Robert is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Robert, has emigrated to North America and has one son.”
    3.  John STEWART b: ABT 1785 in Offerans, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “John & David reside at home with the father.”
    4.  David STEWART b: ABT 1790 in Offerans, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  David is described in Stewarts of the South as: “John & David reside at home with the father.”
    5.  Son STEWART b: ABT 1792 in Offerans, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland.  The fifth son of this family is described in Stewarts of the South as: “Robert died last year.” But this reference makes no sense. It is possible, but unlikely, that there were two brothers both named Robert. It is more likely that the author made an error here in the name of one of the two Roberts.

Line 3 – John Stewart in Cuil-an-Arigh

The third line of this family of Stewarts is presented in Stewarts of the South as follows:

The third son, was John of this family, [a] farmer in Cuil-an-Arigh, who left two sons, who were both tenants in the above farm [in] Callander parish, [on] the Earl of Moray’s [estate], in which farm formerly were eight tenants, chiefly of the name of Stewart, and now there is only one tenant, who has also another adjoining farm

  1. One of his sons was Alexander, who died [as] a cow-feeder in Glasgow and left four sons
  2. The other, John, [is] now farmer in Spittle [in] Killearn parish [in] Stirling county, [which is] the birth place of the famous George Buchanan – which pays �100 of rent.  This John has five sons about himself [who are] all doing well.  Two of these [sons] [have] families, consisting of four or five sons each.

We have so far been unable to locate Cuil-an-Arigh.  We account for this family as follows:

 John STEWART in Cuil-an-Arigh b: ABT 1715 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, shown above as the third son of Robert Stewart in Blairchoill.  John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “The third son, was John of this family, [a] farmer in Cuil-an-Arigh, who left two sons, who were both tenants in the above farm [in] Callander parish, [on] the Earl of Moray’s [estate], in which farm formerly were eight tenants, chiefly of the name of Stewart, and now there is only one tenant, who has also another adjoining farm.” The reference to “the above farm” is unclear. It would appear to refer to Offerans (“The Offerings”), but we have no record of Offerans being a major settlement of Stewarts. The Callander OPR reveals very few Stewart births in Offerans. The actual location of Cuil-an-Arigh has not been identified.  John had the following children:

  1.  Alexander STEWART b: ABT 1740 in Cuil-an-Arigh, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander is described in Stewarts of the South as: “One of his sons was Alexander, who died [as] a cow-feeder in Glasgow and left four sons.”
  2.  John STEWART b: ABT 1745 in Cuil-an-Arigh, Perthshire, Scotland.  John is described in Stewarts of the South as: “The other, John, [is] now farmer in Spittle [in] Killearn parish [in] Stirling county, [which is] the birth place of the famous George Buchanan – which pays �100 of rent. This John has five sons about himself [who are] all doing well. Two of these [sons] [have] families, consisting of four or five sons each.”

Line 4 – The Stewarts in Coventry, Warwickshire, England

The final line of this family of Stewarts is accounted in Stewarts of the South as follows:

The above mentioned Robert of Branchoile had another son, who I forgot, who went to Coventry in England, [and] whose son was Sheriff of that county and some of his descendants are still there.  [They are] men of property and respectability.

 Son STEWART b: ABT 1720 in Blairchoill, Upper Strathgartney, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, shown above as the youngest son of Robert Stewart in Blairchoill. This son is not identified by name in Stewarts of the South but is described as: “The above mentioned Robert of Branchoile had another son, who I forgot, who went to Coventry in England, [and] whose son was Sheriff of that county and some of his descendants are still there. [They are] men of property and respectability.”

We have not been able to identify the descendants of this line

Research Leads

The following family partially matches with Robert Stewart in Offerans above and is not found elsewhere in our database: Robert STEWART and Christian STEWART, m 17/21 JUN 1774 in Balquhidder & Callander

  1. James 8 MAR 1775 in Balmeanach of Glenbuckie, Balquhidder
  2. Walter 18/20 MAR 1777 in Groddich
  3. David 23/25 NOV 1779 in Groddich, son of Robert and Christian S

Robert STEUART and Janet STEUART in Monachyle (Mor), Lechdanscriddan and Blarcrioch. Possible marriage 13 JUL 1716 in Callander.  There may be more than one family represented here. The reader should also see the contemporary family of Robert Steuart and Janet Steuart also in Lechdanscriddan for comparison.

  1. Duncan STEUART, bap. 28 JUL 1718, place not given.

  2. James STEUART, bap. 29 APR 1720 in Monachill

  3. Issobell STEUART, bap. 27 AUG 1721 in Monachill Mor

  4. Margaret STEUART, bap. 26 SEP 1726 or 2 OCT 1726 (double entered) in Monachoil Mor

  5. Robert STEUART, bap. 27 APR 1735 in Leidscritan

  6. Alexander STEUART, bap. 12 OCT 1737 in Ledscrittan (Fiona shows mother as Janet Stewart, but IGI shows mother as Christin Stewart)

  7. Robert  STEUART, bap. 24 FEB 1740 in Monachill Mor

  8. _____ STEUART, bap. 13 OCT 1742 in Marchfield (Blarcrioch)

Robert STEUART and Marjory STEUART in Lochearnhead, Lettir and proprietor/portioner of Monachyle (Beg). (May be two families here.  The Lochearnhead and Letter births are at the other end of the Braes from Monachyle and may be a separate family. See also Robert Steuart and Mary Steuart in Letter.)

  1. Issabell STEUART, bap. 30 MAY 1718 (location not given)

  2. Duncan STEUART, bap. 18 OCT 1720 (location not given)

  3. John STEUART, bap. 6 DEC 1722 in Monachoil Mor

  4. Alexander STEUART, bap. 16 OCT or 16 NOV 1724 (double entered) in Monachal Beg (mother not given, father given as Robert Steuart, proprietor of Monanchyle Beg)

  5. Robert STEUART, bap. 21 JUN 1727 in Monachoil Beg

  6. Alexander STEUART, bap. 22 JAN 1731 in Monachal Beg

  7. Marjory STEUART, bap. 28 AUG 1732 in Lochearnhead

  8. Margaret STEUART, bap. 6 FEB 1735 in Monachoil Beg

  9. Donald STEUART, bap. 5 JAN 1739 in Letter

John STEWART and Catherine STEWART

  1. Robert STEWART 27/30 APR 1778 in Offerans

James STEWART and Janet FERGUSON, m 8 MAY 1780 in Callander

  1. Alexander STEWART 27/29 1781 in Grodich
  2. Margaret STEWART, 8/11 MAY 1783 in Offerans
  3. Anne (twin) STEWART, 2/2 NOV 1787 in Offerans
  4. Janet (twin) STEWART, 2/2 NOV 1787 in Offerans
  5. Elisabeth STEWART, 23/25 MAR 1790 in Offerans
  6. Duncan STEWART, 4/6 NOV 1792 in Offerans
  7. Robert STEWART, 25/28 JUL 1798 in Offerans (mother Janet STEWART)


  1. Robert 1744
  2. James 1746
  3. Isobell 1750
  4. Duncan 1752
  5. Alexander 1754
  6. Duncan 1756
  7. David 1759 in Ardcheanochdan
  8. NN 1760


  1. Duncan 1756 in Callander
  2. Robert 1757 in Callander
  3. Alexander 1757 in Callander
  4. Alexander 1762 in Callander
  5. David 1763 in Duart, son of James and Janet
  6. Catherine 1765 in Balquhidder
  7. Robert 1765 in Balquhidder
  8. Margaret 1767 in Callander
  9. Jean 1767 in POM
  10. Janet 1768 in Balquhidder
  11. Son 1771 in Balquhidder
  12. John 1772 in Balquhidder

Alexander STEWART and Christian KING

  1. David 1766 in Corriechrombie, son of Alex and Christian King
  2. Duncan 1768

Robert STEWART and Janet BLACK

  1. Christian 1767
  2. David 1769 in W Ardcheanochdan, son of Robert and Janet Black
  3. Duncan 1771
  4. James 1773
  5. Isabell 1775
  6. Robert 1779

Duncan STEWART and Janet STEWART = Glenbuckie IX

  1. Peter 18/22 MAY 1785 in Callander Ardcheanochdan
  2. Duncan, bb 20/22 MAR 1787 in Callander E Ard…
  3. John, 12 APR 1788 in Callander Ard
  4. James 23/25 APR 1790 in Callander ditto
  5. Anne, 30/30 MAR 1792 in Callander ditto
  6. Donald 26 AUG/1 SEP 1795 in Callander ditto
  7. David 27 FEB/2 MAR 1798 in Ardcheanochdan

Duncan STEWART and Janet STEWART in Auchleskine and Stronvar, m. 7 DEC 1793 in Balquhidder and 10 DEC 1793 in Callander parish (Duncan from Balquhidder parish and Janet from Callander parish).

  1. John STEWART, bap. 14 NOV 1794 in Auchleskine

  2. James STEWART, bap. 29 APR 1796 in Auchleskine

  3. Margaret STEWART, bap. 16 FEB 1798 in Auchleskine

  4. Alexander STEWART, bap. 10 DEC 1799 in Auchleskine

  5. James STEWART, bap. 6 MAR 1803 in Auchleskine

  6. John STEWART, bap. 14 MAR 1805 in Auchleskine

  7. Donald STEWART, bap. 1 MAR 1808 in Balnluig of Stronvar

  8. Mary 13 JUN 1811 in Kincardine
  9. Isobel, 22 MAR 1814 in Kincardine

Robert STEWART and Elisabeth MCFARLANE

  1. David 1767 in POM

Robert STEWRAT and Margaret TAYLOR

  1. David STEWART 1792 in POM

Robert STEWART and Jean MCFARLAN in Aberfoyle

  1. David Stewart 1767 in Aberfoyle


Coventry, Warwickshire, England comprises the parishes of Holy Trinity and St. Michael.

The IGI contains only 886 Stewart births in all of Warwick.  The following are the only ones in Coventry, supplemented with 1851 census info


  1. Joane STEWARD, bap 20 MAR 1562 in Holy Trinity, Coventry

William STUART and Alice

  1. William STUART, bap 30 JAN 1723 in St. Michael, Coventry

Thomas STEWARD and Sarah

  1. Joshua STEWARD, bap 9 JUN 1754 in Holy Trinity, Coventry

William STEWART and Elizabeth

  1. Ann STEWART, b/b 10 APR/1 MAY 1785 in Great Meeting, Smithford St. Presbyterian, Coventry

Edward STEWART and Marth

  1. Richard STEWART, bap MAR 1788 in St. John, Coventry

Thomas STEWART and Mary

  1. Elleanor STEWART, bap 21 NOV 1788 in St. John Coventry
  2. John STEWART, bap 7 MAR 1791 in Holy Trinity, Coventry


  1. Joseph STUART, bap 6 JUN 1793 in Holy Trinity, Coventry

Richard STEWART and Catherine

  1. Richard STEWART, bap 29 DEC 1799 in St. Michael, Coventry


  1. Catherine STEWART, bap 16 SEP 1812 in St. Michael, Coventry

Charles STEWART and Phobe

  1. Catherine STEWART, bap 14 SEP 1816 in Holy Trinity, Coventry


  1. George Stewart, 32, b Coventry, labourer, son of widow Susannah Pyatt? 53 in St. Michael, Coventry. bap 22 APR 1818 in St Michael, Coventry (mother only given, appears illegit)

Alexander STEWART and Ann

  1. Ann STEWART, bap 26 NOV 1821 in St. Michael, Coventry

Archibald STEWART, b 1808 in Glasgow, res Barton Upon Irwell, Lancashire, England, brick layer.  Wife Mary b 1812 in Carlisle

  1. Thomas STEWART, b 1833 in Coventry (bap 13 SEP 1832 in Holy Trinity, Coventry, mother Eliz)
  2. William STEWART, b 1835 in Coventry (bap 13 AUG 1834 in St. Michael, Coventry, ditto)
  3. Mary STEWART, b 1847 in Eccles, Lancashire
  4. Archibald STEWART, b 1850 in Eccles, Lancashire
  5. Ann HETHERINGTON, b 1841 in Eccles, Lancashire, step daughter

James STEWARD and Ellen

  1. John STEWART, bap 20 FEB 1832 in St. John, Coventry
  2. Ellen STEWARD, bap 16 DEC 1833 in St. Michael, Coventry

Phillip Stewart, b 1790 in Ireland, box maker, res Coventry, wife Ann, b 1806 in Ireland

  1. Mary b 1841 in Coventry

Theophilus STEWARD and Elliot

  1. Theophilus STEWARD, bap 13 AUG 1844 in Holy Trinity, Coventry